Seriously how the fuck do you play this game?

Seriously how the fuck do you play this game?
I get that its whole gimmick is you can literally do anything in the game but combat is ridiculously fucking hard.
The bow skellies are literally fucking my shit up all status effects they do almost always procs and they fucking combo fire and poison, they literally wipe my party in one turn.
I take about an hour with just one combat with more than 3 skellies.

The entire game is a fucking casual filter but holy fuck this is a whole new level.
I can't even begin to imagine the sequel.

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Are you playing on tactician mode?
You shouldn't.

the game is complete trash
at least the classic version is

never tried the enhanced edition

someone post the picture about a guy failing the divos tutorial area please

If you're getting wrecked in the tutorial cave I can't help you. But if the undead are those outside of town, recruit people if you haven't and do the quests around town to get some levels. Steal shit from people and buy better equipment. The skellies shouldn't be slapping you that bad.

You missed the enemies at the beach which you're actually of level to fight

How are you supposed to miss the straightforward tutorial area?
Or are you referring to the beach on the west with level 6 orcs.

If you're playing on Tactician the first part of the game is fucking brutal, but as you learn the systems and the combat you'll get better very quickly and as you level up you'll have a lot more room for error due to greater HP, better equipment, more skills, etc.

Your options are:
1. Continue playing Tactician mode and just be okay with restarting several times and bashing your head into the game for a few hours at least before you start getting comfortable.

2. Lower the difficulty.

I personally suggest the first option because once you get into the game, especially if you're decent at allocating stats and abilities properly, it becomes really easy in the latter half of the game. For me there was a really big learning curve to climb by starting Tactician, but eventually the game become piss easy because I didn't waste stat points and the developers are of the anti-min/maxing, "the fun is in the RP" sort of players so you can break the game pretty easily just by not being shit at creating a focused RPG character.

As opposed to figuratively fucking up your shit? How has the word 'literally' become so commonplace as to used preceding every described event.

Make both of your characters zombies and give them the level 1 witchcraft spell that causes bleeding and enjoy invincibility

It's become overused in recent years, but it's not something invented by the modern era:

The latter, they're easier than the skellies

to clarify, it causes that witchcraft spell when cast on your characters to heal and then heal every turn while bleeding lasts, which during the early game is incredible

The combat is all about spamming cc and elemental combo, just do what they do before them and don't hesitate to use grenade and special arrows

Which stats should I focus on a ranger and a mage

Play normal dude. Tact is not for first time because you need to know all the mechanics.

Very early game burning touch does a lot of damage and can open/burn down doors for you.

CC is second most important with Bully on non mage character.

Mages are pretty bonkers.

Why is every one saying he should turn it off tact mode, where did he say that?

Dex, speed, per maybe
Int, speed

I don't have EE.

So do I skip out on buffs?
I thought it was a good idea but apparently environmental skills are fucking OP.
I have a 2h Fighter to fight things upfront and a 2h Battlemage to buff the Fighter.

>I don't have EE.

So... are you playing on Normal, then? Fucking git gud.

>I don't have EE.
What? did you pirated the game?

witch buffs are actually pretty good but in the very first fights having two character fighting is better than having a buffed one

Buffs are for when you actually have good equipment. But even then its all about not letting the enemies do what they want.

Fuck off.

Yeah. Downloaded about a year ago and forgot about it, then i saw the sequel so might as well try out this one.

Hi Jmadz, you terrible piece of shit

Try Fallout4

In this game it's powergame or nothing

It really isn't on normal.

I think it's best to make your fighter able to cast buff himself (you often need only one point in a skill) just give him enough int to have a 100% chance

Even on tactician mode powergaming isn't completely necessary. The game becomes trivially easy pretty quick if you powergame on tactician mode. I can't even imagine how godmode you could get on normal.

>Downloaded about a year ago
The EE is two years old, the fuck are you doing mate?


Sorry OP, you're an idiot for not knowing having an encyclopedic knowledge about a game you just started playing

>hey I have a good idea, let's make poor characters with boring interactions the center stage as you solve a half assed murder!

Never dropped a game so fast

>combat is ridiculously fucking hard.
I think you should play telltale games or life is strange instead, this game ain't for you


to be fair, if it's OPs first experience with the game/this genre, the combat can be pretty unforgiving in the first act. I got my ass kicked at first too.

abuse CC (Freeze, Stun, Slow, Blind, Knockdown), it'll literally carry you for the first half. after that you'll be strong enough to just burst through most encounters

Remember Divine Divinity and immediately getting your shit slapped in the tutorial dungeon if you rolled a warrior with no ranged option? That was fun

It sounds like you only have 2 party members. If you picked Lone Wolf it makes the game a whole lot harder. If you don't have Lone Wolf, go grab companions from town. There's a ranger, a thief, a make, and a warrior.

Anyway to skip this murder mystery bullshit?

Just go the the next area

The murder is such a tiny aspect. If you fuck around enough you can solve it the first time you get to town. I couldn't leave without going into every house and ended up picking some very important shit for the murder quest in one of them.

I don't remember DD having a tutorial desu

>abuse CC
How though? If it doesn't proc the first time you're fucked.

I actually have all the companions in the first city but I'm using the Mage and the Rogue.
The rogue's pretty shitty at combat but he's pretty useful at stealing things, I have a feeling that he'll be useful later on. The mage is kinda useless too.

The catacombs under the starting town
It's smooth sailing until you go deep enough to find the big skeletons, those WILL one or two shot you and you can't do shit about it. Meanwhile if you have a bow or magic you can even go outside the town and fuck up level 4 orcs without a care in the world

I think I ended up back tracking to kill those fuckers

I would've said you need whatever item the boss there had to unfreeze the healer to start the plot, but I might be wrong

I definitely came back for some skeleton or other and I got pretty far in the game as a pure melee fighter, except some healing, before I got bored, but with my shitty memory it could have been another set of catacombs.

I end playing games in really stupid ways sometimes though. I spent the last couple of levels of Diablo 1 just running away from everything and trying to get objectives because the dark knights simply raped me and I could barely catch up to the mages/succubuses.

Also here's my knigga

Mages have really high proc on their CC, esp vs skeletons which have shit Willpower/Bodybuilding. Fighters also have high proc on their knockdown abilities

Also, if you can have summons (scrolls are really good at that), it'll make your life a fuckton easier

ITT: Brainlets

>he rogue's pretty shitty at combat but he's pretty useful at stealing things
Anyone can steal, and pickpocketing doesn't pay much in the long run
>I have a feeling that he'll be useful later on
He won't
>The mage is kinda useless too.
Nigga he can CC no problem and is a very decent crafter, and crafted equipment is OP as fuck

>turn based "combat"
I dropped the game 5 minutes in.