Vidya Cringe

Vidya Cringe.
Some fresh OC here.

what kind of person wants to feel cringe

get the fuck off Sup Forums jesse

psuedo masochists


I still own that Pikachu on the left

Does anyone else get angry when they see lonely people? I become very frustrated, like I want to punch the air.

is this really werster?


um. why?

you tell me kek

>Someone has a tattoo of Randy Pitchfords signature.

>"That's not too bad, Pokemon was big in 2000..."

>You can but.. think in gaming world I'm you won't idiot think I'm an idiot again.. in real life

nice one

Shes gonna tattoo over their autographs? Why do these kids look up to such retarded people?

most threads on v are retarded trash. 1 in 100 threads are interesting anymore, most of it is nintendo posters and games no one cares about
t. us gamers


You know some dumbass Sup Forumsirgin faggot made this for the express purpose of le epic cringe threads right?

probably, but ironic cringe is still cringe user.

I guess.

That dude totally looks like Snoke from those new Star Wars movies


this dude is truly sad, not cringy,, poor fella

This isn't cringe so much as it is painful.

No, they'll think ur a faggot.


He could look really nice if he got a better hair-cut and grew some facial hair.

He's white on top of this, so he could go to Mexico or whatever and roll in women. He just needs social training and to lose a bit of body weight.

I had this friend who had this three hour debate on why it is acceptable and morally correct to have sex with an animal. The worst part is that he is dead serious about it all.

get a new friend

I haven't spoken to him in roughly four years. He was just fucking weird.


What's wrong with liking pokemon?

>just hope to find true love
>casual sex
Nice guy in a nutshell

If you are over the age of 12, it makes you a furry

god damn thats some next level cringe

Now THIS is projection

Be happy you'll never have to feel desperate, normo.

What's wrong with being a furry?


the fact that it's illegal to have sex with animals in civilized countries, you barbarian

As cringe as these photos usually are, I still envy the fact someone at least cares about them enough to celebrate their birthday.

I do it anyway.
No one has to know, and it's not like animals are self-aware enough to feel pain over something they can't comprehend.

Is it though?

I hate that white boi

She's too cute for him

dumb jew it totally fine to make sex to the animal.

all goat love it

better than woman anyway. all dogs. only good for beat. goat for sex.

okay i laughed, you got me good

Is that Kanye?

Where's the R?

>A black woman with decent facial features

Explain this now

If that's actually you, then admit you like the attention from that dweeb. If you actually wanted him to stop you could have blocked and moved on instead of replying with 'idk' repeatedly. Dumb bitch.

why are you against bestiality, user?

centuries of selective breeding with good looking people, mutts and white included

gotta work on my horse porn code

stop sucking that foot tupac

>the very first item on the list being as wrong as physically possible


Make-up and image editing.

all psychopaths should arm themselves with grill safety lighters

retard alert

I think he'd look much better with a decently groomed beard, but I'm probably not the best guy to ask for this type of stuff so.

Feel bad for this guy

Male loneliness is the worst thing in the world


>Vidya Cringe

Look at your high score

i hate fake straight hair on black girls who then walk around and claim to be woke melanin goddesses whom are oppressed by the inferior white cave-dwellers

There is no cringe to be found here

only sadness

>Fake straight hair
I'll take it any day if it means no shitty dreads or curls. Why do niggresses always have those two hairstyles anyways?

>Tfw 20
>Didn't get a big cake from my family

>No one came to my party.

Jesse is a good friend.

that's an old one

The "before playing" list is complete cancer.

>Werster is going to have a wife's son after he gets married
How the mighty have fallen.

>Calling a girl who is lightyears out of your league an animal.

Because their hair is naturally dense. It wii never be straight naturally, they either have to straighten it or use fake hair.

i don't mind curly hair but dreads are gross

see: abby from giant bomb

>tfw it was my birthday on Monday and no one cared

>Call Oprah
Fucking kek.

>Bottom left

It still hurts

Every time.

it's worse because he's black and the notion is that black people are cool and significantly more socially adept compared to other races

poor dude

>Werster is going to get married
nice joke

Autistic beta detected

No thats actually happening, he's engaged to some chick and moving to the states to live with her and her son.

I agree. Especially when you have no one to tell you when you're fucking up and how to get better. God knows girls won't fucking do it

>Call Oprah

>Was in college for my 18th
>Somebody asked if it was my birthday and what I'm planning on doing
>"going out to a party later, haha. Also, 21 is the big party, that's when life really begins."
>Go home
>Parents forgot it was my birthday
>Decide to sleep as soon as I got home

>21st birthday


>Terrible facial features
>Shit hair
>Associated with the worst the female gender has to offer
Black women have it tough huh.

>Just turned 27 this month
>No one said a word to me
>Only person who got me a gift was this 18 year old girl from a place I used to work at who has the biggest crush on me but I keep ignoring (and will probably continue to ignore). A box full of stuff she remembered that I liked, like my favorite types of sweets and such

I've never at once felt so pathetic. Like it was self pity, and then the realization that I put myself here and deserve it

Also sad.

I'm thinking half of these with the poor editing are just regular pictures, then different people afterwards shop everything in exclusively so they have content to post in cringe threads.

Why are black girls with straight hair so god tier? Even if her natural hair is... You know, the standard "the fuck is this" black woman hair (pic related) she can go from 5 to 9 real quick just by straightening it.
>T. user who isn't really attracted to full black girls
Brown girls a cute

>If a game is condescending towards you for playing it on easy, turn it off and return it.

>21 years old
>Thinking about just snubbing myself from this world
>Not really young anymore, but not old either
>People keep saying "you've got the rest of your life ahead of you", but it's not a life I want to experience

I've never had a girlfriend before, but I'm well seasoned toward other human beings, and I know what it's like to have one because of this.

I'm done with this world, and I can't see a reason to continue being a part of it aside from fear.

That's the case with roughly 95% of the enlightened atheist pictures you see. Sup Forums made most of them. Then subsequently forgot they made them. Then got angry at them.

why you think the women in them tribes in africa always be bald

girl in your pic is hot imo

yes the hair is pretentious but it's hard for their hair for them not to look weird and artificial when they straighten it so i'll take the tumbleweed in THIS case

it's case by case frankly. no general rules can be made for nigger cunt heads

Get the fuck over yourself. Wait until you're 30 so you can see how shitty your life really turned out before you end it.

Why did you write my post