Here we go again

Too far? Has he already gone far enough? Who cares? Is he right?

Other urls found in this thread:


What's next, saying Brutal Doom is good?

>is a "charlie spergs out about a baby game" episode

Without watching the video in question:
>R&C3 had far fewer interesting minigames/gadget challenges in it like space dogfights and glider sections, replacing the majority with just the Hacker minigame
>changes to upgrade system over R&C2 are mostly superficial
>basically just R&C2 again with a new arsenal of weapons and less variety (+ admittedly cool multiplayer)
What else is there?


r&c is pretty niche, who is this litwho trying to reach with shitting on this series?

more nitpicking probably

>Spurges about Nier Automata for 2 years before release
>it comes out and is silence about it
>just wants to shit on Ratchet and Clank


The gaming "if it's cuhrayzee and over the too it's automatically good!" show.

What was his issue with automata?


The only advantage that 3 has over 2 is that the final boss isn't a complete push over

>R&C3 has the best gameplay, story and even is the funniest of all 3
>b-but it's disappointing...

The worst part about your first point is that the Hacker isn't even fun. I hated having to use it. Even the ball thing from Going Commando was more fun

Is it really nitpicking when it all comes together to make R&C3 inferior to 2?

Because that's what I was getting at in my post. I don't see anything wrong with that video's title in itself, it all depends on the points he brings up.

I don't know who this is but I want to cut him

Why are you all so salty? I watched the video this morning and I think he had a fair set of points. It's been very long since I actually played Rnc3 so it makes it harder for me to give a fair assessment but based on what he presented, it seems like he was pretty on point. I'll be replaying the trilogy again sometime soon so I'll update my opinion then.

Kid me didn't like R&C1. Kid me loved R&C2. Kid me fucking ADORED R&C3.

This is the guy who seems to think R&C wasn't fundamentally flawed with its shooting mechanics, to the point of where going back to it after the later games felt like grinding sandpaper across your balls.

Give me a tl:dw

I'm not watching it. You watch it.

If he's not watching it I'm not watching it

why doesnt he complain about the shitty boss in 2 that makes me never want to play that shitty game again.

Or the flying minigame in 2 that was complete dogshit, and forced upon you at multiple points?

He didn't like it because it was too linear, no commentary about modern society, and Nefarious didn't fit the tone of the game.

I get the point that ratchet 2 had more variety, but I fucking hated the space battles, and the races, and that small planet with the jump pads, etc. I only missed the grind rails

Basically ratchet 3 has less variety because it has no grind rails, much less minigames, only one battle arena vs 2, etc.

Also the levels were much more linear instead of 1 and 2 having much more alternate routes you could choose at the beginning of levels. He blames this on wasted resources poured in the online multiplayer. Other nitpicks like insomniac museum not being voiced, etc.

also the graphics in 3 were awful, which I agree

>why doesn't he complain about the other games?????
Because this video is about ratchet and clank 3
I'll type out a couple
>level exploration is cut down substantially from previous titles, levels generally only having one linear path opposed to the 2-3 in every level in 1/2
>details missing i.e. Enemies not reacting when shot by more powerful weapons, lack of animations present in other games of the era
>some levels and segments are just a pasted multiplayer map with a hoard of enemies coming at you which would be fine if it weren't for the fact that the game already has an arena mode
>less content such as races and mini games
>game doesn't even have grind rail segments
>sloppily written story with less focused themes than the previous titles

some other shit but I'm not typing that all out


Knowing that, I wonder what his thoughts on Deadlocked is.

>no commentary about modern society,
What the fuck does that even mean?
If he wants social commentary maybe he should play Gone Home or NitW. That seems more his speed
But what would I expect from the Social Justice Brit?

The best part of the video is when he gets those quotes form the devs basically saying that the game was a disaster and 2 weeks from launch they were scared af thinking they were going bankrupt

I don't remember there being anything interesting storywise in 2. There were like, a bunch of blue furby things that ended up being the bad guys? I remember Dr. Nefarious though, and he was a damn good character.

I brought up R&C1, because this sperg did a two hour video about how the $40 budget title remake was bad, while ignoring the elephant in the room that was 2002 version's dogshit controls.

If I understood the video correctly, he complains about social commentary being in the game, he says that the racism related themes added with Nefarius are completely out of place.

