Why don't you join the Switch fanbase?
Why don't you join the Switch fanbase?
I cannot for the life of me understand what you're trying to do, OP.
I don't wear glasses.
I'm not an ugly slob.
Looks like a rather normal group.
I already did! Such a well made console, I love voice chatting with my friends on Splatoon 2!
Where in neo-Brazil is this group of culturally enriched young men based out of?
>Joycon Boyz hoodie
Is Etika /ourguy/?
Probably any US city with a population higher than 60k
If you look like any of these cucks i feel bad for you.
Damn. Must suck not living in a white country anymore.
I can safely say that there isn't a single good game exclusive to the Switch that I'm interested in.
I like to play more than 2 video games of my personal preference on my consoles. Switch is not for me
disgusing mutts
>Implying the US was EVER a white country
Nice blogpost tumblr.
It's a direct answer to the OP you fucking retard
Nobody asked you tumblr, stop replying to my post and my post's son.
waiting for mario to come out.