Important things to know about Creation Club

- The target audience for the Creation Club are PS4 users because they're the majority of people who bought Fallout 4. Also, Sony is a restrictive and hardliner bunch of cunts when it comes to mods, so for Bethesda it's easier for PS4 fags to have their mods if they behoove themselves to Sony and curate everything.

- This is ABSOLUTELY 100% a cash grab for Bethesda because "apparently" their overhead is complete shit.

- When making a mod for the Creation Club, mod makers are extremely limited (at the moment); no bsa's, no loos files. DLC sized content will probably NEVER come out for Creation Club as it is (as of this moment) technically and physically impossible with how the game is implemented in consuls. It's likely that the mods makers have a limit of editing/creating only 4000 forum id's/records in one cell. This is also the reason why they are BA2 files instead of BSA or ESP files.

- Mod creators who wanted to do big mods with lots of scripts and voice acting were apparently rejected from the Creation Club due to the reasons explained above.

- Pete Hines basically doesn't give a fuck about PC players and to an extent Xbox players too.

All this and more referenced from

Other urls found in this thread:

This is going to decimate the Nexus modding community. I think only the Gun Network will survive this.

You can almost smell

That they will go full force against nexusmods and other communities
if their turd club don't become successful.

That's just it. They don't have to. The nexus will tear 'themselves' apart.

- It will created animosity on for those getting money vs those who are't
- People can just come onto the Nexus, steal whatever they want, and sell it to Bethesda. Forcing once free mod makers to put their mods on the Creation Club.
- Bethesda themselves can swoop into the Nexus and steal assets to put on Creation Club if they want to

>The target audience for the Creation Club are PS4 users because they're the majority of people who bought Fallout 4. Also, Sony is a restrictive and hardliner bunch of cunts when it comes to mods, so for Bethesda it's easier for PS4 fags to have their mods if they behoove themselves to Sony and curate everything.

Yes, and?
>This is ABSOLUTELY 100% a cash grab for Bethesda because "apparently" their overhead is complete shit.

"oh no, this company is providing support for modders AND QA and not doing it on their own expense! could you possibly belive they are CHARGING for an optional service they are offering?!?!"

>When making a mod for the Creation Club, mod makers are extremely limited (at the moment); no bsa's, no loos files. DLC sized content will probably NEVER come out for Creation Club as it is (as of this moment) technically and physically impossible with how the game is implemented in consuls. It's likely that the mods makers have a limit of editing/creating only 4000 forum id's/records in one cell. This is also the reason why they are BA2 files instead of BSA or ESP files.
It's not like security and integrity of the game's files are important, right?! Not like we need small stuff to iron out a FRESHLY RELEASED system, right?! Nooooo, I won't have my naruto mods on Creation Club yet! *uck Bethesda and *uck Creation Club!

>Mod creators who wanted to do big mods with lots of scripts and voice acting were apparently rejected from the Creation Club due to the reasons explained above.
"Apparently" is a big word for someone trying to deceive others. You have exactly ZERO evidence to support your claim.

>Pete Hines basically doesn't give a fuck about PC players and to an extent Xbox players too.
Cool, you have opinions. I have too. Amongst them is the one where people who are clearly uneducated on a subject shouldn't attempt to voice their concerns about a platform they certainly do not understand and isn't even finished yet

I was simply trying to boil down what was in the cast and they have talked to cretin moders who actually got onto the CC like Elianora.

Feel free to be asspained and not believe anything here. It's you're choice.


You didn't even mention the worst parts.

>Every single CC item will auto download to your PC/console without having to buy them.
>Every update that adds more CC items makes changes to the .exe making script extenders outdated.
>this is no opting out and this is coming to Skyrim and all future TES & FO games.

Who the fuck keeps buying Skyrim?

>Mod creators who wanted to do big mods with lots of scripts and voice acting were apparently rejected from the Creation Club due to the reasons explained above.

They brought on trainwiz and offered it to the Forgotten City guy. They rejected a mod author specifically because he didn't make big quest mods.

Not Vidya

so pirating the game will become a must if you want to use mods?

>Every single CC item will auto download to your PC/console without having to buy them.
"oh no, it's too convenient! I do not want this!"
>Every update that adds more CC items makes changes to the .exe making script extenders outdated.
"Every official update makes a clandestine, unsupported program malfunction! *fuck Bethesda!"
>this is no opting out and this is coming to Skyrim and all future TES & FO games.
"stop liking what I don't like!"