It's only a matter of time until their circlejerk discord pings for this thread.
Clemps, Charlie, Hyperbit,, and Turbo Button constantly shill for themselves here and it's a shame since they used to make good videos.

In the first game nearly everyone was obsessed with money and refused to help you without being paid, even if you just saved their lives.

>"the writing of this interactive toddler's show has REALLY gone downhill"

They also retconned the female lombax. Giant protopet was the most disappointing boss

Wow, reviewing a 13 year old game. What's next? Pic related?

That user missed the point. He criticized the writing for its commentary on bigotry. The original game had such a huge focus on consumerism, it was an odd twist for insomniac to write a sloppy story focusing on politicians and genocide.

Ratchet and Clank was never good.

Blah blah blah fake opinions

Who gives a shit what some fucking bongistan retard thinks? The guy is probably watching cuck porn as we speak.

It's this kind of thinking that made consoles phase out backwards compatibility because children think old = not worth looking at.

You have to be quite foolish to believe that there isn't such thing as quality writing in works geared towards a younger audience. Challenge yourselves.

If we wanna talk about quality writing, R&C3 created the only noteworthy villain in the series.

Hey, what about Gleeman Vox?

>next video: why dr.nefarious was not as noteworthy as he should be

>The gaming brit show
I already got cancer from the fucking username of whoever this cunt is. Not vidya

Going Commando only had one upgrade for weapons. That meant there was one long grind, with little progress, or incentive to switch weapons, until you got a level up. By splitting things into multiple tiers, R&C allowed you to feel progress, while letting you explore different options.

Got a weapon to level 2? Cool, try out this other one. It's still level 1.

No, they phased out backwards compatibility because it cannibalizes current console game sales, like what happened when the PS3 was released. Sales of PS2 games were far outstripping PS3 games.

they should just get a room already

>sloppily written story
It has the best writing and villain out of the trilogy.
>b-b-but muh consumerism and s-satire
Nobody gives a shit, its a fucking kids game.

why do british people have the worst taste in video games?

Because we have the worst taste in taste.

That channel name legitimately triggers me. I hate it and can't get it out of my head and I don't even know what their content is like.

>says it has the best writing
>then proceeds to say nobody cares about the actual quality writing that came before it because "lol dude nefarious is funny"
Bunch of fucking assholes in this threads closing their eyes and sticking fingers in their ears because they don't want to use their brains. Fuck all of you.

Doesn't change that R&C 2's level design was vastly inferior to 1 and 3.

>Enemies not reacting when shot by more powerful weapons
this dude used a terrible example by using the fucking heavy lancer.
I guarantee that if you tried using that weapon or any of the other beginner tier weapons at the last stage of the game you would run out of ammo before the end of the stage. The weapon balance in R&C2 was shit because of this

>better story
debatable, but it does have the best gameplay which makes it better by default

You can have good writing without an overdone DUDE, MONEY, LMAO theme.

>Guy grew up on character action games
>In bongland, where everything was 10 FPS slower for years

he was likely born after that changed

I haven't watched it, but I wasn't disappointed with a R&C game until the PS3.

Even Deadlocked was fun, if the story weak.

But Tools of Destruction was just... pathetic.

A Crack in Time was better, but suffered from many of the same bad ideas that started in ToD.

Haven't played Into the Nexus or the other PS4 entries. But with the absolute shitshow that the "remake" of the original is, I don't see much hope for the future of the series.

>Half of Sup Forums can't tell the difference between 30 and 60 fps
>The Pal/NTSC thing always gets brought up and suddenly everyone acts like all UK games run like they're on bullet time.

I mean there's a genuine difference, but I always suspect there must be quite a few people who gets really red and fuming about 60fps and yet can vizualise the difference between 50 and 60hz no problemo.

You're such a fucking faggot dude. It has nothing to do with being pretentious or intellectual. The reason the writing was good is because it was nailed all the way down into the core gameplay. The entire reason for things being the way they are, collecting tons of bolts, buying expensive gadgets and weapons, vendors and advertisements being everywhere, almost no character doing anything for you without you giving them money, etc. It's all in the gameplay. It's great world building with a purpose. This was lost over the course of the series. Is that inherently bad? No. Were the stories of some of the following games weaker? Definitely. Video Game storytelling is great when it's told through the gameplay itself.

They never actually said she was a lombax in game though.

I mean, yeah she looked exactly like a human-proportion version of our hero.

