I'm thinking of getting into Hearthstone, and I came from an MTG background

I'm thinking of getting into Hearthstone, and I came from an MTG background

Can anyone explain to me what the basic archetypes are for each class? I understand that Shamans have a lot of Overload spells that basically work like Echo, and that's about it

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Also I guess all creatures have wither and there's no such thing as blocking, which makes Taunt creatures really really important


came here to post this

The basic archetypes are
>More aggro
>A single stall deck
And like one or two control decks and then druid which is just ramp combined with another archetype.
Unlike magic it has no tutor or search function. No reshuffle function.
So you are entirely at the mercy of rng.
It's not a strategy based card game, it's a time waster.
You'd get the same experience rolling virtual dice, but hey. They have some neato card effects like the death knights

Hearthstone is irredeemably shit. Consider playing Shadowverse instead.

If you want another card game to play, just bite the bullet and play Yugioh.
I'd recommend Duel Masters but good luck finding someone to play it with if you don't live in Japan.
If you just want something to pass the time, Pokemon has a really solid TCG client with Android/iPhone crossplay. It's also easily has one of the best F2P models I've ever seen.

I've been playing since Naxx and it's really not a good idea to get into HS to be honest. The meta currently is extremely terrible and the most expensive it has ever been.


alright user tell me why I should play shadowverse

No, not wither, damage doesn't reduce their attack, just their health.

nah, shadowverse is irredeemably shit too now

Play the Elder Scrolls tcg instead. It's literally a better Hearthstone. Plus it doesn't have that gay nu-Blizzard cartoon asthetic.

Play gwent

Not that user but shadowverse is extremely generous with packs and the way you can earn them. Although for the past 3 expansions the meta has been worse than fucking Hearthstone so do whatever you want.

At least SV nerfs cards though.

It lets you bully cute elves.

You're unironically better off playing Yugioh instead
Hearthstone is irredeemable garbage that is impossible to get into these days

Forget about $$$Druidstone$$$. Play Shadowverse.

Nah. Eachtar get nerfed.

You take MTG

make it video gamey

prevent users from trading cards

and voila: a fantastic computer game, and you'll only have to spend 300$ on card packs every major content update to have fun or be competitive

>I came from an MTG background
Thats like getting into dice poker after chess

Hearsthone is a good intro game.

Games I absolutely can't recommend is basically Yugioh.

Take all the bullshit RNG from Heartstone and add turn 1 OTK combos to it and you got this hot pile of steaming shit.

Don't get into it, OP. It's a game with a really really low skill ceiling that will only frustrate you and leech a fuckton of money from you.

>I do not understand how to play Yugioh yet I still feel like I should share my opinion on it

this is the worst yugioh complaint I've ever seen in my life

How much money did you sink into MtG?
I want to understand the mentality of people who spend hundreds, often thousands of dollars on carton rectangles with shitty pictures on them.

This, honestly. You're going to end up spending more money, getting less enjoyment, and came out more angry.

>I want to understand the mentality of people who spend hundreds, often thousands of dollars on carton rectangles with shitty pictures on them.

multiplayer EDH is really really fun and I love making standard homebrews


The OP said they come from Magic, so Heartstone will probably be a lateral move. Not sure why you're even talking about Yugioh to be honest.

Card games are a hobby. Spending money on cardboard is no better or worse than spending it on model airplanes or show tickets or fine dining or stamps or video games.

You pay money and you get to spend your afternoons or weekends at a social event having fun playing a game and talking with people.

Unlike most other hobbies, you also have the chance of winning prizes, and the cardboard holds some value so you can resell it later to help justify the cost.

Best post. Switch from MtG to HS is like going from dota to LoL. It's brain dead retarded

You just had to list the saddest things as counter-examples, huh? Videogames are infinitely more complex, varied, interesting, and don't cost gorrillion dollars per card (DLC equivalent, I suppose?)

What's sad about broadway and $200 wine?

>Videogames are infinitely more complex, varied, interesting, and don't cost gorrillion dollars per card (DLC equivalent, I suppose?)
But card games are complex, varied, and interesting. Are you sure you're not biased here?

I have a job and I love playing edh with friends. As for the shiny pictures. I have absolutely no qualms about dropping hundreds of dollars on those rare black foil Planeswalkers solely because there's a limited amount of them and my having them means another person literally cant have them.
And that feeling brings me the greatest satisfaction

Hearthstone is brainless garbage. If you like MtG, try Eternal instead. It's basically MtG with keywords that could only work in a online card game. Gwent is fun as well, but very different.