Is it really that bad?

Is it really that bad?

Yes, but not really for the reasons some people claim. It was clearly rushed and recycles zones, but combat is alright outside of absolute SHIIEET encounter design due to wave reinforcements.

>that was a promotional screenshot

it literally looks like a PS1 game...

It's the one good Dragon Age game.

In retrospect? Not really, Inquisition showed that they could go even lower

It has some decent characters and story bits, and the combat is arguably an improvement over DA:O, but it's really marred by the things mentioned

Wow. I haven't gotten this mad over a post in a very long time. Kudos.

Outside of the Hinterlands, DA:I is better than DA2.

Prove it

the writing is absolute hot garbage

You are very mistaken. It has has the best writing of any bioware game at least

they are all shit so yea maybe

I unironically consider this in my top 5 WRPG. The class balanced is largely improved from DA:O where mages were pretty much the only fu class to play in mid to late game. The cross-class combos were fun and forced you to keepo your party diverse. The story was a huge breath of fresh air form the generic WRPG save-the-world story they usually shit out. And the characters were the best part, feeling like actual people who had a life outside of your adventures and who were actually friends with Hawke. Too often it feels like party members were stuck with the main characters because of the situation they're in. But the cast in DA:2 actually felt like they were genuine friends and actually wanted to hang out with each other.

Nah nigga. 2 was much worse. Inquisition at least had level design and best girl.

What happened to this series? DA:O wasn't a perfect game but it was decent fun. I felt like DA had a lot of promise.

t. child who has never actually played a PS1 or PS2 (which is what it actually looks like)

>The story was a huge breath of fresh air form the generic WRPG save-the-world story they usually shit out.
Not exactly what you want in the middle of a a series about saving the world.

It was never great. The game was always so far up Tolkien's ass that it should be in the grave with him. The gameplay is slow and clunky, and none of the characters are great. It was always a mediocre computer game that console users hyped up because it was the first few okay computer games on console in a while.

lol good joke

The writing is a lot better when you paraphrase it but playing through the game itself you realize how bad it is and how poorly executed and rushed everything was

The story had potential but its obvious that the lead writers just gave the job to their interns so they could focus on writing swtor and mass erect. It is an extremely badly paced game and some of the events happen illogically just to have them happen

2 happened.

It's not as bad as v likes to make it out to be but it does have some serious flaws. The game can be fun in areas and the overall concept is good but they throw it away by heavily flanderizing some characters, focusing to much on the 3 act structure and making the combat challenge to focused on simple dpsing rather than strategy


They already saved the world. The bad guy was already defeated. Why not do a sequel set in another age? Do an Age of Iron, or an Age of Blood, or something else. Revisiting this one age seems redundant.

one of the worst games of all time. anyone who likes this game even a little bit is 100% reddit, neogaf whatever. no one who is a true Sup Forumsirgin would ever like this piece of shit

What was illogical about it?

You have to understand the context in which it was released. Bioware was still decent. This was the sequel to DA:O, which for all its faults was a competent RPG with a feel it was made by RPG fans. Then suddenly this amateurish effort is released. The writing is mostly cringey, the feel of the established setting is not there, production values are low. It's exactly what you wouldn't haven't expected from a Bioware game. Also the gameplay was horrible. Now people have just resigned to the fact that Bioware is crap and are happy if they release something at least decentish.

Story is mediocre but I like the lightheatredness of it. No need to save the world or travel across a continent. Just you in a town doing your own thing. Too bad it hadn't much variation regarding the epilogue and that Gaiden's novels and DAI rendered DA2's role in the big conflict Mages vs. Templars meaningless.
Many say the gameplay is better, but I never liked how they cut back on the tactics menu and unlike DA2 there are no mods to enhance them.

DA 2 was a failed attempt at making a good game
DA:I was a (somewhat) successful attempt at making a shitty game.

DA2 premise > DA:I premise
DA:I execution>DA:2 execution , but who cares how well they can execute a bad idea?

The world wasn't saved. What happened was a temporary fix with leads to a possible solution nd some intrigue.

Then 2 comes along.

I used to think it was terrible until I played Inquisition. At least this one had a few good moments

da2's premise was absolutely terrible you fucking nigger faggot subuhman. go back to fucking reddit or better yet kill yourself. RED LYRIUM RUINED DA2. THE PREMISE FOREVER DESTROYED THE LORE. INSTEAD OF HAVING A REAL MORAL DILEMMA BETWEEN MAGES AND TEMPLARS IT'S FUCKING LOLOLOLOLOL TEMPLARS CAN BE CORRUPTED TOO ROFLMAO fuck you, you stupid fucking nigger. YOU are the reason rpgs are shit in 2017

>DA 2 was a failed attempt at making a good game
Like hell it was. There was nothing about 2 that would have ever lead it to being a good game.

