"battle royale" game

>"battle royale" game

>Battle Royale game
>no underage japs to pick
>no limited weapons on the island (one for each player)

We get it, you don't like pubg.

>random face with blank expression

Great post anonymous

Are you American, bro?

I'm definitely not your bro, bro.

>battle royale game is "good" because it's popular

>random face

which battle royale game is this?

I have a feeling this is just the beginning of the genre. There are gonna be a billion of these PUBG rip-offs.

>Moba game

>that filename

The hit new PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds
All these threads about it tell me it's an excellent game!

>join server
>match starts
>spawn as the fat kid, low speed and stamina
>sprint like fuck out of spawn, bullets start whizzing past
>check bag
>weapon is a single throwing dart
>keep running
>step into danger zone
>head explodes
>cheerful orchestral music plays as they announce your death
would play

Allah bless you

Next time when you betters talk to you, you just answer the question like a good bro, bro.

Not a true battle royale game until you hear beat takeshi berating you on the megaphones.

>>random face

there's nothing fundamentally wrong with the battle royale concept

sure is cooler than running around in a 30x60 meter map like almost every other fps multiplayer game for the last 24 years

There's already a ton of them. If you mean the big companies taking a shot at it, then yeah that will probably happen. They will probably fail spectacularly because they'll miss the entire point.

>battle royale game
>lacks everything that makes battle royale fun

Why do you all hate Battle Royale games?
They're just Deathmatch games on a big map.
Imagine playing Quake or Unreal Tournament on maps the size of an open world game landmass.

>there's nothing fundamentally wrong with the battle royale concept

its basically the "open world survival horror" steam kickstarter-bait meme but on steroids.

Nothing good will come out of it. Nothing.

>tfw there will never be a game like this because casuals will always complain about rng

Tons of people are playing it and having fun. Its an entertainment product, if people are entertained then good has already come from it. But you're a drama queen sky is falling chicken little faggot.

>mad at things they don't have to buy or play

>'Battle Royale' game
>Not based on the japanese cult-favourite novel of the same name where 40 highschoolers murder eachother written about 30 years before the hunger games

>Battle Royale
>Is just a Arma mod made four times

more hitler

>hero shooter game

The novelty of battle royale is that it's school children who know each other intimately and the fact that they have randomly assigned items of wildly varying usefulness.

PUBG is fun enough but it doesn't really have any of what makes BR such a charming concept. The problem with multiplayer games now though is that everyone wants the reports audience because every 12 year old thinks they can go pro like their favorite streamer so having strict balance has to be prioritized over interesting gameplay concepts.

>children screaming in rage
>wow faggot you must have autism
>kill yourself autistic faggot

>Edgelord nazi Sup Forums users
This shit again

>"Battle Royale with Cheese" game

but it's not even remotely similar to early access open world survival crafting games
pubg is early access, yeah, but that's not inherent in the genre.
calling BR games "open world" is really pushing it
its not survival as in "fill meters to not die", it's survival as in "be the last man standing by any means" - calling BR games survival games is like calling CS:GO or R6S or any other 1 life shooters a survival game
and there's no crafting in pubg, at the least. other BR games do have crafting but usually don't have grinding, making it fairly easy to create items

most importantly it's actually fun. there's something to do. there's an end game - win. there's no winning in survival games.

>Game lets the good guys win

who's the kike in the pic?

>random face

that's Goebbels you fucking nigger, show some respect

Good shit


I mean the games are stupid. Where is the story?! how can a game be good if it doesn't follow a narrative? What sort of person wants to just play around foolishly.
I mean its a GAME, there should be lore and a story that guides me from start to finish. A

Also what is with the player vs player aspect? Why is such toxic masculinity not only encouraged but completely focused on as a game design decision?

daaamn, aryan ubermensch look like THAT?

>show some respect

and to believe there were niggers who fell for your obvious fucking bait.

Hitler, Goebbels and Göring seem like they were genuinely nice guys. Himmler seems nice too, but I get the feeling he wouldn't really talk much.

PlayerUnknown's mod of Arma was called Battle Royale, you fucking dweeb.

inb4 you are still going to argue this to save your shitty ego

>explaining the origin of the term 'Battle Royale' used to describe large, open worlded games in which multiple players hunt eachother down with what they find in the world and what they start with.

How am I a dweeb for explaining this for people who might not know?

someone call the scientists, someone managed to create a perfect vacuum over here

Oh, I thought you were saying that even though it's a battle royale game, it's not based off of the manga/book/movie of the same name. Sorry.

apparently he was a real pushover of a guy. He certainly looks low test af.

he was also jewish

>he knows about the manga and movie
All is forgiven, my child

Never heard of DayZ, Rust, or the dozens of other games like them, you fucking nigger?

most of them were

I thought the point of those games was to survive, but not necessarily kill everyone else.

DayZ and Rust are open world survival games with no finite end game. Battle Royale games are exactly like their namesake: Find weapons and either actively hunt other people or try to survive to the end of the match in an area that gets progressively smaller over time forcing you to eventually fight.

>pubg hate bait thread
>anons discussing nazi party structure
only on Sup Forums where the pic is more interesting than the topic

>two people comment about gooballs looking like a beta kike
>"omg only on Sup Forums do we see such hella ep*c derails, just like in those screencaps from r/Sup Forums! :)"

>implying pubg is interesting
>implying pubg isnt even a game it is just a joke

/pol absolutely BTFO