Gundam Versus

The game's in open beta, get the fuck in here.

Other urls found in this thread:

The people online are pretty bad

I'm trying it out and it's not very good.
controls like total fucking shit. What's up with the deadzone

Daily reminder that Barbatos is the best suit.

wow it is actual fucking shit. and what is up with the ps2 graphics

I love it.

>respawn in with half health
who the fuck made this garbage.

Are you retarded?

No physical, no buy.

Who else /moonlight butterfly/ here?

This game is too hardcore for Sup Forums shitters

My man. I need more fun fighter Gundams.

Flag Fighters report in!

>game moves in four directions

To that other user who made the last post in the previous thread: Yeah, Barbatos, Exia and Freedom are effectively the Ken of Versus.
They have relatively easy to use, good-feeling tools, and because they're among the most well known in the west, scrubs flock to them like flies.

>being this much of a brainlet

>this game was too much of a letdown for Sup Forums

Can't stop kicking ads with Sandrock to enjoy him, but as a Striker he's Don't touch my girlfriend tier.


>when you make a come back with only 1 health left

What are some cool fighters?

unicorn seems kinda bad
is he bad? he's my favorite.

Mack Knife
That one gundam with the upside down Alpha sign
Ginga B something, he's black with a lance

Are you talking about Turn A or Nu Gundam?...

>no tutorial
how am I supposed to know? Nowhere in the fucking game does it explain anything but the controls.

>newbie scrubs keep picking biggest most expensive suits. Keep curbstomping them in lil ol Exia. Matches end super fast.
Protip: If you are new to the game you should probably stick with cheaper suits til you get better.

Just you wait faggots.


You better post lewds while you wait.

That's not true. Lower cost suits will just make it harder to learn.

Ah, it was called Turn A. Sorry, I don't know anything about Gundams.

>no g gundam

>play the game
>it's shit
>well how do I get better?
uninstalled. glad the game will fail for not telling people how to play though.

no, they make you get the basics down and you are less of a drain on the team when you die.

Sup Forums is shit at fighting games, even 3D ones that let you button mash a little. It's nothing amazing that they're also shit at hybird fighters.

I've been in;

Blazblue Sup Forums lobbies
Tekken Sup Forums lobbies
SF4 & 5/v/ lobbies
UMvC3 Sup Forums lobbies
GGXrd Sup Forums lobbies
And they have always been shit at the game and I have always been consider the best in the group.

Make a Versus lobbies right now so I can shit you fucks as I always do. You kids are fucking casuals. The onyl thing you're good at is Healer in Overwatch, haha.

I'm passing the time in other ways this time. But sure I'll humor you just this once.

the game is slow as fuck, worse than every actual fighting game. This shit belongs in arcades in japan where retards will spend money to play it.

I just wanted to try 3v3 but nobody is fucking queuing for it.

Already off to a great start.

Stop spreading bad information.
>play Char's Zaku for fun
>Quickly realise his dashes use very little meter and his gun has almost no risk

All I need to do is just keep shooting and dashing and when my opponent fucks up melee him.

yes I know I dashed way too much

Why do the controls feel so bad? I tried remapping but it doesn't help.

Been looking forward to this game since it got announced. Any tips for someone who hasn't touched a gundam game since ps2 days?

check amazon user

Controls are weird but I suppose it's like Virtual ON and takes some time to master it so I'm playing offline to learn how exactly this works
Also it's Hizack a good unit? I guess not but I like the design

btw I want to watch Gundam series, should I start with the first one or later entries?

If you hate it that much then why did you

PRE-Download it?
Play it?
Come here to complain about it?

That is ALOT of dedication you have there user. It's almost like someone has a gun to your head and are forcing you to do this.

why do you guys think the controls feel weird?
to me they feel natural and I think they are good, I honestly think you guys just need to get good.

What are you having trouble with?

>predownload it
I didn't. I saw the thread, downloaded it, played two matches, and stopped.
>if you hate it so much
how am I supposed to know if I like something before I play it? Anime shitposter, not everyone is so retarded as you as to have prejudice.

Does anyone wanna start a room?


Not that good but not horrible either.
Problem is he needs NT-D mode up to actually do what a good Front should.

Do not listen to this man.
You have a lot more freedom to experiment with higher cost suits. Because of your high health you can afford to make a mistake here or there and most compositions will have you dying first anyway.

Lower cost just means you have that much more room to fuck up.

Your team shares a bar of points. When you die, the cost of your suit is removed from that bar as payment to respawn you. When that bar is empty, your team loses.
As such, try not to pick expensive units in online unless you've given them a go in single player and at least have a very basic understanding of their toolset.
But at the same time, don't be afraid to try suits because of their cost; you might find something that just clicks with you easier than others.

>how am I supposed to know if I like something before I play it?

Are you this fucking retarded?

