Would you play a VR game like SAO if it was real?

Would you play a VR game like SAO if it was real?

VR is a gimmick for casuals.

if it didn't have input delay, I'd have full on faith in it.

You mean, be able to completely transport your consciousness in a digital world and have this game simulate sensations of limbs while putting your body in a paralyzed state so you can act out whatever you want without your body moving? Idk sounds kinda risky.


SAO? No, I like to do stupid shit in games and would die IRL.

Likely it would be on your head and neck, it would intercept the signals your brain sends to your body, stopping them then relaying them into the game world.

That technology would have to be REALLY advanced before I'd risk trying it out.

No because I suck at videogames and I would die.

Without the 'you die in the game you die in real life' part, yeah sure. Or maybe if I get a terminal illness or am old anyway then might as well even if you could die

If SAO was real humanity would probably crumble. Why live in shitty real life when you can become a NEET living in your fantasy land?

Because it's much more dangerous than real life.

Would the game be as shit as SAO was?


Only if it foilows the same rule of "If you die in-game, you die in real life". If it was an actual game, I'm sure there would be constant reminders reminding you to eat/drink/rest(?).

>ywn experience SAO for the first time ever again

Thank god.

I'm about to.

>ywn experience eating shit for the first time ever again

It's so bad I literally don't get how people like it. I just don't understand it. You could spend 10 years explaining it to me and I still wouldn't get it. Dot Hack Sign does essentially the same story just so much better. Am I just getting old? Is SAO a young man's anime?

>play full dive
>some 3rd worlder asshole makes a virus

I mean, what could possibly go wrong.

Don't do it to yourself man, you have your whole life ahead of you.

Real talk, I'd unironically play SAO regardless of the rules.

If it's the same as the Anime, I'm still in. That shit would be so intense, how could anyone pass it up.

>Would it still be acceptable to laugh at people legitimately dying to lvl1 crabs?

There are so many better things you could do with your life, like shitposting on Sup Forums.

top kek fucking anime


No, SAO is a shit taste anime.

All the "trapped in an MMO" anime tend to mention that the headsets and shit for the games are actually really expensive yet somehow even grade school students can get them. Regardless, you'd still have to take breaks so your physical body could eat and sleep and stuff. So even if you were full NEET or a trust fund baby you'd have to take the headset off eventually to do shit so you don't die. Unless you were rich enough to like have yourself hooked up to an IV 24/7 while hiring people to take care of your basically comatose body around the clock.

Only if I can give some qt 2 years of glopping semen on the daily.

Wasn't Dot.Hack more like only 1 dude was stuck in the game? I thought everyone else was free to log out and be normal?

Not that SAO focused on the more interesting implication, but enough is different from Dot.Hack to stand alone.

Do I get to fuck a girl that looks like Asuna?

I'm sure this has been done before but I wonder if there's one of those sorts of VR stories where the best players/bad guys are all super rich assholes that play the game 24 hours a day and have doctors inject them with drugs or whatever so that they don't die IRL.

the best part about "the trapped in an MMO" thing is probably the whole being able to play an MMO without everyfuckingone reading wikis on everything, having to actually find out shit for once.


As long as the dying IRL thing doesn't apply, yeah. Gun Gale would be rad as shit.

>Dot Hack Sign
is shit as well, take off your nostalgia goggles and you'd see it's basically the same horrible mess as SAO.

>put on VR
>first thing that happens is a band of lolis rape me
>try to shake my way out
>anchor starts having a fucking seizure and it turns into earthquake mode
>I end up throwing up on a controller.

I regret getting a vive and paying 500$ for it used.
But I would recommend trying VR at least once. VR is more of a 200-300$ experience than anything really.


Guide Makers and scrubs who rely on them are the worst part of MMO's imo.

when will this stupid meme die

I never watched more than three episodes of this shit, what the hell is going on in that webm? I thought the edgy kid was stuck in a fantasy game.

I liked the first half of SAO even with all of it's flaws and fanservice, second half makes it irredeemable dogshit.

Overlord is the superior MMO anime though.

Basically this. When it's just a computer, who gives a shit, you can fix it. When you start involving your mind, however, shit gets way too dangerous.

