Convince Me To Buy a PS4

I'm a PCfag that's playing less of it these days and looking for something new. Convince me to shell out $$$ for this console.

We don't need you being an annoying cunt on voice chat about how your PeeCee does everything better. Stay on PC and fuck off back to PUBG or something. Faggot.

you can play the last guardian on it


Get you a 3DS and some comfy RPGs. Fall is right around the corner.

Fuck Off!
If you can't make up your mind and find your own reasons for the purchase then don't fucking do it.
Last thing this shit hole needs is another 'OMG Sup Forums I TRUSTED YOU AND YOU FAILED ME' thread full of bitching about how random strangers didn't make a good decision for an indecisive retard.

Horizon Zero Dawn
The Last Guardian
Bloodboring if you're into drab shit
Uncharted remastered and 4

It's worth it for Horizon though. Pro only.

Take a look through the games exclusive to it and see if it'd be worth the money. I wish I did that before buying one since the only game I've enjoyed on it so far is Persona 5.

>Falling for the PS4 Pro meme
Either go with a PS4 Slim, or an XboneX when it comes out. The PS4 Pro is a awful fucking piece of shit that's BARELY any different than the regular PS4.

You're wrong and simply mad that you didn't wait for one. Enjoy your PS3.5.

The PS4 Pro can't even play 4k blu rays, and it doesn't even have true 4k.

How is he wrong though? From what I've seen from the few games that take advantage of the pros specs it's not worth the extra money.

an xbone won't do anything without an internet connection. Even a dvd, it won't play it if you aren't connected to the internet. PS4 needs the internet to download updates but works without it.

Have you finished your emulation backlog? Have you looked into PS3 emulation? Or wiiu? Do you have a controller? Try some free stuff before you waste money.

You can get access to mostly the same games, and you'll be more likely to have gaming become a secondary hobby like a healthy person

>an xbone won't do anything without an internet connection
You're fucking retarded. It's not 2013 anymore, and it wasn't even like that at launch.

I'm a PCfat that recently picked up a PS4 Pro and it has rekindled my enjoyment of vidya.

Same here. It's so good and I can't really explain why. The game suspension I guess. And the fact that I'm one of the few here that like its exclusives.

The only games worth playing are Japanese.

The only Japanese games worth playing never leave PS.

don't buy it. It suck dragon balls.

The pro doesn't do shit unless you have a 4k tv, right?

Only important games that are coming out this year and next are multiplats so i wouldn't bother if I where you.

It doesn't even do anything even if you have a 4k TV.

It upscales certain things to 4k, yes. Horizon looks really great and I never had a noticeable frame drop.

Nioh is 1080p 60fps instead of 720p 60fps
Horizon Zero Dawn has slightly better shadows, anisotropic filtering and I think stuff like small rocks appear closer to the player
The Last Guardian is supposedly awful on the normal/slim PS4s, seldom reaching 30 fps
Yakuza 6 (not localized, this only applies if it's not patched before western release) has awful performance on non-Pro machines
Other games often suffer slightly fewer and less harsh frame drops.
PSVR is supposed to be better on PS4 Pro if you're into that.

It's probably not worth almost twice the price if you're low on cash, but you make the call.

Did Nioh get PvP yet? I still haven't played it (other than the beta and last chance trial).

Most PS4 games were in production long before the Pro was even imagined. When the Pro launched, Sony went apeshit trying to get publishers to update their games just to be in a playable state.

No clue. I never got very far because of the awful enemy variety, health sponges and reusing levels.


jesus christ you need mental help

Bloodborne, Yakuza, and it's a great fighting game machine

bloodborne is better than anything the pc has shitted out in terms of exclusives for the last 30 yrs

Gravity Rush 1 and 2.

you wont play it trust me. i dont touch my pc/xbox/ps4 as much as i thought i would

this unironically. Fuck off OP

But it really is terrible. It's not really 4K and barely any developers took advantage of the ability to run games at 1080 60 FPS through the patch system.

Then to add insult to injury it didn't even come with a 4K Blu Ray player. Hell, the Xbox One S was a better deal by that virtue alone. Sony were morons with the Pro.

>mentions 'cute'
>conveniently forgets to mention 'smells' and 'lives in a sewer'

thanks for the bump friendo :^)

wouldn't the Horizon chick smell too? She's like a cave woman or some shit.

>I'm a PCfag that's playing less of it these days and looking for something new.

Seriously, what the fuck ?

I'm just a bit surprised by your post, because I honestly want to buy and build a PC in the near future.

Why aren't you playing games on your PC anymore ?

I'm really looking forward to play games like:

Skyrim + mods

SF V + mods

Crysis 3 (with/without mods)

FF XV + mods

Tekken 7 + mods

Fallout IV + mods

And much more.

I really don't understand why more and more PC gamers are buying consoles now....

Doesn't live in a sewer, swims around a lot.
She'd probably smell of oil and hydraulic fluids from all the splattered mech animals though.

>looking forward to play
>Fallout IV

Only with mods.

Can you even give me a reason why ff xv and fo4 aren't playing with mods ?

I guess you're just another shitposter.....

this. i forgot games could be fun and enjoyable after years of being mustard only. i still play on my pc a lot but far less than my ps4. recently got a switch too, its fun

>swims around a lot.
You sound like someone who has only swam in public swimming pools.
People who swim around in lakes and shit smell bad afterwards.

>aren't worth playing with mods ?

>PCfats absolutely NEED mods to enjoy a game
And they say they're not a meme. I hate them so much.

>Can you even give me a reason...
No matter how much you polish a turd it will never become a gold nugget.
If you think HIGH RESOLUTION CHOCOBO CLOAKAS and other mods can fix FFXVs atrocious story with content ripped for a movie (separate purchase) and 3 dlcs and shitload of of it just completely left out leaving behind a train wreck, well you're more naive than most around here.

>FFXVs atrocious story with content ripped for a movie (separate purchase)

>3 dlcs and shitload of of it just completely left out

Wait, seriously ?

No way man, that sounds too shitty to be true.

Is FF XV really that bad ?

I guess you didn't lurk in FFXV threads.
Besides the shitty memes there were infographics and lists of things and story elements that didn't make it in final game.
The whole troubled development story should be enough to trigger some caution.
But there's plenty more. I hope you like cup noodles and product placement in your FF games.
Showy but shallow combat with mangled magic (it would be nice to use powerful magic without almost killing rest of your party every other time).
Fetch quest overload with very little lore and boring hunts that are there as padding besides maybe 2 or 3 of them that were actually fun.

>Convince me to shell out $$$ for this console.
What do I get out of this?
1) PS4 is doing more than well enough regardless of your purchase
2) There would be a new PCroach on my platform

It's a lose-lose situation. Please don't get one, stick to PC, EarlyAccess trash and your delayed console ports.