This is a game I don't like and I have never played it, because there are many things I dislike about it that goes beyond just the gameplay. But the gameplay is still what I hate the most. Killer Instinct also doesn't look appealing to me and again I never even played. I don't like Slowborne, Uncharted, and any PS4 cinematic experience game and I have never played them.

Honestly I think you're just shit a fighters and hybird fighters period. I bet you even suck at SFV.

ok you fucks
im coming from full boost, what did they fuck up?
who is in this, who is fucked over from FB?

I will make a room in a bit if anyone is interested.

Leaf region but have had several good games with America

are lobbies broken? they never work

What's a good striker for the SUMO, dealing with all these Exias, Barbatos and Eypon players is annoying

why online is so trash?
I played a 3vs3 match and it was laggy as fuck

its a new demo, something popular i'd assume, shit netcode, etc etc

also, i don't know if im going to like 3v3 coming from 2v2 since the psp days...

>it's another Eypon,Crossbones,Barbatos episode

I have no idea what the fuck i'm doing, but i'm trying my best to learn and it's pretty fun.


This vid is super helpful for newcomers.

Im a new player and after watching these 5 videos Im doing much better, I just needed to understand the base mechanics to be honest
why dont you like fun suits, user?

Am I a scrub if I pick Deathscythe? Wing was the only series I watched when I was younger and he's fun to play. Using the boomerang thing to lock someone down then get a combo feels amazing.


If you want to watch Universal Century its best to start at the beginning. If you watch Alternate Universe (like IBO, Seed, Wing, or 00) it doesn't mater because they are all stand alone stories.

>There's never going to be another game like Encounters in Space where they got all the original english voice actors so you could understand the pilots talking shit

Versus is fun too though

But i play kapool user

I've no idea how useful it'll be in the long run, but I'm having a blast in the Gouf Custom. people don't seem to react well to running rings around them while pouring gatling bullets into them to bait out melee

Good taste
man positioning these things trigger my autism. It takes me longer to do than building the things

>tfw pwning scrubs with Crossbones X3

And it gets posted upside down
Fucking kill me.
just pretend im from australia. Im not taking another one

>Have at least 10 action stands and 30 kits
>Only have enough space to keep like 5 on a shelf

Good stuff buddy.
How expensive are Gundam suits if I want to build them just like in my japanese cartoons?
Ive always seen big ass suits at cons and people building them piece by piece but those seem really expensive no?
Im kinda clueless when it comes to figures.

Fuck off slut. Barry nevar forget.

if this has gurren lagaan in it i will buy a ps4 to play it

Fuck off faggot.

The only suits you need

Nice bait

HGs are like $15 - $20, $30 if they're real big, and they're increasingly great.

MGs and PGs are the expensive ones with proportional amounts of absurd detail.

Played it earlier today.

Only other gundam game I have played is breaker 3.

Versus was pretty bad. The combat in breaker was better. Everything feels so slow. From what I have played, a lot of the strategy of online play has just been trying to line of sight your opponent. Doesn't make for fun gameplay.

so I played a 1vs1 and it works fine. I assume it's shit netode

Also online is full of Eypon. Even though its attack is BS, I haven't lose yet and I'm using an unit named Hizack which looks pretty average imo
I'm new on this shit (both game and series) but so far I think this game is not about spamming attack button with OP units, you can actually win with shit units if you use your brain

>Everything feels so slow

It's Bernie you fucking shit. And besides, they live happily together in the end. You want Bernie to be happy, don't you?

>I'm bad and don't know how to play my cookie cutter baby gameplay is easier

Starting with the beginning is always a good call and even the 3 Gundam 0079 compilation movies do a good job as an entry point. 00 is good if you want something more modern. If you like super robots, kung fu, and punching buildings out of the ground with your bare fists watch G Gundam.

No, it's "Burger"

Where is it from?

>"Bernie, you're a terrible liar."

Gonna give an actual argument against it or just repeat what I said?

>SUMO Gold
Am I doing good?

I mostly see Exias and Epyons.

F91 for life

autistic animeposter

>they're increasingly great

>bought the HG GM/GM
>mfw the sides of the torso can swivel out to give more range of motion to the arms
>mfw the shield connector has a joint in it that allows you to fold it up and store the shield on the back like on MG kits
>mfw all those peg slots for adding parts
I'm tempted to buy 2~3 more of this glorious bastard for customizing.

>Barbatos on the cover
>IBO is pretty fresh
>expecting a decent amount of suits in game
>it's just Barbatos and Kimaris
>one of the most aesthetically pleasing designs to come out of modern gundam not included

I think I've built like 5 HG Zaku's over the years and I don't know how, but the kits' torsos and legs keep getting more and more flexible. I don't know how the fuck they do it.

lupus is dlc so expect him there

I don't know why you are acting as if versus has some deep complex mechanics to its combat. There are like 10 or less abilities to each suit.