Sup Forums says a character is shit

>Sup Forums says a character is shit
>ends up being the most interesting in the game

Sup Forums doesn't play games but shit on them

9S, the pods and Pascal are by far the best characters in the game, anyone who thinks otherwise is a waifu fag or hasn't played it

Waifufags got btfo

>taking anything Sup Forums says besides this post seriously

I don't like pascal that much but I agree about 9s and the pods.

Yeah 9S and the Pods are above Pascal but Pascal is a cut above 2B/A2 I reckon

Anyone who said 9s is shit literally only played the game for lol 2booty xD and couldn't actually focus on anything else.

>Sup Forums says a game is good
>ends up being the same shit Taro pulls every single time

Post 9S lewd pls

The big thing is the gameplay is intuitive as fuck now on top of being a yoko taro game

>Sup Forums says a character is shit
>ends up being the cutest in the game

and the sexiest

Soup Sup Forums I got ending E and a lot of shit still doesn't make sense. Will completing all the sidequests/getting all the endings/fully upgrading every weapon give me any more insight into what the fuck just happened, or would it be a waste of time?

I just don't like playing as 9s cause the game became boring as fuuuuuck

inb4 one guy played on super hard and practiced combos for no good reason

>Sup Forums says a character is good
>ends up being the most interesting character in the game
>faggot op says Sup Forums said it was shit
>he is lying through his teeth

is there a no way fag pic but with 2b and 9s instead?


Go to literally any other Nier thread you fucking pizza shit

All people do is talk about 2B and A2, you mention Nines and everyone throws a gorilla fit

9S completely took over the entire game as he's pretty much Automata's Nier.
I absolutely adore what Taro did with 2B, the assmadness of waifufags who found out that she's not really the main character on top of having strong feelings for 9S was delicious.

>9S has heavy charged attacks
>heavy large sword charged attack sends it flying for at least 3 full circles around him instead of just making one ark
>i only learn it half a year after finishing the game

There's a lot of lore in the sidequests and data to collect. I reckon it's worth it to upgrade all your weapons and finish the emil quests.

>same shit
>better gameplay and overall polish
>semi positive ending
Not sure if blind or just standard Sup Forums contrarian.

He's a good character, but playing as him is shit

He actually has a shitload of nuances making him very interesting to play as.

>nier autoundertale

nice theme, cockmuncher

>using weapons at all

what did he mean by this

Shut up.

I didn't really like 9S until 2B died. After that I realized 9S was actually the main character and I enjoyed how he fell apart from there. Even if it was edgy or grimdark or yada yada yada.

Nothing edgy about avenging the robot you wanted to ****

I was really let down they basically did nothing with 2b or a2. I was hyped for some actual lore reveal once she died and left a lot of her memories to the other, was expecting more schizophrenic/fight club shit between the two as we played on but instead A2 just wanders around grunting and mindlessly killing while 9S carries the entire third act by himself

You a troll or a brainlet secondary?

>schizophrenic/fight club shit between the two
that would have been trite as fuck

i have to admit, 9s losing his shit gave me hype boners

yeah because 9S "which anime is this" breakdown was just a breath of fresh air

I didn't say that...
One cliche is enough

What's interesting about him? He doesn't say anything smart for the whole game, despite being "most intelligent character" by canon and at the end of the game he turns into edgy fuck of Sasuke proportions.

If there is interesting character in that game, it's Adam, but he dies too early.

He's actually the objectively best character in the game from a gameplay standpoint too. It's literally just a matter of getting good.

>i want to feel what humans felt
>i want to die
sure is interesting

He understands everything about 2B long before the game event, for once.
His whole arc is a simple inability to handle the grief which makes him even more humanlike. Which is expected of the most advanced android around.

I wanted more Eve myself. Adam seemed like a generic smart-robot-who-wants-to-be-human but Even appeared to be a little more interesting but went nowhere

I wanted more N2

He's an advanced model, nobody said anything about intelligence

>a matter of getting good
That applies more to A2 and 2B though... massacring everyone as nines is easy (also makes sense lore wise)

>giving a shit about anything you read on Sup Forums

I'm not saying you're a moron OP but you are. Don't believe what I say though and honestly I don't believe what you're saying.

Every thread is a lie. Video Games are not real.

I liked the game up until I had to play as 9S then I dropped it.

As someone who beat all routes, you saved yourself alot of time and patience because it really gets garbage in the second half.

You can blaze through Route B in no time really, it's worth it for Route C. I got through the 9S part ok but my second playthrough after doing ending E died abruptly at the end of route A.

I want to cuddle 9S

>i want to feel what humans felt
And that's better start than any other characters have.
>dies, leading to Eve being another edgy fuck
Exactly, that's why this game's plot sucks.

Advanced model, which is more useless in combat, cause of feelings? How does it makes any sense? He's just losing a leg and hand, but he can't stop talking without ....

There are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who didn't fill their plug-in chips exclusively with hacking chips

>video games are not real

>Advanced model, which is more useless in combat, cause of feelings
except his by far the most useful unit in the entire game
without him 2B would never even able to handle Engels, not to mention their next missions

I'm talking about cut-scenes, not gameplay.

>more useless in combat
Direct combat i.e. swinging a sword around which is objectively true (fewer moves)

and i'm talking about plot in general
he's the one who hacks Engels and disables him enough for 2B to get a shot, he's the one who counter-hacks Simone, he's the one who manages to take down Grun and deals a devastating blow to Eve, he's far more important in grand order of things than 2B who could be swapped to any other combat model

>Video Games are not real.
What the HECK did he mean by this bros?

