Dragon Ball FighterZ


*Characters listed from their initial appearance, of course including later stuff.
*This only takes into account moveset quantity(including transformations and potential support stuff), not moveset uniqueness.
*Moveset source must be manga for DB/DBZ(primarily) and anime for OVA/Specials/Filler/Movies/GT/Super. Games are complementary only.
*Being able to fly(in some way) and fire ki blasts(this doesn't mean having a dedicated ki button) is a requirement until a character that doesn't have either or both gets in.
*Yeah, lots of Super characters have potential, but they must first show more moves.

-Kid Goku(flight with Nimbus)
-Roshi(flight with Gamera)
-King Piccolo
-Base Goku

-Kid Gohan
-Base Vegeta
-Imperfect Cell
-Future Gohan
-Majin Vegeta
-Super Buu
-Ultimate Gohan
-Kid Buu

TV Specials/OVAs:

Anime Filler:

-Lord Slug
-Meta Cooler

-Kid Goku (GT)
-Baby Vegeta
-SS4 Goku
-Super 17
-Nuova Shenron
-Omega Shenron

-Merged Zamasu

Other urls found in this thread:


Wrong already.
come on nigger. already confirmed not happening.
>Multiple gohans
really nigga?
>Base forms
His ass is regulated to Ginyu's attacks like the rest of the GF.
Ha nah.
>Anything but broly from the movies.
I don't want him either but they just showed a new broly so It's bound to happen. they are missing a fuck huge character to fight for a standard fighting game character.
Not in a fucking million years.
The best you are going to get is Hit and Merged Zamasu.
Hell Beerus as a secret character you can only fight.
And that's if they allow anything outside of fucking Z.

Super is in and Black will be DLC


Why not wait until they actually announce something before making the same threads repeatedly?


We already know we're getting Ultimate Gohan.


of badly animated filler


>>Multiple gohans
>really nigga?
You have a problem with that?

I want roshi, ribrianne and ss4 gogeta

These three are the only ones I want. Tien and Yamcha are likely the next reveals too.

Soon hopefully.
>that moment when he showed up and saved Dende and Satan from Buu
Still the best thing to come out of the Buu saga.

what if the other gohan is saiyaman with videl as assist

and people say Super has good animation

Sorry faggots but no edgy drunk with power smug as fuck Ultimate GODhan, no buy baby.

Also we /chadhan/ now

I am catching up on Super because of these threads. One thing with the Zamasu arc is bugging the Hell out of me, why the fuck did they kill off Future Bulma instantly? Considering History of Trunks is canon, they could have easily had a moment since Vegeta went to the future with Goku and Trunks.
This was the Bulma that hadn't seen him in years

The entire Zamasu arc was honestly wasted potential, I would argue that Gohan would've made a better Black.

He should've just sealed Buu in a rice cooker and ended things.

>not Goten

why the fuck would he take Goten's body? Gohan would make sense since Zamasu killed that Goku before he became SSG, Gohan technically is the strongest fighter besides Kid Buu at the period

manga does it a bit better


Besides, the dynamic between Black and Trunks would've been much more emotional if it was Gohan instead of Goku

Are you really going to keep making a fool of yourself by including GT characters?

God I hate Bulma. What a disgusting sloppy slut. I bet she that Sayan primate ravage her while she was wearing her wedding dress and Yamcha was crying in the corner. How can a single person be so disgusting and why does everyone treat it like something normal?

>says the guy who cant read

the Manga did alot of things better in the Black Goku arc. Vegito's Hakai > making the attack from Super Android 13 canon. Black also had cooler techniques like the portal punches

Holding my own hand, now what?


Fuck off, no one wants ultimate cuckhan

>mad superbuucuck because he will never get in
Ultimate CHADhan sends his regards faglord

Bulma is cute! CUTE!

>list of potential characters

yup read it correctly

Any other Farmer mains ITT?

His fights against Raditz and Android 20 were pretty hype

Do I think Super Buu is going to get in? No. If we get another Buu it's going to be Kid Buu, Super Buu would be DLC if he ever got in but I don't even think that will happen. He would be a better pick than Kid Buu but Kid Buu is more popular. That still doesn't change anything. No one sane wants Ultimate Cuckold in the game. Plus, Buu is already in. I can't wait to BTFO you retarded gohanfags during the beta.

Being cute is no excuse for cheating and bearing children with genocidal alien maniacs.

she doesn't need an excuse

Roshi's episode was last week. This week is about Vegeta's giant head



>tfw Trunks' ass is fatter than his mom's

She's a woman. An invader who is really strong showed up and it made her get wet so she fucked him. This happens all the time in real life, especially during war time.

