Storm of blood!

Storm of blood!
Born of blood!

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Only cuckolds play this shitty meme game.

It has 10 million subs which is largest player amount in any MMO.

What does that have to do with what I just said?


>WoW babies being this mad.

Report it. It's not even trying to be subtle. These belong on /vg/.

doerthas housing when

>Vidya threads don't belong in to Sup Forums.

I wonder how they will turn that trash WAR SB skill.
I really hope it will somehow turn into a DPS gain

claiming husbando first

>t. damage whore dps disguise as tank.

I claim bara.

Video Game generals that are made every hour belong on the video game generals board.


so I actually found the time to scan and up 2 of the non H doujinshy I got from C92. All done with this now I guess

Juuyonhon! 4.0:
Guren Hiyori:

I dunno man, I still find it weird that an OT PLD deal more damage than an OT WAR.

Wasn't WAR shtick supposed to be just that?

Thanks man

I like the game but you're wrong, WoW had 14 million at a point

as soon as mods actually moderate vg and ban tripfags and avatarfags ill go there, otherwise fuck you im not going to that hell hole

Pretty sure he's talking about current m8

Actually WAR deal more damage now, PLD is second and DRK third.
Yeah, the job using a Greatsword deal less damage than the sword & board job.

I don't get SE logic

>4.1 in early Oct
>Hildi coming back
>Kojin beast tribe
>1 dungeon
>EX version of final story boss
>New 24 vs 24 (In teams of 4) PvP (4.15)
>Can use machines like Cruise Chaser and Oppressor in it
>Alliance Raid Roulette coming
>Level 70 Aquapolis getting extra rooms if you luck out
>Squadrons updates
>Can do dungeons with them
>Can glamour them
>Shirogane housing unlocked
>New custom delivery NPC
>Beasttibe and Ventures in Currency Tab
>Bards can play perform songs
>Super Savage is "Ultimate"
>First "Ultimate" is Bahamut ft Nael and Twintania
I'm excited.

>still have the cloth map from the FF14 CE
>still have the metal+leather cup
>havent even played the 2.5sec gcd shitty WoW clone that is ARR
Feels pretty good.

>1 dungeon

>My face when some dipshit is complaining on reddit that you can't enter Ultimate Bahamut without clearing O4S, even pulling "but disabled people! inclusion!" card.

>10 million subs
No, it has 10 million created accounts, retard.


This seems about right for my DC.

Why is this allowed?
Why can SAM deal so much damage will still offering slashing debuff to the party while BLM offer literally nothing and still deal less damage than them?

I hope they get nerfed to the ground

Time for the gaijin lore panel.

BLM offer unlimited mana that they can give to healers :^) Also ranged DPS tax.

Is it being streamed?

theusualsite dot tv/finalfantasyxiv
So far he's explained that the pop-up chat boxes some NPCs have are free for all languages to use how they want as long as they don't have hints in them.

What IS on this island?


I hope they make more lore books. This shit is reat.

Koji looks better with glasses.


>We can't send in people without the Echo and risk the Primla taking over their minds
>So WoL, go grab a bunch of random adventurers and get in there and fight it.

When does Monk get fun?


The anthem stuff was nice.

No, the only data they've given out is that it's had 10 million accounts made, which includes trials.

A rough estimate of actual sub counts would be in the 5 million range, but that's concurrent, not active at once. The only real numbers we've gotten on that are from ARR times which were around the 700k active subs range.

Estimates in HW pin active sub numbers as low as 375k. No current data points give any ideas to active subs.

>nolan north was Papalymo

>Get to iLvL 330
>Do daily
>It's fucking Ala Mhigo for the 5th time in a row
>Get scaled down to 310


Yeah but the problem is WAR is potentially higher and is harder to play than PLD. All 3 tanks are way too close.

>get better gear
>the only thing you can use the better gear for is the place where the gear came from because everything else gets synced
>there's still a weekly lockout
>not even a lockout after getting gear, but after using up your CHANCE for gear
What's the goddamn point

50, that's when you can make a SAM

I see people talk about "clicking off skills" as in personally removing an unwanted buff or something. How do I do that?