Didn't the god-baby ensure that the world was saved? Frankly the ideal story should've been that Loghain becomes a grey warden and redeems himself in the end by sacrificing himself to save the world, Alistair pisses off to be king with the king's widow, you travel the world to recruit more wardens with the lady of your choice, and everyone's happy with no need for a godbaby.

I've just started a playthrough of the first game since it was on sale and I never played the DLCs back in the day, I've now done like one main quest and most of the DLC content and I'm already burnt out, also got an OP setup of my guy and the rest (respec mod) and every encounter is cake now even on nightmare.

Is it worth pushing through and continuing through to Awakening?

Technically, yes. Enemies are spammed and not strategically placed. Graphics were downgraded and AI behavior was watered down. Being able to choose your race and origin story from the first game to being forced to play this one character in the second is dumbfounding.

>game shoves how evil the templars are down your throat at every second
>literally every mage except you and your sister, even the main mage, turned into a fucking blood mage. There are no regular mages in that city
>if you choose to side with the templars literally everyone hates you
>fans praise this for being "morally gray"
>yet the game doesn't hint at any intentional moral grayness, choosing templar is obviously something an "evil" character is supposed to do

also the fucking archmage was suddenly revealed to have killed your mom (for no real reason) AND be a powerful bloodmage, despite denying it throughout the entire game and having NO REASON to freak out like he did. That fight at the end was shoved in so the players could "press x for awesome" a little bit more
also, Anders' complete 180 in character was the most dumbest fucking thing. He's a completely different character in Awakening and they explain it after it happened.

>game was always so far up Tolkien's ass


The fact that you don't like it doesn't make it illogical, user.

Yeah, that confused me as well. Didn't get that vibe at all.

>Didn't the god-baby ensure that the world was saved?
Nope, it was just a potential. Awakening established that there was a bunch of unknowns and people were basically hoping for the best.

Ah, never played Awakening.

kill yourself, redditor biodrone

Arishok stuff was pretty cool

Not an argument.

neither is being a cocksucking nigger licking shill but you still do it anyways KEK

blood magic isn't inherently bad, mongoloid. Hawke and the Warden use it and everything works out fine.

Still not an argument.

>blood magic isn't inherently bad, mongoloid.

t. demon.

get the fuck out my country gook

t.ignoring argument

Hawke and the Warden used it to good ends.

The games don't actually address either using blood magic, which is always shown to have some kind of side effect.

Seriously lads, is it worth bothering to actually finish DAO and play Awakening if I'm already at the point where the game is super easy?


compared to origins yes, if it wasnt a dragon age game its an okay game

While it may or may not have been better than DA:I, DA2 was at least better than Andromeda

4 bucks wasted then

i think the problem was because shepard was space jesus for all the mass effect games people were expecting warden jesus with morrigan but they threw that all away, and people dont like when their expectations are not met

You can start awakening directly if you really want to try it

Don't you have to export your guy? My guy is already OP but he's only like level 13.

You'll create a new warden that's from orlais and the game will assume your origins character sacrificed himself against the archdemon

ah, maybe I'll just keep playing and maybe it'll click.

Kind of realizing I may actually not really like RPGs, despite remembering enjoying the game back in the day.

Any ideas for how to make it more fun? Maybe try solo play and not have two ultra high damage dual wield warriors and a perfect healbot following me all the time, though I guess it would get boring without the extra run speed from haste.

It was a pretty good game that had its problems. Nothing more or less.


To be fair it's a very overrated. I loved it when it came out but now I only see a piss easy, shallow and stretched out broken mess

This is the most reddit-tier post ITT. DA2's blunder had nothing to do with expectations. It had everything to do with shit combat and class design, shit role playing elements and mechanics, shit encounter design, shitty writing and story execution with awful humor, character development and bad fantasy TV show fanfiction-tier pacing and structure.

Well I mean, I think the problem with the genre in general (exempting action RPGs like Dragon's Dogma or Souls games) is that there isn't reallly much skill involved, the only reason I'm able to absolutely beast the game is because I know how to get really strong really fast and certain exploits (like getting double stat gains in Fade), which in turn ends up removing all challenge.

The game is easy without exploits though

Yes, but now it's even easier, I pretty much just did it because I could.

>Anders' complete 180 in character was the most dumbest fucking thing.
Originally Velanna was going to be a companion, but she got replaced by Anders, and the plot made for her switched hands to him. While completely changing Anders' character was a sad necessity, the alternative would be having two dalish female mage companions. Also, most people hate Velanna, and liked Anders.

>literally every mage except you and your sister, even the main mage, turned into a fucking blood mage. There are no regular mages in that city
This is simply untrue. Many mages were normal. The veil is weak in Kirkwall, however, and so they are at higher risk of possession.