Watched the Vid. Pretty level headed. I had no idea that Elianora was on the Creation Club. I hope she keeps her stuff up on Nexus

Begone contrarian. If you want attention go on omegle so people can look at your fat ugly ass.

>"oh no, it's too convenient!"
Taking up huge amounts of harddrive space for crap I can't even use unless I pay for it isn't convenient. Most items currently are also just skins that you can get for free right now and they look worse than the free versions due to compression.

Just so you know, your large amount of butthurt completely undermines your argument and simply makes you look like a shill right?

>Cool, you have opinions. I have too. Amongst them is the one where people who are clearly uneducated on a subject shouldn't attempt to voice their concerns about a platform they certainly do not understand and isn't even finished yet
If you know more about it why aren't you saying anything faggot? It makes you look more full of shit then he is.

You are assuming he's even serious. People from other websites like to come here and be as annoying as possible for 'fun.'

I'm surprised he bothered posting after because he looks like a fucking retard.

I don't feel like she will. Why would she keep her free stuff on the Nexus if she could get money for it?

"no, an opinion different than mine! this MUST be a shill/troll/shitposter!"

The people that disagree with this honestly seem like the same kind that 'disagrees' with fundamental business practices like DRM

OP posted a reference to people who know these moders personally and work with them on a daily bases.

You posted a total of whining and fuck all to back up anything you've said.

>Quotes half a thread with assblasted redditor reply
It couldn't be more obvious you don't belong here even if you tried

These threads are exact copies of the paid mods shit from 2 years ago, the same retarded arguments and everything.
The shills didn't even bother updating their shill sheet.

Please keep posting and looking like a retard. It's obvious you didn't watch anything and are just talking out of your ass.

You know what amuses me most? The fact that PIRATES hate on two things they cannot have: Creation Club and games with good DRM.

Would this be a case of sour grapes?

neither of those are marks of quality games. but here's your (you)

Yeah, my first reply to you was a mistake so here's my last one instead

What are you talking about? Pirates will be able to get all this shit without paying or automatic updates if they want. As for Good DRM what are you talking about again, one of the only games I know of that is uncracked/uncrackable is dark spore because so much of that game was server side and it literally doesn't exist anymore since EA shut down its servers.

Instead of you know, whining like a bitch, you should be telling consolefags to not support CC in other websites and game forums. Just my opinions, faggets.

>Skirt around burden of proof argument while shifting gears to a completely irreverent topic like piracy.
>Sentence doesn't even make fucking sense.

Thanks for outing yourself as a troll faggot.

I forgot another thing

>it breaks manual load order and makes all plugins ordered in alphabetical order.

No, Creation Club is exclusive to authentic copies of the game. Good DRM impedes pirates from stealing others' work and this is why all the thieves are mad about in this thread.

How would you feel if I just went to your house and """pirated""" your TV?

>telling consolefags to not support CC
Are you fucking retarded? Why the hell are they going to listen to PC users who get shit for free? Not to mention that the shitlicks who buy this crap are most likely impulse buyers that go "Oh SHIT I can look like X or have X item from that other game I like! COOL!"

I'm pretty sure they are making all these "inconveniences" just to make free mods less attractive, it will only get worse and worse until free mods are practically unusable and CC is the only way.

>Pete Hines once again proving himself the worst PR guy in history
Seriously, how does the guy have a job? He creates more problems than solutions.

It's just amusing to witness, let's see, COINCIDENCES like this happening. Would you not agree it is most curious that, COINCIDENTALLY, pirates would hate on these features the most since they cannot have it?

You don't? Hmm... What another interesting coincidence that must be...

>"he doesn't agree with me, what a troll!"

The point of this thread isn't about piracy but you already know that don't you, you stupid cunt.

Load order isn't just a convenience. Many mods require a certain order to work with other mods or to work at all. The unofficial patch, the most vital mod for everyone, requires all the official expansions/DLC to be in a certain order and to be first before all other mods.

>pirates would hate on these features the most since they cannot have it?
nigger you have NO idea what a pirate is, do you?

It's almost like Creation Club had no obligation whatsoever to support clandestine and possibly malicious software to function on the games it's featured on... Hmm...

