Your game Fuel?
I only eat the most expensive
Your game Fuel?
Salty milk and coins
>bottle of soy sauce
>fruit with dessert
I fucking hate you people
1. That's not soy sauce
2. Get some taste you literal child
>bottle of soy sauce
im cooking honey roasted sweet potatoes rn and I'm about to fry some pork chops and make a cider and mustard sauce to go with it
>not knowing how to cook
food tastes way better when you cook it yourself you know
>Bottle of soy sauce
user i...
>le gaymur fewl
This meme needs to end.
Nothin like some good 'za
>still eats sweets
>calls others children
>bottle of soy sauce
What's the point of pouring chocolate over the plate?
I completely agree with you. i hate eating poor shit when playing games. Today i made myself Fried carrots with salmon and Jasmine rice with some cold water
>Thinks that is soy sauce
>Calls others children
>All that sodium and cholesterol.
So you're not planning to live past fifty huh?
>game Fuel
I don't have any "game fuel". I eat dinner like a regular person and then resume my gaming afterwards.
It looks "fancy" and can add a little bit of richness to whatever you are eating
What's your choice of gamer hand lotion, my gamer friends? You ARE keeping your gaming hands ready healthy, right?
I eat my boogers and drink water.
That looks gay as fuck
>getting lotion all over your keyboard/ controller
that bottle of soy sauce ruins the entire composition of the plate and makes it look ugly and amateurish
theres also way too much food on that plate, thats enough to feed like 3-4 people
hahaha what
Am I the only one that doesn't use lotion?
I lubricate myself up with soy sauce and then I fuck myself in the ass with a lampshade then play more dota
if youre talking about jerking off i dont either
Not good, my gamer. Keeping your hands smooth and hydrated is essential for a smooth gaming experience. If you want peak performance then you need to up your game with gaming lotion.
Someone was in the Charlie Brown Kwanzaa thread the other day!
>bottle of soy sauce
>thats enough to feed like 3-4 people
hello brainlet manlet
>tfw waking up and realizing you didnt eat all the wings last night
is there a better feeling
what's in the fucking bottle
But why they put the chocolate sauce in a fucking school chemistry class flask?
Not soy sauce
>Getting excited over old, crusty, dried out wings
Nigger just go buy more wings, fresh-cooked, wings ain't expensive, shit.
Is soy sauce with dessert a chinese delicassy?
i don't use it because im not an american, my foreskin is still intact
Shut up you stupid moron, that is chocolotale
>squirting shit all over the plate to make it more "aesthetic"
Next thing you know, they'll be paying people to just slop cream all over the table instead
>using a beaker as a glass
as a biotech student this alarms me
>my foreskin is still intact
Why does this matter?
t. an user that's not fully a man
My semen.
i genuinely enjoy drinking water while playing vidya. In fact I prefer playing vidya instead of binging a tv show or movie because I end up not snacking as much since my hands are busy. Thanks video games
that's the most bullshit thing I ever seen, there is a reason why not all plates are entirely flat
>pork buns
>potato soup with meatballs
>zahra mekhla
Whatever I feel like making.
>t. an user that's not fully a man
are you underage? you know you have to be 18 to come here, user.
that ain't gourmet food, that's bullshit food
What Gordon Ramsay cooks is gourmet food
>Gordon Ramsay
Just not the same without the audio.
>That will be 800 dollars, plus tip.
>gimmick restaurants
Not even fucking once, user.
what's the point in all of this?
>100 steps and 7 days of work to turn strawberries into strawberries
the world would be better off without these food art faggots
just eat before playing, faggot.
These people believe they are artists or what?
Such a fucking waste of money on that bullshit.
i use coconut oil
most of those steps were superfluous, completely unnecessary. Watch the patissier from Celler de La Roca doing the same desert with apples, he does 10 times less steps than that, and that restaurant was considered the best by the Michelin guide 3 or 4 years in a row, I think.
>tfw diluted peppermint, clove, cinnamon leaf, and chamomile
diced mangos, green apples, strawberries and water followed by a multi-vitamin supplement.
Food is Art, my friend