When Sup Forumstards stop gasping at $20+ prices and stop treating $300+ purchases like a life changing events that require months long considerations.
So never.

SAO would have been better if instead of edgy YOU DIE IN LE GAME LE YOU DIE IN REAL LIFE, they just made it so that Beta testers lose everything in the game when they die and can't restart.
Gets you the same tension without hamfisted bullshit, and instead of wondering how the fuck these people got trapped in this game and nobody did anything you can appreciate their escapist desire to stay in this fantasy land and win.

Depends on which series but generally in .hack the players are free to log out as they please. The conflict usually comes from certain players falling into comas after a run in with the big bad, but for the most part the general playerbase is unaffected and has no idea about what's going on as a whole, so they can continue to play normally. Even if they get deep in it they could just turn the game off and walk away if they wanted to. .hack is less of "trapped in an MMO" and more of "weird shit is happening in this MMO we're playing and it happened to affect someone I give a shit about so now I need to save them".

he got out of the fantasy game
then he got into and out of another fantasy game
then he gets into that shooty game

SAO is so bad guys amirite XD

You are right
SAO is a bad anime

So they milked it.
I shouldn't be surprised.

Pretty much, yeah. Nice babes in it though.

yeah if by 'like SAO' you mean dot Hack

Dude those japs know what they're doing

You can basically get away with anything if you create hawt girls and have them do sexually suggestive things all the time


.Hack isn't even that advanced from a technology perspective. It's just a headset you wear, but your actions in game are still controlled with a controller/keyboard. It's basically just playing an MMO in first person.

Remember when he goes to elf world and gets auto leveled to max because his SAO character is secretly hidden in the game still?
That's how video games and computers work right?

Imagine a full dive version of space station 13

That i would play. Afterwards i would need therapy.

Realistically....how long until that happens? Will MMO's take the first person VR leap within the next 10 years? Or will VR tech be able to handle something like that in 10 years?

If SAO were a game it would be a shit game, and people would have instantly made better games than it, so no, and kind of yes.

I never really liked any of the SAO girls. Not sure what it is. Maybe it's because they're so one-note?

To be honest SAO's real major problem is Kirito, he's such an generic cunt that hogs up all the fucking screen time and makes other characters that are actually enjoyable irrelevant.

Like I just think SAO is just okay, but holy fuck Kirito is a bland asshole.

At least in the games you don't have to play as him.

Tech isn't the problem

MMO developers are

Let me preface by saying that I LOVE games that make me think. I'm a thinker first, gamer second. I've played MMOs since the early-early days (i'm talking runescape and catacalysm here) but, meh, there haven't been many that really piqued my interest. After watching Sword art Online, my whole perspective on gaming was thrown upside down. Finally, a game where people have to think and their actions make a difference. If SAO was released (hopefully for the ps4) tomorrow, I would get a ride up to gamestop and spend my entire allowance on it without a second thought. I'm sure many would follow me in agreement that SAO is EPIC and they would buy it too but I would advise against it.

See, I pondered this topic a lot, and I came to a conclusion myself. I am personally ready at any moment to dive into the SAO universe. But that's only after a nonstop year of practice that, heh, I don't think you're prepared for but I will give you some newbie tips anyway. For training, I've developed the X-(III/IV/V) technique to prepare myself. I've learned to manage a party in FFXIII, I've developed advanced MMO rotation mechanics by playing FFXIV, and I've learned how to perform action combos from FFXV. These are the three main mechanics you need to practice before entering Aincrad/Alfheim. It's not an easy regimine, but it's a well rounded one to prepare you for the hardcore world of SAO. I don't just train mentally, I'm physically prepared as well. I eat enough to prepare myself for hibernation after entering the world. Not only do I plan to survive in SAO, I plan to thrive in it. This world will be mine, and unless you're serious about this like me, you don't stand a chance kid.

>game like SAO
What game? The show barly explained how the game and gameplay even worked and even then they dropped the whole SAO mmo for other even shittier mmo's which they still barly explained. Also
>those wasted quads on a shitty SAO thread

Pretty much, yeah. God-tier designs, though.

