Release date: Sep 4, 2001

>Release date: Sep 4, 2001

They really had no idea, did they?

Other urls found in this thread: date: Sep 4, 2001 /

What is the purpose of this thread?

I have NO IDEA what the fuck (You) keep talking about with this shit.

No idea....of what?

The game was released a week before 9/11 terror attacks is what OP is inferring.


.....So? Thousands of pieces of media were released the week before 9/11...what's the big deal?

>Release date: Sep 11, 2001

They really had no idea, did they?

They knew, very specifically the developers of the Rocket-Power tie-in game knew of the WTC attacks before they happened.

It was the end of the Rocket Power era, the last time America could be innocent

wow look at this fucking thread YET again day 6 now

Rocket Power can't melt steel beams.

That's what I asked. This is just some shit bait thread and OP is a fag (probably a Sup Forums one at that)

9/11 is literally the single most important event of the new millennium

>Release Date: September 11, 2001

They really had no idea, did they?

>there are kids posting on Sup Forums right now who weren't born during 9/11 date: Sep 4, 2001 /
Was it autism?

Fucking shoobies

>there are kids posting on Sup Forums right now who were born on the day of 9/11

>Airdate: September 7, 2001

And they won't get the historical significance, indoctrinated on their iPhones.

>May 5, 1990

They had no idea, did they?