I like 9S as a character but good God he's fucking boring to play as. I still haven't finished Route B because of it.

>it's confirmed by Taro that 2B and 9S are sleeping together after game events

you don't NEED to hack everybot user...

I feel like people miss the point where hacking is a fast forward button for part 2.

You are no bro of mine.

Sup Forums functions on a 20/80 rule.

20% of the time, they're right.
80% of the time, they couldn't be more wrong if they tried.

Why is the game called NieR when Nier isn't even there?

>two characters who love each other
>sleeping together once they don't have to worry about expressing their love anymore

Why do I see so many Sup Forumstards going crazy about this?

Yeah man, wow, you're like totally the first person who ever asked this question.

Their love is pure and should be protected at all costs.

He's hysterical, the fact that game makes him more useful in-combat is ridiculous. He doesn't do anything right outside this hacking thing.

Since the machine network absorbed the Project Gestalt data from the tree in the Forest of Myth you could argue that Nier exists within the machine network somehow. Honestly though it's probably just brand recognition


Answer the question, faggot.

9S is shit

I see, thanks.

I want to hold his soft little hand

>9S walks into room full of machine mooks
>Every machine explodes
>9S goes up against A2, a last gen combat android

Japanese people don't have sex

>He's hysterical
What? He's the one getting his shit together faster than 2B.
He's the one finding weak points, he's the one making a combat plan, and all that while protecting 2B. He only goes nuclear on route C and that's understandable.

>that hacking chip that makes robots scream when you hack them

His model was based on dude who managed to slaughter entire complex where original androids were manufactured once he discovered plan or yorha creator. He set everything on fire and effectively started automata plot. but he was somewhat hysterical even back then, cant argue with that
His combat abilities are far greater then you and other androids think. And even his combat while playing as him suggests that.

No, it's not understandable, especially from your perspective.

Just look at how he reacts to everything, always wanting to kill "bad" robots, crying and being dramatic for no good reason.

And there is nothing interesting about his character. And yet, at the game suggests he is in right, by making his ending better than for A2.

Just look how he kills himself, while killing a2, despite her putting her sword down and tell me about his "greater combat abilities".

He died by accidentally falling on her sword because he was so insane with grief and also infected with a logic virus

Adroids don't have genitals user

this picture makes me want to cry, im lonely.

>your mission was a lie
>you never had a reason to exist
>the person you valued more than your life dies
>you find her last message saying how important you were to her
>godlike machine AI provokes you and mocks you, uses everything to cause as much grief as possible
>gets infected by a virus on top of that and learns true goal of YoRHa
He had every reason to go nuclear and murder robots.
Game doesn't suggest that he's totally right but he manages to avoid complete genocide of the machines by re-evaluating everything in last moment while A2 just follows her desire to kill machines to the end.

I have no idea tbqh.

>A2 just follows her desire to kill machines to the end

But meeting Pascal and his village changes her mind about machines, she even goes out of her way to try to save them

>He's the one getting his shit together

> A2 just follows her desire
A2 drops that thing for some reason during her segment, she wants to save humans database on the moon. It's 9s, who wants just to kill A2.

I don't think that makes much sense. And that's not interesting for sure.

9s is cute! cute!

She had a vow to kill machines she gave to her comrades. Pascal managed to change her opinion on machines somewhat, but generally she still followed her vow to the end.

9S was directly connected to the Ark in ending D, yet peaceful Adam shocks him so much he changes his own opinion about everything.

All that plot just coming out.

9S managed to last up to the top of a Tower even while being fucked up by a virus and losing last semblance of reason to live. That alone shows how strong he is mentally, even if virus leads him to madness after A2 provokes him as a retard she is.
And it's certainly way more interesting than A2 trying to save the day but fucking everything up instead.

So is 9S the reverse Raiden?

as in a character that is not marketed as the main character but ends up being the main character and a good character with good development?

Basically yeah

Who doesn't like 9S? He's fascinating and, in the second half, probably one of the best voice-acted characters in gaming.

Honestly i think that the game shows really well why 2B loves him so much she sacrifices herself for him without a second thought. Not only he's always positive (even if that's a fake demeanour), he's always around to help, reassure and protect her.

In sinoalice collaboration story he's called a paladin which suits his personality quite well.

>A2 trying to save the day
Was that what she was trying to do? She wasted so much time and her character was so fucking flat that I just gave up on figuring out her motivations (if she even had any)

She promised deceased members of her squad to survive and keep killing machines as long as she is able to. She tries to fulfil this promise and also protect the human server from N2. Her motivation is completely straightforward.

A2 is not a retard! She is a very cute and just slightly autistic.

>this pod has serious concerns about A2's cognitive capabilities

>She promised deceased members of her squad to survive and keep killing machines as long as she is able to.
I guess I forgot about that. Did she make that promise after reading Anemone's log of the Pearl Harbor Drop? Or was it earlier than that?

Also, how did she even survive the Pearl Harbor Drop? Was that ever explained? Did I just miss it entirely?

If she wants to kill machines so badly, how did she end up doing odd-jobs for Pascal's village?

When she said "Command is the one who betrayed you," what exactly is she referring to? Command has done a lot of fucky shit in the past, so a little clarification would have been nice. Does she know about the humans? Or about YoRHa? About black boxes?

Even if you explain all this shit to me, I'm still gonna think she's a pretty bland character overall.