it's popular
it's pretty
it made BotW look even better by trying to be BotW but failing in every possible way
okay graphics
Cool trailers
the music was good.
>Mass effect
Good character editor
DmC actually had pretty good art direction in some of the levels
Man, drones are so easy to spot.
World of Warcraft has awesome cinematics. Say about Blizzard what you want. But their cinematics departement are wizards.
It's addicting
>game you hate
Name it
I can list several:
LoL, Dota, Overwatch, PUBG, TF2, Splat2n, among others.
Breath of the Wild's world looks nice.
I'll admit, Shenmue has a lot of detail and work put into it.
Good characters and story for NES game from the 80s.
Emperor Mateus is an underrated villain.
In theory it has the best and most logical character customization system in the series.
Gave birth to SaGa series that made better use of concepts introduced in FFII.
battle royale is a great movie and it's cool pubg pays homage
Why does Sup Forums worship this clunky fetch quest galore who also has one of the worst gameplay in existence ?
Defend this without saying ''skyrim''
DotA2 has a lot of interesting mechanics, and Winter Wyvern is very, very cute.
out of all games you hate doto? me sad
has some p great music
It's not too bad as a spectator sport, but I can't stand MOBAs, and the high mana costs and long CC make it even worse.
And Auroth doesn't have nearly enough porn.
Its got some top tier waifubait.
I've actually learned Dogsong on piano. It's really fun to play. Syncopation with a steady left-hand beat is nice.
Templar Assassin is fun
cute dragon
I really like Destiny's art style
It's not done yet so there is plenty of time to improve.
It's better than 2.
>In theory it has the best and most logical character customization system in the series.
Yes, because in practica everyon is authistic enough to hit themselves.
Fallout 4 mods are pretty fun.
the Cinematics look alright.
Bloodborne had decent atmosphere at least.
I think snake has a nice haircut
it has cool characters.
Have you ever actually played it? You'll realize it's terrible.
So much rust, awful views and unoriginal cookie cutter bullshit. The only good looking thing is the hub.
I really liked those status animations