>the fucking archmage was suddenly revealed to have killed your mom (for no real reason) AND be a powerful bloodmage
He didn't kill Leandra, Hawke's mother. An apostate friend of his did that. It was that apostate friend who submitted his research to the Archmage, and the Archmage used it in a moment of desperation to try and destroy the Templars.

>yet the game doesn't hint at any intentional moral grayness, choosing templar is obviously something an "evil" character is supposed to do
I chose to kill the mages. I believe it was the right thing to do. Of course, when you choose to execute every mage in a city, it is hard to call it "moral." Just like it is hard to ignore the corruption of the Circle in Kirkwall and call helping mages "moral." So yes, the game is a choice between two sides which are both flawed and corrupt, which makes it "morally gray."

>lets prove mages aren't terrorist by blowing up a government building
>Not all mage are blood mages...we're gonna prove that by being blood mages!
10/10 writing

Blowing the building was meant to force the mage to fight

It's one of the two games I've fallen asleep mid-gameplay. Not because it kept me up all night or anything cool like that, I get lethargic when I'm bored. Even grindcore MMOs have more to keep tabs on to retain attention.

And this is why you should always kill all of them, except whichever one you use to keep you hasted

>Red Lyrium in the dwarven thaigs beneath it
>was the slave trade main hub in the Tevinter days
>the streets literally form a giant arcane symbol according to those codex entries from a sidequest
>implies Kirkwall was the very location the original Magisters entered the Fade from
It's not really a big mystery why so many mages go blood mage in Kirkwall, that whole damn city is evil down to its roots. It's like build on a indian burial ground type shit there.

That was fucking stupid considering the only way they win or get a stalemate is when a third party intervenes on their behalf. other lovely tidbits
>I'm gonna use this obviously evil mirror to save my clan despite everyone telling me not to because no good can come from it
>oh look it backfired like everyone said it would
.but its okay I'm so quirky and innocent so everybody babies me.

>Forcing a conflict by killing innocents
>Not being a terrorists

Pick one.

Yes, it was that bad. So was Merril, if only there was an option to kill her more.

>don't talk with demons
>talk with demons more

Game suffered due to having such a short developement cycle, but I liked the main cast and the story was decent enough to keep me interested.

>That was fucking stupid considering the only way they win or get a stalemate is when a third party intervenes on their behalf.
It's like being possessed by a vengeful spirit doesn't help you when it comes to making rational decisions

But he knew what he did was wrong...? He was even okay with you killing him.

its worse

dont even bother, I tried replaying it 2-3 times throughout the years thinking "well it couldn't have been THAT bad" and I proved myself wrong every time

Basically this. Other user wanted to hate the game so much that he couldn't look at it objectively. The choices ARE morally gray.

Yeah but you assume his goal was to prove mages weren't terrorist when it was to force a war

But that's fucking stupid if you're gonna be a successful terrorist organization or movement you need people to actually follow you and money to supply your efforts a plan after that.Not just one day out of the blue blow up a building and let all hell break loose especially when the people you're targeting are way more organized and zealous than you. that's common sense if you want your people to be free.

It grew on me. I've got more hours in DA2 than origins and inquisition combined. That said, Inquisition had a more satisfying ending with trespasser.

Merrill was cute af


Is Inquisition worth suffering through again just for Trespasser?

Trespasser is pretty damn good. I'd say it is, just try not to bore yourself by doing everything in every zone and shit.

I thought it was a nice little bow to wrap things up which, considering how open the original ending was, was pretty nice. Is it worth playing through the whole game, though? Probably not. Just load up a finished save and play the dlc only. Trespasser happens after a timeskip anyway.

Terrorists, regardless of there motives or beliefs, are defined by the use of violence to achieve their goals, violence against weak or vulnerable targets. Anders killed a group of priests and some people praying.

By killing him he believed he would become a martyr. Just like a suicide bomber believes he will become a martyr for dying for his cause.

just cheat and give yourself power to skip the shitty mmo stuff

Merril was annoying as fuck, and about as cute as an ayy lmao can be which isn't very cute.

Nope. I liked it, I liked the story and characters, I found it compelling. Not my favourite DA game, but I liked it.

His goal was to start a war, which he did.

That doesn't excuse you from being an idiot my point still stands you could want revenge and still be smart.
But no one stood behind me or used him as an example

I would do that but I lost the Origin account I had DA:I on and EA tech support was impossible to work with. Will probably need to do a new playthrough, and give making an attractive female qunari another try

Hey, you fags arguing about Anders, have any of you got that image where its the chantry blowing up and his face is plastered around it?

I haven't played Inquisituon, but it looks just, all the way around. The dialogue, the world/setting seems off and counterfeit for some weird reason, combat is nearly hack n slash, cast looks like tumblr version of an actual DA cast, even down to the character icons in the top left screen...EVERYTHING just seems bad.

Which only ends favorably when a third party like Hawke and the inquisitor steps in on their behalf and act as a mediator.