It's obviously targeted at Console gamers, they are excited for mod support & will be happy to pay 5 bucks for a mod that is more or less just a texture

They don't know the real mods are on PC thanks to the script extender, you never go broke banking on people's ignorance

Naa you're just trying to turn the argument into something else that you can win because you already lost and look like a fucking idiot.

>Why the hell are they going to listen to PC users who get shit for free?
That's exactly the point, you moron. Tell consolefags that PC users already get em for free and they should not be second class nigger citizens and pay for them. Make consolefags go to the forums and complain too, because for more than a decade they have been Bethesda primary market, and they are the mayority. If only PCfags complain, they look like salty piratefags.

>people ITT unironically expect a company to provide free mod support + quality assurance + support for the devs AND users for free
>people ITT unironically getting assblasted that it's a paid feature you don't even NEED to pay any attention to if you don't want it

Who cares?

On Pc you'll get the mods you want on nexus and pirate the shit out of their little club should anything good actually appear on it

>>people ITT unironically expect a company to provide free mod support + quality assurance + support for the devs AND users for free

But that's wrong. We actually want them to do nothing and leave us alone because all they do is screw things up. We wouldn't need mods at all if they could just make their games good in the first place.

>>people ITT unironically getting assblasted that it's a paid feature you don't even NEED to pay any attention to if you don't want it

But you can't ignore it. It also downloads and makes changes that breaks free modding.

>But that's wrong. We actually want them to do nothing and leave us alone because all they do is screw things up. We wouldn't need mods at all if they could just make their games good in the first place.
"optional quality assurance is bad! It's not like the people that develop the mods I like to play deserve any pay! It's not like it's optional either!"
>But you can't ignore it. It also downloads and makes changes that breaks free modding.
What exactly does it 'break'? Oh, your clandestine and unsupported 'extender' tool used mostly by pirates? Oh, what a coincidence

I bet you paid for horse armour

Oh yeah, they're totally going to listen to PC users who've been calling them plebs for and shitting on them for years now right?

>they should not be second class nigger citizens and pay for them
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. Meaning, you can't talk stupid impulse buying shitlicks into suddenly being smart and intelligent consumers.

You would have more luck getting stuck by lightning on a sunny day.

It breaks the Unofficial Patch

Bethesda are incompetent when it comes to QA so we the fans have to actually make the bug fixes ourselves. And now they wouldn't even let us do that.

>What exactly does it 'break'? Oh, your clandestine and unsupported 'extender' tool used mostly by pirates?
Your redirect of this thread is failing faggot. You can't prove anything and you fucking lost.

>the clandestine shady-looking "patch" actually has UNOFFICIAL written on its title
>pirates are assblasted their favorite platform has been dethroned by Creation Club, a much richer feature they cannot enjoy

Really coerces one to ponder...

Desperate to win an online battle aren't you

>A patch that fixes bugs from the main game

Guys, ignore the troll for a minute and lets have a legit discussion. I used to be a huge libertarian freedumb capitalism loving retard. I thought the average person would have a limit to how much they would be willing to be milked like a bitch. From the Creation Club to Shadow of War's forced PVP with monthly DLC insurance there seems to be no limits that idiots will cash out money for. How do we stop business practices from getting even worse?

>- People can just come onto the Nexus, steal whatever they want, and sell it to Bethesda.
That's literally illegal however. Bethesda aren't interested in lawsuits.

>Literal samfag that got BTFO when he tried to say that OP had no proof and didn't know what he was taking about, even though the reference is RIGHT THERE in the fucking post.
>Uses his opinion as fact and has even less credibility in OP.
>Realized he's been BTFO so he switches the topic to "Lol everything is pirates" in a pathetic attempt to win at some argument.

so how do we pirate cc mods?

You can't, unless you want to actually destroy these companies and I don't just mean financially.

None of them are even worth pirating, their free versions are better.

All they have to do is change the ula on the Creation Kit and they can do whatever they want. Not to mention that all Bethesda really has to do is steal an assets "idea", change it a bit, and call it theirs.

The Chinese stealth suit and the Hellfire armor get a pass since it's their IP to begin with but that's not to say they wont pull this shit in the future.

yeah but i still want to pirate to spite the ones trying to make people pay for mods

This shill is Elianora btw

eat shit, liberal faggotard

AAA companies have an unsustainable business model and are making less and less overhead for the retarded amount of money they sink into these games every year. Not to mention that many games companies sunk a good chunk of their money into VR development which fucking blew up in their faces.