On PS4

At least WAR is is highest.
Compare that to SMN and MCH

L1+R3, right click buff


I didn't even want to do those quests out of principle

gives you a headstart on next raids
at least the lockout isn't like WoW where you're literally locked out the raid boss until reset day

Christ I bet Lalafells are delicious.

>tfw no option to help the monster

>gives you a headstart on next raids
It really doesn't when you can make better gear through crafting on day 1

I need the gear drops for desynth.

I know I wanna eat one, wink wink

I wish I could taste some lala meat too

>random adventurers
They're the WoL's friends who also have Echo. Krile calls them 'gifted'.

>die because two people slide onto my spot in Levinbolt
>DPS gets cut in half
>someone looks at this and decides I'm not cut out for their static
FFlogs are a mistake

I've been using FFlogs to improve slowly but surely.
Though, I'm fucking sad that some cunt killed me this week which turned my O1S log blue

Garlemand did nothing wrong
beast savages should be removed

And savagely.

Upload your own with no dumb deaths. Nothing you can do about people that take logs at face value though.

She looks like a slut, she asked for it.

Can't do shit if someone else in the party upload the parse tho.

And then there's these faggots

Get your head out of the gutter your flamboyant faggot, I was talking of actual meat.
I'm sure a Lala steak would be delicious.


You don't want to be in a static that just looks at a character's front page and doesn't know how to read logs. You probably dodged a bullet m8!

who /erpendgame/ here

Too awkward and asocial for that.

if I wanted to erp there's plenty of better games that don't have a sub fee.

Eat shit, degenerate.

How do I get into this?

>Chill statics are ERP degenerates that blow up with drama
>Hardcore statics are speedrunning autismos
I just want my weekly Savage loot, nothing else.

Make your own.

I was actually thinking of getting this game, but wondering what is a good server in NA and does this game take a fucking long time to acheive anything like old WoW? I don't want to decide if I should raid or play other vidyas.

>does this game take a fucking long time to acheive anything like old WoW
It's the most casual MMO in existence, though leveling campaign does take a while because of all the goddamn cutscenes

shut up retard

>Paying $13 a month to ERP

Why? The models aren't even sexy.

can you skip them? Also what class do you guys recommend for starting, looking for a hybrid to heal(easier to find instances) but also solo quest shit.

Don't be a cuckold. Roll TANK. Roll PALADIN. Das it mayne.

If you want to heal at the very beginning you have to go conjurer. Arcanist can't do it until level 30.

I've tried it before, frustrated the fuck out of me watching people doing retarded shit. At least with heals I can just focus on whack a mole game to get through.

>be male hyur, face obscured by helmet
>Enter Garuda hard mode
>(Faggot whose name I forgot) licks your face
>da fuq
>Look around
>Spot the culprit
>It's a catboy
Oh hell no. This better not be the start of a balmongrel invasion.

Fastest way to take a gatherer from 50-70? Are levequests still slightly faster than everything else?

any worthwhile instances at the low level? can you heal dungeon runs as an arcanist? How annoying is it to do solo shit as a pure healer in this game?

Looks like retarded map of Africa with stickers over original names.

I know your pain.
>DPS rushes into a horde of enemies and you play aggro tug of war in an attempt to keep his ass alive

Healing will only make you more aware of how retarded other people are since you have to pay more attention to what they're up to.
You can't do it as arcanist because party matching is based on role and conjurer is the only healer below level 30. Otherwise you have to manually form a party, which just isn't going to happen for that content.
Solo content as a healer is fine, particularly for cnj/whm since they have the highest personal dps.

I can assure you that anything your retarded party does while playing tank is not anywhere near as frustrating as watching a shitty tank.

Almost like it's supposed to be Africa, Europe, and Asia and there's even an America stand-in to the west.

As for low-level instances, they're for gaining XP, picking up a bit of gear and learning basic combat mechanics. Dungeons don't really make an effort to kill you until about 30+ anyway, and they're intended to be casual content you can do fairly quickly provided people aren't complete morons, which means you'll occasionally wipe.

post characters and ill tell you if they are cute


I got to 50-60 in one day and 60-70 in one day too.