Why does it seem like so many games have terrible endings?

Why does it seem like so many games have terrible endings?
Post some games with good ones.

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Because most players don't even finish games they start, so most of the effort/QA goes into the early sections.

You first

We're waiting


Most developers try to pull this pretentious artsy fartsy stunt at the very end of games and the whole thing suffers because of it. They need to go back to the basics.

Beating a Mario game back in the 90s
>Congratulations, you rescued the princess!

Beating a JRPG in the year of our lord 2017:
>You die, your girlfriend dies, your father dies, your best bro becomes blind, have a nice day

You should feel like you accomplished something at the end of a game. The game should reward you both in the narrative and in other more extrinsic gameplay incentives for beating a game.


what was wrong with the ending?

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter had the worst ending I've ever seen in a game.
>go through the whole thing
>pretty spooky, keep finding out more about something called the sleeper
>seems like some type of eldritch creature influencing the surrounding area
>get to the end
>it was all just a boy having a dream as he dies from smoke inhalation

you slowed down (but clearly did not defeat) an enemy that should've been a minor footnote in the overall plot
you're told either that turning the station over to cerberus was risky or that destroying it was a waste
then you're transported back to regular space so you can buy more DLC

Mass Effect has a lot of problems.
It's ending is definitely not one of them.

Seeing your character posing in the background of space, while this song begins to play
it's fucking magical.

are you referring to the collectors as the minor footnote enemy? because they were destroyed entirely. the only one that says destroying the station was a waste is the illusive man. literally every companion thinks you did the right thing. getting the perfect ending with everyone alive and the music from the first game starts playing as you see all the reapers heading for the milky way was god tier

no, harbinger. he's clearly the villain.
even as the supposed leader of the reapers (or whatever he was), dealing with him from afar didn't warrant a whole game

i thought he was handled fine in 2 with the expectation that he would have an even greater role in 3, which fucked that up of course but that doesn't really invalidate how it was in 2 for me.

The attitude that endings need to involve you winning some grand achievement is why games have such hilariously cliche "epic final moments." God forbid the game even slightly infringe upon this by not letting you kill Harbinger, even though you destroy the collectors.

You don't understand the purpose of games


Nier Automata, ending E.

>epic final moments

Those usually tend to happen in well-written stories. It's called the climax

Destroying the collector base is seen as the paragon option while saving it is the renegade option.

Come mass effect 3, a low EMS with a destroyed collector base railroads you into the destroy option, except destroy is colored red as if it was the renegade choice.

Inversely, saving the collector base railroads you into the control option with a low EMS.
Therefore mass effect 2 ending is retroactively ruined by mass effect 3..
