What would you do to fix this game? How would you make it the greatest Elder Scrolls game in the series?
What would you do to fix this game? How would you make it the greatest Elder Scrolls game in the series?
A Karma system.
If you break into houses and night and steal too much it should eventually come back to bite you in the ass.
By not having a shit combat system even witcher 3 has a better combat system
They had thugs come after you every now and again if you stole. It ended up just being free loot and xp tho.
I want to see Daggerfall tier dungeon crawling. That shit was bonkers.
>even witcher 3 has a better combat system
witcher series has the worst combat i have ever seen in a video game, skyrim is OBJECTIVELY better in this aspect
Explain to me how that was fun in Daggerfall though
Yeah, no. It was a pretty weak excuse for a Karma system. Even Fallout 1 and 2 had decent Karma systems. Not just local Karma but there was a hidden global Karma tally that would haunt you wherever you went and straying too much into either the light or the dark could make future acquaintances frown upon you.
Diverse content explained through time bending akin to what they did with dragons and shiet
rempedcombat system. Two attack types bound on two buttons, consuming stamina to execute locking you into the attacmk animation without swin correction or any of that nonsense that lets you or the enemy rotate midswing with weapons haveing actual movesets.
storys that aren only about politics or family problems
morepoint of interest. Shit like huge towers, actualy castles or something completely alien
hardcore mode plus, thirst hunger temperature light crafting to treat wounds, being locked ibnto animation when treating wounds with potions or bandages make it more about gameplay and less about exploration freindly it need to go full action with exploration intact
>Fixing/tweaking/adding to the core mechaincs of combat, magic, and stealth.
>Add more enemy variety
>Create more complex dungeons
>Add more choices among the guilds and main quest as well as improving their writing.
Theses are the biggest things I would do initially; most of which have mods that provide a bandaid over the issue, but not quite fixing it.
Kill Todd
You don't like dungeon crawling, that's alright. Morrowind and up was made for children like you.
Skyrim combat was still the best combat yet in any of the Elder Scrolls games.
pls no
The exploration is literally one of the only things that TES is good at. They tried an action adventure thing with Battlespire and it was terrible.
>npcs are ragdolls
>melee combat feels like shit
>spells are just boring
Witcher 3 just excels at everything that I just mentioned it's dare I say it actually """fun"""
Woah now
needs interesting content to explore in the first place they can barely deliver as seen in eso. If they cant deliver shit to explore at least make what you have interesting mechanicly that means gameplay needs to be ramped up
port it to switch
A lot. I've thought about doing mods for it but the result would basically be a new game from the ground up. At the forefront though
-Bigger towns
-Non-shit quests. Ditch radiant system for a limited number handcrafted, higher quality quests. Better writing.
-Better Civil War; have the factions you lead actually matter. For example, if you become archmage you have the option of sending mages to support a given cause. Ditto if you become the leader of the Companions. Siege equipment and the ability to recruit giants. Actual battles beyond simply dashing into enemy strongholds and being a one man army, with the choice of assaulting Windhelm by sea and a hunger system to make siege warfare viable. Actually require the player to eat and sleep.
-Have the race you are actually matter. People treat you differently if you're an Argonian who tries to enter Windhelm than if you're a Nord.
-Complete Dungeon Overhaul. This is a big one and why simply modding shit wouldn't work. All of those repetitive Draug dungeons need to go.
remove level scaling. change the leveling system to not be so fucking casualized. fix enemy AI. less boring quests that basically amount to quicktravel here, kill these dudes, maybe pick up an item and you're done. interesting caves and dungeons. other than a couple counterexamples most of the caves were boring as fuck, with either no or very simple puzzles. fix the problem with quest items having to stay in your inventory, i hate that at the end of the game i had like 40 pounds of useless shit stuck in my inventory that i can't fix.
if you did even a couple of these, the game would be miles better.
But then what if you lose the quest items?
then youre fucked. good thing the game has homes and containers to store things