Ya got the ass-kicking girlfriend with great hair or the thirsty cousin with the amazing rack.

if we die irl I would... and would die to literally the first thing i could see

Never because vr died due to the fact that devs are so incompetent they can't make anything complex beyond a walking simulator on binaries.

No. SAO is bad without Kirito.
Kirito is fucking terrible, but the guy who wrote the Online series just doesn't understand how vidya, or humans, work on a basic psychological level.

Like the people who kill themselves in EP 1- WHY? What would drive people to kill themselves in a situation where they aren't needing food or water and just need to wait in a pimped out fantasy land for someone to beat the game?
Its why
Works better, because you have an actual psychological question in play of whether you want escapism or reality.

It could literally happen right now if a company felt like building an MMO around the VR interface. The World in .Hack is literally just a VR headset. Your actions in game aren't motion controlled or controlled by thought.

Back when .Hack first came out yeah that was some mind-blowing fictional advance tech, but in the current year the technology is pretty low tech.

Would you play as a girl in a VR game?

That anime action scene looks so shite. There is no danger to the mad ninja nerd.

Some of the guys who killed themselves didn't really think it was going to kill them. Others were in despair after months of being trapped and wanted to take a gamble.

The people who made Second Life are doing a VR thing now.
There's also Rec Room and OrbusVR

I don't play as a girl in standard games

That's gay as hell

were a lot more advanced than people realize, since most people dont actually know or not privy to what has been invented

Fucking this, no matter what the current bullshit from todays mmo's will still follow to VR.

SAO seemed to be a horrible game

Nice quads.

I fucking miss doubles.

If I get trapped in an MMO and rape an NPC is it actually rape?

Why did they program in rape?


doubt it, porn always gets the tech first
>onahole usb heating

>not .hack

Well in SAO they programmed in the ability to get naked and for two people to get in bed together, so they knew people would at least attempt to have sex.

>Some of the guys who killed themselves didn't really think it was going to kill them.
This is fair, but pretty stupid. All it would take is one guy doing that and then Kaiaba showing up to show them that this nigga really died.
>Others were in despair after months of being trapped and wanted to take a gamble.
But again, why would you be in despair? Yes it sucks if you're away from loved ones or have real shit going on in the real world, but within a week the government would have stepped in and be sheltering players/searching for a solution. So again, just waiting it out is not so mentally strenuous.

HunterxHunter's Greed Island, which SAO unabashedly stole from, brought this up. People just adapted to the new temporary environment, you don't have huge waves of suicide and despair in a fantasy land with no need for food, water, and a working economy.

Of course everything wouldn't be idyllic, but there's a lot of psychological ground to explore that SAO's writer ignores out of lack of competence. FFS, your average rando can explore more interesting ideas if you ask them for 5 books they'd bring on a deserted island than SAO ever tackles.

If no one can recognize me then yea

Ahh see we dont need to fix the important problems caused when mobs spawn out of nowhere and shit money when they die. I know it fuckes the economy but theres more important things. We are gonna cram the changelogs full of minor 'balance' changes. We need .5% more dmage on this move, this one needs -1% accuracy, this skills cooldown has been reduced by 0.5 seconds. We are also gonna hold back this expansion until halfthe playerbase quits out of boredom but they will crawl back and finish all this new content in half a day when we do finaly release it.

>But again, why would you be in despair? Yes it sucks if you're away from loved ones or have real shit going on in the real world, but within a week the government would have stepped in and be sheltering players/searching for a solution. So again, just waiting it out is not so mentally strenuous.
ever heard of the silent room experiment? sounds easy right? you probably think theyre just pussies and you can last longer than them

but they did adapt they still tried to finish it


>Pay real money for virtual food and clothes
>Have to have real-name available to players at all times because stranger danger
>DLC and lootboxes out the ass

>People just adapted to the new temporary environment

Log Horizon does this. The players kind of just accept their new life and actually find ways to exploit the MMO rules to their benefit, like farming a daily drop and selling it to NPCs to get money quick and safely. But in Log Horizon they were also given more leeway to dick around because they simply respawn in town if they die instead of dying for real.

are we seriously at a point of contrarianism that we're looping around and actually defending sao

>Am I just getting old?
Naw just to many people prefer shallow shit that costs them as little as possible mentally to understand. So anime making nerds take advantage of that by making shit that is all flash but no substance knowing that for the most part a large part of the target audience wont give a fuck.

