Where were you when Twitch and Blizzard started advertising bare naked womyn

Where were you when Twitch and Blizzard started advertising bare naked womyn

she looks very ugly and disgusting

i hate gamer girls

She's the gf of Sco

Watch you're mouth virgin

She's wearing pasties you dumb cunt.

They don't care about gays, though, you're only like 1% of the market.

Masturbating desu senpai

Yum, pastries.

No nipples. Clearly not naked idiot

i guess that's what gaymers want

>you are mouth

Women want to how off their appearance and socialize more than play video games and his is how they contribute to twitch you shitlord.

And gaymers are so desperate for pussy that they will donate money to any thot on twitch that couldn't care less about them

Men want beauty because its an indicator of fertility and women want resources from men to support themselves, this has occurred for tens of thousands of years. The fact that your taking umbrage with human nature makes you an SJW of a different form.

So Chaturbate with video games and more money.

lmao no self respecting man is going to give money to a woman he won't fuck
i bet you buy them drinks too
also "umbrage" did you feel smart writing that word? either way i'm not mad, i'm just impressed at the jews working for blizzard, they can sniff all the trends and earn money from thirsty boys better than any other gaming company

>Twitch "entertainers"

She's only wearing a 3mm layer of latex around her nipples is what she said

that thread and those posts were the most retarded shit I've read in a while, christ that guy should off himself to prevent wasting any more of money on garbage like this

>gets the fucking facepaint wrong


It's always weird how no matter how stupid women behave there are always legions of men to defend them.

>you don't like this whore? You're gay/jealous/virgin/butthurt

you people don't even know djarii, don't judge her this lightly


>Selling handmade etsy jewellery and being a streamer are "careers"
If you're not a woman or disabled, give up on your dream kids.
>Comparing streaming to "being a movie star"
Fuck me

So we should judge her more harshly?

i never leave my house...

They are called whiteknights, at the end they get the pussy and then a divorce.

I hate girls

Virgins put pussy on a pedestal

bet Sco fucked her while she was painted like that and she said all the sylvanas quotes

Oh wowee! Shes covering her nipples so that means her boobs aren't exposed! Thank the lord.

Why the fuck do women think that hiding the nipple means you're technically not naked? The boob is the big round sack of fat on the chest. Not the fucking nipple.

>the whore djarii got into a '''''''''relationship'''''''' with a successful professional player/youtuber/streamer
wow what an absolute fucking surprise


That's what they're called, numbnuts.

Never call me numbnuts again or we're gonna have a problem you fucking bitch

>people always blame the women and not the retards who encourage them and give them more money
>Sup Forums will defend this
If you dont think both groups are horrible get the fuck off my board.

No, men want SEX with beautiful women and women want resources. If you give the woman resources without getting the sex then what does that make you?

how dare you speak to me

Guys like tits, it's natural.

Do you seriously not know what pasties are.

Speak for yourself senpai. I want sex AND resources. If the bitch cant provide by herself then shes a goldigger.

I know what they are, I was merely disappointed for not seeing nipples.

We got a problem here bitch?

>Naked woman
>But creative channels can't draw nipples

Both are horrible but i think the worse are the retards who give money to these sluts.

Yeah, shit's dumb.