Why isnt this game talked about on Sup Forums?

the majority of the playerbase plays nightmare and insane so don't bother talking about artificial difficulty casuls

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I had planned erotica mods for the game, but the game proved too autistic for me.

it's fun I guess, I like how it differs from other roguelikes by relying on abilities and CDs instead of consumables, but the game does feel really long with so many dungeons and multiple continents.

Because other roguelikes are better, casual scum.

Yet whenever I go on the roguelike general, people constantly talk about it.

I bet you like that Stone Soup garbage.

First time playing, any tips?

They mostly talk about that Stone Soup garbage you posing casual scum pig disgusting faggot pleb normie

Get something to break stuns asap

I can't make out half the stats and how damage with spell modifiers work
And i hate the mountain area with the lightning throwing fags

And i hate how every playthrough has the same areas

I keep getting killed by the master (is that his name)that vampire how to git gud?

If you pick the Shalore race, don't bother with the starting area until you get a proper shield infusion.

The berserker is a pretty decent starting class, but make sure you focus on skills and items that replenish your stamina.

Rogues are fun to play as, but kind of shit.

Also, never get attached to a character. Whenever you do some random boss will show up and push your shit in real hard.

Too long for its own good and not enough enemy variety. Trying out new character builds is fun tho

its normalfag, underage

Last I checked, they lambasted anyone who played it.

Also, it looks like fucking garbage. Even though ToME's UI is atrocious, at least they put in some effort with the tilesets and artwork.

i play it once in awhile. like a proper roguelike it'll just piss you off with absolute RNG bullshit and then you shelf it for a few months again. the number of times i've seen the Orc lands is very, very low.

>do the tedium of the starter areas for the nth time
>get to diakatana mountains
>some bullshit fucking champion mountain giant 1-shots me with a boulder that he throws from halfway across the map
>quit game.

Lol please. They're at the exact same level, as rudimentary as you can possibly get without going full ascii

so roguelike fags are contrarians
what a surprise

Ways of cheesing The Master:
Pick Archmage and use Dispel Magic on him.
Pick Corrupter and use Corrupted Negation + Burning Hex on him.
Pick Brawler and use Combination Kick on him.
Pick up Antimagic on any mindpower class and use Mana Burn till he's empty.

literally what?

Because ToME is absolute shit and every other real roguelike is better

>why isnt this game talked about on Sup Forums?
That's just the subjective perception of a newfag.

Most traditional roguelikes (not roguelikelikelikelikelikes) aren't. Why would ToME be an exception?

I sunk like 4 hours into this game before the realizing it did absolutely nothing particularly good or special.

>why isnt this game talked about on Sup Forums?
Because it's a shitty roguelikelike.
Why not play better games instead?

I bet you unironically enjoy Tangledeep.

You too, faggot.

like dark souls :DD
brapare to die :DD

>get to the second continent
>die to some random faggot dodging me more than the orc thing at the end of the first "final" boss
I just don't have the energy to start entirely from scratch. Though I'd at least keep that dimensional fortress or something.

It's got crazy spells and shit though.

Calling actual roguelikes "roguelikelikes" just because you don't like them is a really dumb meme.

What the fuck? That's not even a roguelikelike but a roguelikelikelike.

Fuck off shitposters.

I just realised why nobody actually talks about roguelikes. I can feel the taint from /rlg/ seeping in.


People like you make me glad I don't post on /rlg/ anymore.

I said REAL roguelikes

Better to have no discussion at all than discuss subpar roguelikes that more often than not are roguelikelikes or roguelikelikelikes.

Dio is an enemy in some *bands and casts The World to stop time.

What's a real roguelike?

>Better to have no discussion at all than discuss subpar roguelikes
Why do you discuss PozCumButt all the time, then?

Isn't calling them roguelikelikeslikes a bit pedantic? At which point do you stop?

When people stop labeling games as roguelikes even though they clearly aren't.

I'm shit at it, Please give me a beginner guide; I have 24 minutes on it.