What I think is worse is that they never quite explain how the love interest in 3 -isn't- a lombax. They're much closer physically, she's just black to his tan-stripes.

no he just grew up with God of War
he only got into DMC when he played them for the first time for his 2012 DMC video and only after that he went to be a full on DMC-fag

people make a bigger deal out of the 50/60 hz thing than it actually is and make it sound like 50 hz is like playing at 15 fps or something

Can we agree it has the better villain at least? I can't even remember who the antagonist of R&C2 was. Only the bait lombax female who never showed up again in the rest of the series.

2's villain was Quark
but yes, Dr. Nefarious was the best villain in the series, so much so that in last year's reboot he was the villain instead of Drax from 1

Hyper's discord is good

Well you just raised my interest in playing that reboot at some point.

People, especially the guy who made the video OP posted, were needlessly hard on the remake. It was a $40 budget movie tie-in. It incorporated a lot of the modern gameplay aspects of the series, while being absolutely gorgeous to look at.

I bet you could find it now for less than $20.

>Clemps, Charlie, Hyperbit,, and Turbo Button constantly shill for themselves here and it's a shame since they used to make good videos.
What did you expect, for them to get real jobs and not just live off of online welfare?
And hey man, those Saber figures aren't gonna buy themselves. Don't you want to support these hardworking, down-on-their-luck channels just scaping to get by?

>autistically searching online for people talking about liking yakuza remakes
>posting screencaps on social media trying to make fun of them
>actually introducing elitsm into the yakuza fanbase over something so stupid
no thanks he's actually worsening people in the series



Thoughts on his Vanquish video?

>he deleted comments on his recent patreon beg video for calling him out of his shitty and unreliable work ethic
He was so based last year. I don't understand what went wrong with him between his constant shilling and shitting on people getting interested in a franchise he was promoting.

>They turned Ultimate Supreme Executive Chairman Drek into a goofy loser that got cucked out out being the actual villain just so they could shoehorn in Nefarious

That it was 2 deep 4 u

There's your fucking answer.

>we'll never have comfy R&C threads again

his patreon used to be on a 'per video' basis so he only got money if he put out a video but then he quietly changed it to a 'per month' basis and he said "I've been putting out around a video per month so this is basically just the same"

Patreon/Discord are a hell of a drug...

because you used the word comfy

Not to mention bringing back one thing a lot of people had wanted since the PS2 games; divergent paths in the levels. Oh sure, you had some choice of where to go in the future games, but that was a choice between two separate levels rather than taking one path over another in the level you're in. I hope if they do make another game, they'll keep that aspect in.

what would have you preferred I used then?

mister metokur is the only yt channel where having a patreon actually improved his work ethic.

how about check out a thesaurus?

alright then cozy threads then

Any kind of donation/crowdfunding thing is. Those places just bring out the leech in people as they let their followers suck them off and reprimand anyone who says shit to them, no matter how inoffensive it may be.

Up Your Arsenal is a great game so I don't care if someone else doesn't like it so much
But why the fuck is the word "disappointing" being thrown around so much to describe the entirety of games?
Great games can still have disappointing aspects to them, but when people today use the word "disappointing", they use it to sugar coat them saying that they think the game is completely shit
Saying great games are disappointing and nitpicking minor things is the cowards way of having an negative opinion and not wanting backlash

Apparently, if something isn't completely and utterly perfect, it's shit.

the only thing worth watching thats R+C related is the developer commentary of 2 and 3, all other video series should be disregarded
Have fun, its an informative ride

haven't you heard user we are in age of passive aggressive criticism now we say things like "I still enjoyed thing but not as much as other people"

Quite literally who?
Why do you care about the opinion of some faggot nobody?
Do you see a faggot playing a handheld in public, sit down next to him and listen to him rant for 21 minutes about games he doesn't like too?

>turbo doing god's work reminding everyone why cover shooters are for fags
>charlie is talking about R&C yet again

>a faggot playing a handheld in public
but user, that person doesn't have a patreon or claims to be an expert on game design.

no im being serious ive never heard of that guy

>Insomniac devs thought that R&C 3 was going to be a disaster due to what a shitshow the development of the game was
>Ends up being the most beloved title in the series and fans go apeshit if anyone talks bad about it

He's right though. Ratchet 1 and 2 are much better. Ratchet 3 is when the series started losing its platformer roots and became more about the gunplay.

wtf was so deep about the platforming in 1 and 2?