>no one sane wants ultimate godhan

WRONG. Enjoy getting destroyed in the beta cuck

Saiyans probably have smaller dicks than humans, assuming Saiyan males just pick a mate and the female has no say in it.


>No one sane wants Ultimate Chadhan in the game.

The Zamasu that became Black made the wish after he met Goku and saw SSBKK on GodTube.
At that time, Gohan was a laughable pushover

Emphasis on Sane. CHADhan spammers are not sane. My point still stands. You better get that anal ointment ready, gohanshit.

t. thinly veiled caulifla cuck

Don't be so judgmental, user.

>CHADhan spammers are not sane.
Says the guy who thinks that Chadhan will not make it into the game.

Sorry but everyone loves CHADhan except for a few butthurt cucks because GODhan makes them angry, you're getting Ultimate SMARThan and you WILL like it



PC because I don't have either an Xbone or PS4, but PS4 is the correct choice

>already posting buutenks webms

Like clockwork, pathetic.

Fuck Ultimate Gohan, we need the Gohan that actually deserves the spot

Who cares? Bulma has a fucking horrible personality, that is in-universe her most defining trait, even above being rich and a genius. Yamcha is better off without her. Vegeta works with her because his awful personality overpowers hers. The only injustice is that Yamcha never found a nice girl to get married to and have a family with, that was all he really wanted.

>if you don't like gohanfaggots you are a waifufag
See? Not sane.

I never said Ultimate Gohan wouldn't make it in. I said no one sane wants him in the game.

>Ultimate SMARThan
>acts like a retard and jobs because of it

kill yourself puar



We don't need Ultimate Gohan, we have a better one

>mad lanklet btfo

edgy smug Ultimate GODhan is best gohan user
keep crying cuck, Ultimate GODhan IS getting in

Literally who says this?

Reminder that Ultimate Gohan wouldn't be anything interesting to play.

>no taunt where gohan calls his opponent a retard

Calm down there

when did you realize that Super Buu was actually the biggest jobber villain of all time?
he basically never even comes close to winning a fight

Gohan has the most disappointing arch in the entire series. What a fucking waste of potential

>when did you realize that Super Buu was actually the biggest jobber villain of all time?
>he basically never even comes close to winning a fight
But he beat Gohan, Gotenks, Goku, and Vegeta. The biggest jobber villain is Cell. He really didn't do much and he died really quickly.
>become perfect
>beat vegeta
>fight goku
>he quits
>fight gohan

Not his fault that his opponents were a SSJ3 fusion and Godhan.

>this is buu now

Back to La India nigger, time to shit on the streets


He one-shotted Trunks.

>cuddling with Satan while GODhan saves the multiverse

Pretty sad desu senpai

>buu takes a nap while gohan has to cuck himself out in a tournament

>cuck himself out
Sorry but GODhan is doing great fag

>forced to resort to cheating
>job again anyway
>cheat again
>job again
>cheat AGAIN
>job AGAIN

Super Buu is actually just pathetic

Super Buu only jobbed against Gohan and Vegito. Also if getting a power up is considered cheating you may as well call Gohan and Goku and Vegeta Cheaters as well.

Actual potential roster

>Goku Blue
>Vegeta Blue

>Super/Kid Buu

If movies,
>Future Gohan

>fight two jobbers and win
>gohanfags start gloating over this


>a fight

Think Goku loves from most to least

Gohan (Grampa)
Gohan (son)
His other friends

>Super will die in your lifetime

Swap Vegeta with Goten.

Swap Chichi with Bulma, and put Piccolo above Chichi


fusing with your opponent when you're losing is not really a normal power up
its cheating because its stealing someone else's power by being sneaky basically the same exact way that copying someone else's answers on a test is considered cheating
Cell basically does the same thing BUT at least they knew he was going to do it and both Krilling and Vegeta could've stopped him easily if they weren't so stupid

You're probably right.

Add special beam cannon
I always found it really adorable that he had that in games
Same with Trunks having Masenko

A power up is a power up is a power up. Super Buu just outsmarted Gohan and used Gotenks to his advantage by using his unique powers of being able to absorb things. Do you also call Cell a cheater for absorbing 17 and 18? Gohan must have cheated because he didn't even gain his power up on his own accord. He sat still for 24 hours and got a power boost from the Elder Kai. Goku and Vegeta needed a Deus Ex Machina from those same kais to fuse and beat Super Buu.

Goku definitely cares more about Goten than Vegeta you fucking retard.

>can't transform while fighting
>transformations are seperate characters

I want this trend to die


He frequently forgets Goten exists, while he goes out of his way to spend a lot of time with Vegeta. He doesn't give a fuck about Goten.

Hoping for Bardock.
Go to bed Pedro. Namek Gohan is best Gohan anyway, go eat a dick.