Quick Sup Forums aliens have arrived on earth, and demand that we, as humans...

Quick Sup Forums aliens have arrived on earth, and demand that we, as humans, show them the greatest work from every medium to prove humanity's worth to the Galaxy.

It falls on YOU to show them the single best video game ever produced on earth.

What game do you show them?


Superman 64


sonic 06 so they can just end us

Don't worry guys, I've got this.

As someone who strongly dislikes weebshit, Automata could only be done as a game and it would be great

Jurassic Park Interactive



you deserve an anal probe

Final Fantasy VII



13th post best post



>still no x-com


I want to fuck an alien woman

Dungeon Keeper

third post tho

What's wrong with your faaaaace

X-Com (1993)

Earth Defense Force 4.1


Not 2016. 1993.