By the standard of inflation, games should probably be costing over 100 dollars by now instead of the 60 or so it's been for the past ten years but they know no one in their right mind is going to pay that much just for a game. So they found a way to continuously get money of the games they make "Micro transactions."

>Waaaaaa you caught me trying to bait everyone in this thread!
Cry more cuck

FO4 was shit. I don't give a fuck about Bethesda anymore.

>it's optional guys, you don't have to buy them
>nevermind that people will steal from Nexus, then DMCA the originals there, forcing you to buy them on CC
>oh, and you have to download every single mod onto your PC without your consent, even if you didn't buy them, that's several hundred gigabytes of data down the line
>but it's optional :^))))))

if you like Bethesda in any capacity, then throw yourself and your opinions into the dumpster where you belong, you filthy sheep.

But some companies are actually spending less money on their games and are making more money than ever, on top of using loop holes to pay less taxes and make even more money while providing less jobs and lower pay.

>>nevermind that people will steal from Nexus, then DMCA the originals there, forcing you to buy them on CC
I really really want this to happen. I want them to stop being shady, I want this whole thing to explode.

I was thinking about trying to make my own Skyrim places. How did people make new worlds before Creation Kit?

>quality assurance
This is Bethesda we are talking about user.

You know, I was actually looking forward to the Creation Club because I was hoping we would get something like Enderil or Falscar as official DLC. Fuck, even making something like the Sim's Settlement Mod an official part of the game would have been amazing and worth the price.

But these restrictions means that we're never going to get anything like that unless Bethesda can somehow make their own version of script extender or work something out with the Sony fuckheads.

Also, none of these mods would have been nearly so bad if they weren't so insultingly expensive. I think that's the biggest "fuck you" out of all of this.

does it really matter if he doesn't give a fuck about pc players?

who cares, fallout and elder scrolls have been trash for years

Since CC content gets automatically downloaded to your PC. Isn't it possible to just unlock them and you won't be breaking the Law since Bethesda literally put the content on your computer so it belongs to you anyway?

Aaa thanks for this vid. Well that changes things.

Also, I wasn't condoning microtransactions in my last post. I was trying to allude that it was their fault for not knowing how to restructure and taking a gamble on an idea that was clearly dead after the Facebook fuck bought Oculist Rift.

At the moment you can do that. Bethesda doesn't care right now since PC users aren't the target market but I'm sure they're going to put some kind of stopgap in the code eventually.

Not if you don't own the game, but you're merely renting a copy.

It wouldn't if existence of the CC didn't have a significant impact on the free mod base.

Bethesda already tried to pull this off with Steam so why try to push the blame on PS4 users or even Sony?

It's on Bethesda.

No one is shifting blame on one company over another. Every company in this clusterfuck is to blame.

How the fuck do you people keep falling for this bait.


yes, who indeed.
if you do not buy skyrim, your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

he's todd's buttbuddy I think, or someone else in the upper echelons of bethesda's hierarchy

>"anyone who disagrees with my opinions is bait"

You know, they could have at least made the prices decent. Like 1 dollar for three pipboy skins or something.

Still too much

PS4 user here.
I ain't buying shit. Bethesda can go fuck themselves.
I'm extra salty about the Creation Club fattening the file size of the game, wasting valuable hard drive space.

>stealing free things is illegal

The Creation Kit ula specifically states that it is you fucking cunt. That however wont stop Beth devs from stealing ideas from Nexus moders and making minimal changes to it for profit.


They had no chance in going against nexus in its current form but after they split the modding comunity they can start their jewish onslaught.

Disgusting manlet nu male Ted Howard.howni fkn hate this fuck.

>shady-looking "patch"

What? Are you assuming it's a virus? Are you some old person or just an average retarded normie?

>a much richer feature

How is spending money on shit that was once free and is forcefully installed onto your computer a good thing?

>eat shit, liberal faggotard

Funny how you call others liberals yet here you are kissing kike ass by defending this absolute Jewery.

Fun facts: Bethesda was founded and owned by Jews.

>shady looking
Well Arthmoor, the dev of the patch, has been accepted into the Creation Club, so I guess that makes it shady, too.

Is there any proof to your tinfoil hat garbage?
>fukken so knee grrs REEE
Fucking pathetic.

Yeah, he made the backpack right? It was the only thing worth shit in the CC but it's still too fucking expensive.