this spinoff was a million times better than the actual games

this spinoff was a million times better than the actual games

Will we ever get another one?

you are entitled to your shit opinion but it's still shit.

>i havent played it - the post

You don't need to play it, it's borderlands therefore it's shit.

Whatever you think is shit about Borderlands, this doesn't have it.

They should just die with their stupid badass crap its annoying

The best game to come out of Telltale. I honestly never realized how much I hated claptrap until I played through this. Can't play borderlands anymore honestly because this was so much better.

Last episode was fucking great, best love story I've witnessed all year.

Also, best Talesfu.

the story? yes.
the characters? some more than others.
music and background/enviroments? that could warrant some discussion.
but saying it's a better game is wrong. Unless you're talking about The Pre-Sequel, people didn't like it that much.
I liked it, but it's not a better game than the games.

I think what I appreciated much more was the story. It was like they made better use of the world and setting than Gearbox did in either Borderlands 1 or 2. For me the core games were an unfun slog. This drew me in

Gortys Loaderbot spinoff when

>I think what I appreciated much more was the story.
oh definitely, and I liked most of the characters more than in 1 or 2. Maybe that's because you have more of a choice in what characters do for the most part, also you get more story from characters while playing them than in 1 or 2, though it's been a while since I've played either so I could just not be remembering things right.

>a glorified visual novel is better than a video game

>Better writing
>Better characters
>No shitty collectathon missions
>No Claptrap
>Choices that lead to consequences
Far, far better kiddo


No. They're focused on Minecraft and capeshit stuff now because that's where the money is.

They're putting out the next installment in Wolf Among Us, though, and people'd been asking for that for years. Might take a while but maybe someday

>no Claptrap

Granted, finding out that he was the special mystery vault hunter was pretty amusing, but he's still not a very good character even in Tales.

I think many of the people that made Tales of the Borderlands so good aren't with Telltale any more.

Not him but I like claptrap....

They said somewhere on their message board that they're 'open' to it. Depending on who said it, that can either mean we'll actually see a sequel, or it'll just be some idea that'll constantly be on the backburner until everyone forgets about it and it disappears entirely.

>yfw the stranger is revealed