Just take kingdom hearts for instance. That shit was supposedly going to have a nice concise plot until some nerds from the final fantasy team told them that they would have better shot and hitting big if the mad it way more convoluted , since in the mind of general audiences a convoluted plot for some reason is considered the same as a deep plot, and hey it worked so naw your just not an average consumer is all.

Shit that is pretty and super easy to consume is much more easier and profitable to make that lets say something like that just like that but is also not shallow as fuck at the same time.

SAO is not a silent room experiment, that's the most completely asinine comparison ever.
Though part of the issue is that the writer is a retard who thinks the launch game on a brand new VR device would deliberately cap itself to a FUCKING GARBAGE 10k sales.
That alone speaks volumes to his stupidity. The 10k SAO players stuck in the game should have been the Beta testers or everyone who got the beta codes, not the only people playing this huge expensive goddamn game

>SAO is not a silent room experiment, that's the most completely asinine comparison ever.
same vein though, people cant really know if they got it in them unless they experience it
its more on human nature, while I agree that sao isnt the best example

the thought that some people can just wait it out with out them knowing if help would really come is you just speaking knowing everything

its like youre telling stuff in hindsight

every fucking day of my life until i died. it would like playing paintball without the ticks.

This is a decent idea.
Also could have it so that the winner of SAO gets 'immortality' in the game, in the form of his/her character showing up in ALO and being able to continue on indefinitely. Sounds like an actual MMO mechanic and gives a satisfying twist to the reward that would work well for someone who is a purebred escapist.

Didn't the main villain specifically tell them that if someone tried to tamper with the headset from the outside it would kill them and the only way to get out is to clear the final floor? I'm really not trying to defend the writing in SAO, but it's not too unlikely to think that in a situation like that people would get impatient or lose hope so they either started taking risks to escape themselves or just gave up entirely.

I mean if you're on a deserted island it might be easy to tell yourself that help might be coming eventually, but when days turn to weeks that turn into months I imagine your optimism would start to wane after a while.

>the thought that some people can just wait it out with out them knowing if help would really come is you just speaking knowing everything
Except they literally do
Even if you discount the real-world assistance, people band together really early with the solid goal of beating the game. Its not a guarantee, but it is motivating.
Again HxH already did this and did it better, even giving the Guild concept a huge plot twist.
The reason SAO can't do this convincingly is because there are no other players, no big playerbase that would keep people grounded in their expectations of escaping.
Which almost works, except the reasoning behind the restriction is fucking asinine. HxH's Greed Island costs BILLIONS to play but still has a huge playerbase compared to the content density and has new players entering constantly, because people are going to play this goddamn game.

Greed Island has a max possible playerbase of, I think, 16,000 people too. SAO is just conceptually badly designed.

>game glitches right when you are sucking another guys virtual dick and shows your actual face on the character model you use

>if you try to leave you die
>I know, I'll kill myself!
Doesn't add up, again besides fringe cases. And you could always count on some group, like the government, with vastly more resources than the,game's devs figuring out a way to deactivate the game.
It was written the way it was because the writer didn't understand the potential he had on his plate. Its incredibly basic building blocks writing.

You guys are forgetting that the entire situation was orchestrated by some nihilistic asshole who never had any intention of giving the players a fair chance to escape in the first place and also made it so the headsets would explode if someone tampered with them in real life. So the best the people in real life could do was basically move everyone to hospitals and keep them on life support until they found a way to wake them up safely. It wasn't just some random fluke that trapped them in the game. Someone was pulling the strings the whole time.

Don't get me wrong, the writing is still shitty, but there were forces working against the players from the very beginning.

Only dude in this thread I fuck with.
Rest of you are memeing way too hard. Quit being ironic contraction pieces of shit.
Sao or .Hack would be amazing experiences and everyone in this thread would play it especially when it becomes.es best selling experience of all time