People who call skyrim an RPG

>people who call skyrim an RPG

>you role
>you play
>you game
>somehow not an RPG

It's more of an RPG than something like Gothic, that's for sure.

It's more of an RPG than games like Witcher or Deus Ex by a huge margin.


More of an RPG than Morrowind or New Vegas.

I don't understand why JRPGs are called RPGs. You don't do any roleplaying in them.

Oh boy here it comes

What roleplaying do you do in Skyrim?

Why are larian such jews?
>Kickstarter for a sequel to a game they already kickstarted

It is an ARPG.
It is not a CRPG.

Why do you care they went with the superior one?

>zero agency in how you play the game - you're just a passive avatar following a linear path
>hours of endless 2D cutscenes with bizarre and annoying text which your avatar cannot interject or influence
>turn based fighting - you literally can't use your weapon when you want, and when the time is right, the computer does it all for you
Honestly, why people think this is roleplaying compared to something like Skyrim, I'll never know.

You still control toons in them and progress them

Why ? because you can customize the appearance/sex/race/background of your character ?

If yes you're part of the reason all those recent "RPGs" are action games with stats.

>Ask publisher for money
>You must change your game to appeal to the masses
>You must be more like Skyrim
>You must cut these complicated features, they don't appeal to casuals
>The elves aren't sexy enough
>The lizards are too alien, change them
>Nobody plays undead, don't waste your time

Larian made the correct choice

You don't do any role playing in Skyrim either.
"Role playing" isn't simply controlling a character, it's being able to alter one's behavior and actions to play a role. It's more of a mental thing.

I think the only recent game that allows role playing is Original Sin.

But Gothic IS an action game with stats.

Skyrim isn't even an arpg, it's just an open world game.

>Mario is a RPG now.

More of an RPG than Baldurs or Planescape: Torment.

>Skyrim ARPG