how is it?
Now that the dust has settled
Is it out yet? I just wanna play the campaign desu
>buying CoD for the SP
I like you
Oh I'm not going to buy it
3rd nov
Is that the PS3 version
graphics look like WaW but less crisp.
smgs are the only viable weapon so it's pretty boring
>Game not even out
>Dust has settled
Thats not how this works
wow graphic is shit
I think AW has the best graphics of the CoD games, how could they fuck this one up so much
Thats what ive been saying.
Everything looks so dated,the textures are low rez the fucking geometry in the world is non existent.
even for PS4 standards, they're shit
I think that this CoD is going to be the most successful one in a while. Hear me out...
I'm about 26. When the very first CoD and CoD2 were hot shit I was a young teenager. I spent shitloads of time at LAN parties playing this, and loads more playing with my friends on their 360s and such and such. It is something I have deep nostalgia for, and even if the games aren't super great my nostalgia does make me like them even if it is a little irrational.
I think a lot of people my age are in the same boat. We fondly remember Call of Duty from "when it was good" ages ago and resent all the futuristic bullshit it turned into.
Then you have another camp of people. They're quite a bit younger, and they were playing Call of Duty after MW1. To them Call of Duty is a modern franchise that has kept pushing further and further into the future, and they've enjoyed it for exploring new settings.
So the older kids like me are looking forward to a return to WW2. Honestly, this is the first time I've even acknowledged a CoD game in fucking ages. And then the younger kids are going to think of it as a neat new setting because they don't remember the WW2 saturation from a few years ago.
I don't actually know if this game is going to be very good, but I think that it will do very well financially.
I swear to god I'm not a shill, I just think that it's a good move from a business standpoint
if you consider the STG and Johnson a SMG, yes
The number one complaint seems to be that the maps are garbage. It's probably what will ruin the game.
I'm your age and I remember trying to blag that I was 15 to the GAME (rip) store clerk to buy CoD1. It didn't work and I never played it. Good times.
New and better maps will be included in pre order, also season pass.
That's their tactic. Since they have very divisive two audiences, after they release a title, other studios(Infinity Ward, Treyarch) immediately put another dish on the table. They want you to believe this time it will be different because it feels like a brand new approach but in reality it's not.