Why was the last Baldur's Gate thread deleted?
Why was the last Baldur's Gate thread deleted?
Please take this thread to vg.
>please don't discuss video games on a video games board
why? the first thread got 500+ replies
Vg is there for a reason, To continously talk about said game.
see also
get back to whatever shithole you came from
bhaal was possessing a variety of avatars to dispense his godhood, therefore it's not incest
>finally get Imoen into my party with Imoen romance
>she's both fun and sweet, has lots of banter and is genuinely worried about you
This mod is so cute.
I wrecked that chick.
First one hit bump limit. Second one archived
>yfw you will eventually have to rape her to progress with it
i started the second thread after the first one started autosaging, then it was delted by mods with like 30 replies
I got friendzoned because I kept trying to bang her every chance I got. Ended up looking at a guide.
>tfw I cant even romance in videogames.
> this one right? It's in the archive
>you will never empty yourself deep into Aerie's throat, feeling her throat tightening around your manhood as she swallows your thick load of seed
Waifu in the op make threads autosage
doesn't change the fact that it was closed while being on the front page
What is your problem?!
mine bugged and stayed in ogre form
What the fuck is vg?
>t. the man with no taste
In Pillars, I kinda did stuff and followed the main quest, until I got to the 2nd big town, all woodenlike and stuff. But I still haven't done any dlc, or a lot of my followers quests, do I get back into the main town, I asked a while back, and they said I was near the end.
you are indeed near the end of main quest, do side stuff and dlc now
But didn't they close off the main city? Can I just wander back inside?
>you will never empty yourself deep into Aerie's ogre throat, feeling her throat tightening around your manhood as she swallows your thick load of half-orc seed
Imoen would be sexier if she was fatter.
Can't you just try it instead of asking dumb questions?