>bioware could make a sequel to this gem
>instead they make shit like andromeda and anthem
What gives?
>bioware could make a sequel to this gem
>instead they make shit like andromeda and anthem
What gives?
Other urls found in this thread:
JE was great fun
Too bad the setting is underused in video games
>wanting nu-bioware to taint their only good IP
Don't give them any ideas.
And Jade Empire was kind of their last gasp anyway, the game was crippled by consolitis.
Let Old Bioware rest in peace.
Couldn't agree more
I so want a modern martial arts rpg. Nioh doesn't count, neither does absolver cause it's multiplayer bs.
How can they make a sequel? Not even 1 person left from that bioware is still at bioware.
Well you never know, it might turn out well. If it's based on asian culture/wuxia again, it'd be quiet hard to throw in their sjw crap
ancient china needs more games
>wanting modern bioware to make a jade empire sequel
>china makes games
>its full of political bullshit, made up history and sensors
>murica makes chinese game
Still can't believe this is the only BioWare game you can have a threesome with your squadmates. The one in Dragon Age Origins doesn't count.
said no one ever
why do you so badly need to be triggered that even reality isn't enough?
Id rather Bioware get EA'D and all their IP's sold off, desu.
Today on “shit that never happens“
>said no one ever
>recent death note series put out
>rewritten to be in america
>leads are a white kid for light and a black guy for L
literally everywhere was "WHITE WASHING!!!! REEE"...
So yes, this would indeed happen. Hell even that damn chinese mythical wall movie where they had westerners come in to help defend it from the creatures had people bitching about white washing. And it was written/directed and cast with Chinese...
what video game are you talking about?
if we get a game like this it needs a goddamn flying guillotine. I don't care if it's just a boss weapon it needs to be there.
Why not play actual Chinese games.
They are translating some of them now.
China decided to try and appeal to the western market.
+ Many Chinese indie games are realy good and probably even surpass some western ones.
>old Bioware was willing to let you have a three-way with two women, even if it was cut to black
I miss Old Bioware. Modern Bioware would condemn pic related as the result of some satanic ritual.
This. Ancient Chinese setting with a focus on martial arts and mythology has a huge amount of potential.
>korean mmo from a different brand of asian
>EA selling IPs
Sweet summer child
Anthem isn't even out yet, why are people shitting on it this early?
Because nu-Bioware don't get to decide what game they're going to make next.
>why are people shitting on it this early?
Because we already know modern Bioware is making it and that's reason enough to assume it will be shit.
>insert a post about how SJWs is ruining the industry and some more buzzwords
it's a pipe-dream user, i know.
They'd still manage to fit in a black guy and make him the kang of the biggest dynasty. We wuz kungfuz n shiet.
Is that the one that was released just recently on steam? Might consider pirating it.
>wanting to play mmo garbage with japanese anime graphics
Jade Emprie's appeal is that it is an action rpg in a Chinese mythological setting without japanese anime art.
this was great back in the day but i would fucking hate to play it again now
>modern bioware
>implying they would'nt make a shit game regardless of the IP
>implying it wouldn't be full of SJW crap
>implying ME:A didn't bomb so fckin hard that the next game will be Bioware's last
the game bombed so Bioware won't make a sequel
people will only buy games with white faces not chinky, which is ironic considering Bioware's SJW beliefs
I actually started playing it this morning desu
the 320p was jarring to say the least. I really just want a full blown remaster updated to today's graphics desu senpai
it was fun but the plot was disturbingly copy paste from KOTOR
Why do people pretend JE was good?
The battle system was shit.
The cast was boring and completely forgettable.
The story was okay at best.
The setting was the only good thing about it. It is one of Bioware weaker titles.
I replayed it last year. It's pretty mediocre and it has aged like milk. The only worthwhile part of the game is the closed fist ending.
>Game lets you have a lesbian threesome
Yeah I wouldn't want modern Niggerware to mess up this game by forcing you to have sex with two uggos (black women)
That's not even remotely correct
looks like a generic candy coated color coded loot n rooty toot shooter.
also known as gay skinnerbox garbage.
>>Game lets you have a lesbian threesome
Excuse me, what?
Spoilers, obv
>bioware could make a sequel to this gem
No, no they could not. The Bioware who could make that sequel is long dead.
Jade Empire legitimately was one of the worst games they ever made
It was not only blatantly unfinished but the vast majority of the characters was boring, the combat simplistic even by bioware standards and the world and setting just got dropped off a cliff halfway through
Is there ANY reason to go open palm? Fuck the celestials.
>fight one of the bad guys
>turns out he's zombie
>use your kung fu powers to bind him to yourself
>your team doesn't like it and are threatening to leave
>use your kung fu powers to make their bodies obey your commands while their minds remain their own
>use them to slaughter everyone for your own personal gain
>reach the dragon and she frees your team from your control
>kill them all
game is fucking amazing
I guess shallow motivations like that are a decent explanation reason of how people are able to look past the braindead combat and gameplay and still call this trashheap and good game.
>play around with one the guys
>guy gets interested in you
>say that you are also interested in him
>him asking "really?"
>say "no lol, i was just joking. not gay"
>that guy gets mad, just sticks with you because of the mission but will barely talk back from that point on
Best was the destroying the furry heaven though
none of the same people are still working there
why does this game get so much praise
it's mediocre at best
haven't tried Jade Empire In Style but it looks pretty good
>at the temple, fighting bastila
>beat her
>she tells you that you are revan
>"i am revan"
>jolee and the cat jedi get mad
>team up with bastila and kill them
>bastila becomes your cumslut
>return to your team
>"i am revan"
>carth runs off like a little bitch
>mission doesn't like it and wants to leave
>make zaalbar cut her head off
>the fucking animal actually does it
mass effect killed bioware
This. I loved old Bioware games, but nostalgia glasses aside, Jade Empire was a pretty weak game really. The story was kind of okay, but unpolished, the same Bioware problems of going evil was that you went retard evil, not sublime evil, the party member were meh, the game mechanics just as much.
This was not a good game. It was an okay one.
>those titty fox spirits
what did bioware mean by this?
>at the pirate cave
>pirates sell a girl to a slaver
>kill the pirates
>slaver says he owns the girl now
>girls mother asks me to kill the slaver and free the girl
>fuck that
>give the girl a knife and tell her to earn her freedom
>she kills the slaver
>says that she enjoyed feeling his life fade away
It's super obvious when playing it that the game was designed primarily for a gamepad.
A large part of it is the setting. How many games are there out there taking place in feudal China? How many of them are RPGs?
a major problem with the way they portrayed evil is that the closed fist and open hand strategy were presented as equivalent and not necessarily good or evil in lore at the start
then by the end of the game as closed fist you're kicking puppies for fun
at least with Kotor you had the excuse that in the star wars universe the dark side literally is stupid evil
some people have been calling Absolver a “spiritual successor“ to this
what's up with that, isn't that one just a multiplayer brawler?
People who say that are fucking retarded. Absolver just has kung-fu moves. It's absolutely nothing like Jade Empire. They aren't even the same Genre.