It's pretty annoying isn't it? It's almost as if any game that requires you to restart at the beginning if you die qualifies as one. But by that logic, tons of retro games would be considered roguelikes. I wish I can find the person who first made the association and punch him in the face repeatedly until he stops saying stupid shit.

Go ask /rlg/. I'm sure they'd be more than happy to help!

>not being prepared for 1-hit KOs
bet your pleb bitch ass hasn't heard of nethack either.

>It's almost as if any game that requires you to restart at the beginning if you die qualifies as one.

Whenever I go to the roguelike general stone soup is the main game being talked about so I'm not sure what your point is here

Occasionally meme shit like Cataclysm but mostly DCSS

It fucking sucks, just like nuDCSS, nuADOM and all those reddit-tier paid rls.

>people constantly talk about tome in the thinly veiled DCSS general
nice one

Well put.

>tfw momijiRL never ever
i haven't visited /rlg/ since a long time ago. i miss all that autism

Tome4 is roguelike tho

>opinion is shared by awooposter
d i s c a r d e d

Well what the fuck. I distinctly remember a general where people were shitting on DCSS, and primarily talking about ToME. They were talking about how Possessors were the best and how Archmages were actually shit, or something along the lines of that. But the general consensus seemed to be that ToME, although flawed, was the preferred choice. I am not insane. I remember this crystal clear.

>implying nightmare and insane ToME is difficult compared to real roguelikes
lol, original tales of middle earth was harder, and let's not forget nethack, rogue, and ADOM which are all much much much harder games. Maj'Eyal is on par with DCSS, they are both easy roguelikes

You might have just caught it in a weird day. Maybe Crawl just released another update cutting out classic, well loved features a-fucking-gain or something and everyone was salty. But it's been thinly-veiled-DCSS-general for over half a decade my dude.

That's Poschengband, a greatly superior game with a short and very supple yet highly refined experience.
Unlike that ass-game, Sil.

is PCB still fotm?

I do remember people talking about DCSS as if it was much better in the past. Are the changes that drastic?

Also, is there any tier list that's generally approved by /rlg/?

I wouldn't know.
I haven't visited that fine thread in a bout a year.
Nice captcha.

lol, all your potions used to shatter any time you took cold damage, and your scrolls and books etc would all burn if you took fire damage. both of those were removed entirely, and that's just 2 out of hundreds of changes to make the game more and more casual. DCSS is by far the easiest roguelike I know of now, even shit tier Tales of Maj'Eyal is a tad more difficult.

I cwn understand complaining that to.e4 is easy shit but saying its not a roguelike?
Explain yourselves m8s

That's actually pretty cool. I can see why some would be upset. I wish I got into roguelikes earlier, but I was a simple teen who needed pretty graphics to properly stimulate myself.

>making the game easier is pretty cool
nah it's shitty practices that pander to casual babies, instead of them learning the game mechanics and improving their skills (since there are ingame methods to prevent potion shattering and scroll burning) they just dumb the game down so people have to engage their brain less and less when playing. It's bad for the entire industry in general.

Dude, I was talking about the potions shattering and shit. I'm in agreement with you.

>tedious == difficult
its always funny when aging neckbeards cling to outdated mechanics by playing the casuls card. burning scrolls/shattering potions makes for cute fluff, but is shit game design and it's a good thing that shit like that's being phased out. if the only point you got is 'but it makes the game easier/fucking casual' then you have no argument.

Sounds like you have a serious case of mad cuz bad.

it is pretty fun and plenty to do
but it is also rage fuel for some of the deaths


you're allowed to hate parts of things you like you dumb fuck. it doesn't even particularly bother me, but at least I have the foresight to recognize that it's bad design.

lul u mad cuz bad

I honestly have this feeling that the game intentionally puts OP random bosses in the game if you progress too fast. That's why I take a break after cleaning out several dungeons.


>User was automatically filtered due to a banned image hash
lol so you either posted CP in rage, or something from reddit or knowyourmeme.