Healer starts to DPS

>Healer starts to DPS

Other urls found in this thread:


>Tank thought his job was to hit things until they died

>its a disc priest / Chloromancer / similar healer from other games

What is the point of DPS?

Are they basically just fluffers?

>Tank starts to Heal

>healer starts to DPS
Good. Pure healsluts are a low-tier class. Combat medics that are actually good at combat are the highest form of healers.

that's the funnest time for me as a healer. fistweaving is great

WoW's design philosophy is that DPS is for keeping up with the Enrage timer and killing adds.

That's just healers. They literally can't do. They just undo. If the game had good design damage dealers and tanks would have their own sustain. Healer as a role is just a way yo enable passive players

>Healer is topping both the DPS meter and the healing meter

Feels good being god's gift to PUG plebeians

Oh shit I've seen this painting IRL

>dps starts to tank

>healer starts to dps
>dps's better than the actual dps and generates more threat than the tank
>healer draws aggro

>play FFXIV
>healers get kicked from groups if their priority isn't dps over healing

This. Good healers do damage after HoT and buffs and can stop dd to heal. Shitty healer just watch, doing shit while no one is taking damage.


>post dungeon
>healer gets uppity
>"um, you could thank me you know?"

Healers should NOT be expected to DPS!

>that brief period when rogues could build 100% evade and tank in Wow

>mfw tank
>mfw friends are both dps
>mfw we make a game of kicking shit healers that arent dpsing or are wearing slutmog
>mfw the next patch adds cross realm PMs
>mfw the rage tells we're gonna get
>my fucking face

>healer starts to tank

>late BC
>Shamans, rogues and boomkins tanking Karazhan

>me and freinds always use the duty finder together
>we always kick shit healers
>we laugh everytime we see their reactions after we told them they're getting kicked

Man this game is fun as fuck with friends

>Be healer
>Finish Dungeon
>Tank says "Good Job"

>Healer kills the enemy tank solo

convince me to resub to wow

>game designs the healers so that they can also be DPS if built right

>Be healer
>Call people out for being shitters if necessary
>Drop group if they don't comply
>Leave without a word if things go alright

>Report when this happens
>They get banned

>tank pulls large amounts of mobs for fast clear
>Healer stops healing because he's assmad about having to actually pay attention

Wewlad everytime

>tfw the dps with no ability to heal starts healing

>boss starts to tank

>DPS starts to heal the tank
>Complains that the healer is doing DPS
>Healer is doing 3x more damage and nobody has died


I want to FUCK Seris!

using items probably

>classes have great support and utility abilities
>never use them because they dont make big numbers

>boss starts to heal
>boss starts to heal YOU
>healer starts to complain about the boss doing "his" job

>play discipline priest
>dps and heal at the same time
>#1 heal in raid group

>when you have a ability that gives a %of damage done back as health and you no longer need a healer ever

>healer starts to heal

>bard is nearby contributing nothing while amusing himself

>Boss starts to tank
>Boss starts to tank itself
>Tank has no reason to play

>Heal and do more DPS than DPS
>No one dies
>No commendation
>Press heal once every 20 seconds
>Do 0 DPS
>Watch Stargate SG-1
>3 commendations

>dps start doing mechanics correctly

>Healer makes DPS feel weak and powerless
>Healer lets scrub tank's health get low and he gets scared
>they insecurely don't give them a commend
>Healer (Female(Male)) fellates the Tank and DPS all game long
>they give commends like headpats
Not hard to understand.

Why do sob many trans play ff14?

What do I look like, Brianna Wu? Hell if I know.

well I know what I'm rewatching next time

>Tank switches to dps stance for MAXIMUM DAMAGE

>the mechanics requires the group to split and do tasks separately

>healer does something retarded
>someone calls them out on it
>"fine I'm not healing anymore lol"

Why are healers always the shittiest people on the planet? Is it because they're legitimately bad at video games and as such flock to the easiest and least taxing role?


>General Support Becomes a Healer
>Helps destroy the other team.-

In WoW, druids are designed to dps during periods of low damage (moon/sunfire/solar wrath or if chosen feral affinity switch to cat form).

I swear, Blizz overworks the shit out of my tree lately.

Proof: (check raid healing section)

>mfw in one of the hardest dungeons in ESO there's a viable strategy for the healer to tank the main boss while the tank handles a shit ton of adds and mini bosses

>>Healer starts to DPS

Nothing wrong with that if you play Paladins.

A bigger problem is when people pick offensive classes yet can't kill shit.

>Is it because they're legitimately bad at video games and as such flock to the easiest and least taxing role?
Some, yes. But others want to win and realize healer is necessary. Maybe they even want to play another role but are forced into healer because everyone wants to play muh dps. Then people act self-entitled towards the healer and the healer stops giving any fucks.

>>Healer starts to DPS

What's wrong with that?

More damage = Shorter fight = Less healing

The numbers don't lie and they spell disaster for any healer who doesn't squeeze in every bit of DPS they can

the only times people get banned in that game is when they rightfully shit on shitters because their DPS is too low and even then you get a 24h ban after the 3rd time

Am I not a good enough healer for you user?



This shit right here is what turned me from a dashing rogue fan to a straight up fucking ninja faggot.
No regrets though. *evades your blow* Heh, try harder.

Yea but only if you don't sacrifice ANYTHING else for that healing.
most games where that paradigm even exists would never allow a healer to do safe DPS for a moment when they could just heal other guys that do 5x their DPS constantly. The DPS should be taking more damage in order to match the healers healing potential because it's far more efficient. There should never be a time when the healer isn't healing as such.

this is WHY it's so retarded when mercy takes out her pistol in overwatch actually. It's only useful as a last resort mechanism or the enemy is in a full retreat and you want to farm ult.

>Healer saves the team by going DPS

This. Healers who deal damage and still keep all their top tier healing in check are the best

You basically lower their dps by fucking up and they still stop to heal your ass

Maybe you can redeem yourself by posting more mercy

Does someone know the name?

>boss mind controls your tank
>makes him waste all the big boy cooldowns
>wipe eventually because of it

>Boss can be mind controlled


>Tank can't keep aggro because of one dps
>argument over whose fault it was

>the easiest and least taxing role
That's DPS though

Let's not pretend that not standing in fire every now and then is a taxing experience

Who is the Joe Budden of video game discussion?

>bard is playing through the fire and flames while you fight the boss
