What are the most awesome, badass, or overpowered abilities in any game?

What are the most awesome, badass, or overpowered abilities in any game?

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i enjoy bullet time ala max payne/FEAR

Pretty much the entirety of Asura's Wrath


really underwhelming

Player only?

>Asura's Wrath

I meant abilities that are fun to use, not a QTE-fest

fun is subjective. jacking off is fun. also shoving dragon dildos up your ass is fun for some people

if you stand still as Birdie in SFV he'll flick a booger

>shoving dragon dildos up your ass is fun for some people
>some people


it's amazing how much the game was improved by letting the radio be used outside vehicles


.>also shoving dragon dildos up your ass is fun for some people
yeah, i need to talk to your mother about that one...

Pretty much Prototype 2 the entire game.


>this does over 90% of the squishiest character's life in one hit
>is the tankiest character in the game and still does 40% of his own life in a mirror match

Time stop, improved alacrity etc. all the late mage shit is pretty fun in BG2.
Druid dragon wildshape in NWN is really fun too.
Getting the upgraded gravity whatever gun at the end of HL2.
Armageddon in Might&Majicks and Heroes, especially 3 with armageddon's blade.
Armageddon in ultima.

Azura Strike from Monks in Ragnarok Online

Dota 2 had a lot of these moments for me, there's a dude that can teleport everyone to one person, a dude that silences for FIFTEEN seconds, a dude that can copy his stuff perfectly, etc.


this looks like one of the easiest "you win the game" card to pull without combos the game ever had

I want another game in the style of SR4. Different setting and humor, but a super hero game where you mix up powers, gunplay, and crazy movement would be super fun.

Basically prototype with guns being a viable option

Well I wouldn't know, ive never played it, I just remember the card being a crazy concept

Instant teleportation.

It was awesome since the boss can do it as well; it became a crazy race of who can teleports behind faster.

>over a minute long video on an ability which takes about 5 seconds
>takes 40 seconds before the commentator uses the 5 second long ability

this series

>civ nukes
Do you still have to nuke a city god knows how many times for it to be destroyed?
Nukes in Civilization are so fucking disappointint.

try SMAC sometime
you not only wipe the city and everything in it off the map, you create a giant multi-tile crater where it used to be

>Under half HP
>80 second long attack animation
>Still doesn't kill it

In the game's defense it's a cut scene where the damage is fixed.

You never get a damage about that exact through normal gameplay


I haven't played ZoE, but I have played this other game where the boss is a mecha that repeatedly unsheathes katana and teleports behind you, with "behind" even being the key since you have to look away from your party members to avoid them getting hit as well


Nah this exists.

This isn't vidya, but who's the person who comes up with the little vignettes at the bottom of the cards?
Every time I see a Magic card posted it's a treat because the art, the character/event, and the lore tidbit are so great.

>Empire At War: Golden Edition
>Black Sun's ability to self-destruct their ships and kill everything nearby
It's so fucking lame.

I don't think it's any one person in particular so much as it's all of the WotC writing team contributing.

I remember in Earth's Special Forces there were energy blasts like the Spirit Bomb that could kill every one on the map, shit was stupid but still pretty fun.

Woah, your Civ 6 looks different than mine. How?

I had a deck built around it in the Magic 2015 iPad game. I won with it all the time, it's not hard to get those lands out.