There is no such thing as a video game

There is no such thing as a video game.

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Holy mother of subjective opinions

Do video games actually exist or are we all have a shared delusion?

report twitter screencap threads



That second tweet isn't wrong. Shantae's another good example. Make something pretty and it'll get more attention regardless of how good it actually is. The first tweet though is just retarded

>he thinks ARMS is bad



I wish I'd live in an alternate universe too. If I had to pick I'd be the only male in an universe of horny cute underaged cat girls.

>ARMS is not a success

Are you from the berenstein universe?

A new fighter game IP that sold a million within the first couple weeks and beat Tekken and SFV in Japan isn't a success?


its a fighting game for people who don't like or play fighting games

Let me remind you of some facts:

>ARMS is a party game
>It's one of the VERY VERY few first party title switch owners are able to buy that isn't a port (the only one?)
>The switch is (one of?) the fastest selling console in the history of nintendo
>switch owners are thus fucking THIRSTY for games
>SFV and Tekken are just try hard competitive games with a die hard fan base that fails to attract new players because they prefer to cater to the old ones.

He's right about marketing going a lot further for (initial) sales than making a good game.

>There's no such thing as a video game

My peanuts are popping

This. It rings pretty true today. What does it matter if your game is bad or not when you get a good 1 million sales off the bat. And it's not like people are going to refund them.

How can video games be real if our genders aren't real?

>This account's Tweets are protected.

Fucking thank you.

ARMSfags are gigantic delusional retards. I'm gonna sound like a shitposter, but it's just fucking glorified Wii Boxing and there's nothing that can change that.

ARMS sold well because Switch's library is fucking anemic as shit but the console itself is super popular.

wtf is a protected tweet


Only followers can see it.

or D3 when you market it with brand naming and it's a big piece of shit that sells millions

>calling Arms mediocre

Fuck you Josh

Is the game overpriced with not a lot of content? Absolutely

But it's not mediocre, the gameplay is great

>Tired of video game drama and decides to go on vacation for an entire month and not going to YouTube or Twitter

>Once he comes back he tweets the most retarded shit ever

Josh go away

>X game sold because Switch has no games!

Had been said about

>Bomberman R
>Splatoon 2
>1-2 Switch
>Mario Rabbids
>Ultra Street Fighter 2

So far, and I expect the trend to continue well into next year. How many games will find success on the Switch before this stops?

How long until this isn't a valid argument?

Knack sales were trash before and after 3D World

>This account's Tweets are protected.

Looks like this kid got BTFO'd

>Switch game sales does good


If you guys say this about Mario Odyssey I'm going to dox you to find your address and bitch slap you personally

No. It hasn't except for Bomberman. The rest had other things to rely on. You're a fucking retard if you think MK8D or Splatoon 2 sold because there wasn't any other option. They sold because they're fucking Mariokart and Splatoon.

>How many games will find success on the Switch before this stops?
by the end of 2017, the library will be rich enough that the "lack of choice" argument will fall flat.

See above. Once we have Odyssey and a couple more "major" titles, the library argument will die.

But never EVER forget that ARMS did those numbers while the literal only other major games were a Wii U port and an upgraded Wii U port.

isn't that smash bros?

I don't even understand what point he is trying to make.

It absolutely was said about every title that I listed. I never said I agreed with the morons saying it, but it was definitely said.

Well if you count every shitposting fuckstain you happen to stumble across, you can find anecdotal supporters for any retarded opinion you want.

That's barely over one (1) game per month since switch's launch. And no one said that about Zelda. Nobody can say that when we're talking about pre-established first-party games.

Sure you can get quite a lot of playtime out of it, but what about the others?
Did you spend 30 days milking a cow with your 1-2 Switch? Were you impressed by the technical capabilities of the switch with your USF2? Is bomberman single player good enough to keep you waiting for one month for the next game?

No that's a fighting game for people who want to start hating fighting games.

That the quality of a game is not the strongest predictor variable for financial success.

i won't if that's for sure

>how can video games be real if our eyes aren't real

>isn't a port

Let's say it together everyone


Only Wii U owners and people who have no interest in Nintendo consoles are complaining about the Ports

>ARMS isn't a good game
>Beats out fucking GUNDAM at Japanese EVO

One worthwhile game a month puts it ahead of every Nintendo console since the Gamecube

video games are interactive storybooks

>Nintendo's new darling for Japan's hottest consumer electronics craze
>Mechs for otaku faggots

You're being dumb. ARMS is normieshit in the Japan. Don't think it's beating out Gundam.

>worthwhile = sold well

Read again.

Then why is he arguing video games aren't real?

VN's are interactive storybooks

Video game is another thing

Someone hire this guy as as a Hollywood philosopher

Can we stop being retarded for a second and just consider that ARMS did well because it was a GOOD GAME?
Do we need to make a excuse for these things when most of the time it's just people moaning about a game they don't even own?

ARMS is great. The recent tournament with the Japanese ranking players cemented that even further.

Somebody post those videos of him jerking off.

This guy has been like this since his melt down over Nintendo putting Cloud and Bayonetta in Smash over Banjo

He accidentally a word.

no way

this nigga is definitely gay have you seen his modeling pics on instagram

boy fruity as a motherfucker

How would you know? It looks like he just doesn't believe in the existence of games.

looks like the videos are gone, I'm sure I have them on an old hard drive maybe I'll get around to finding them someday

The first sentence of the first tweet doesn't go with the rest of what he wrote, at all.

>There is no such thing as a "video game".
and then three sentences later
>This is why you sometimes see mediocre games find success

Alright I looked at it again and I guess there's nothing you could add to make it make sense.

Maybe what he was going for was is that video games aren't sold as video games, it's everything else that convinces people to buy them. The use of "image" is throwing me off because in this context it's usually referring to the general attitude about a brand/person but I think he's using it more literally, like the games are actually visually appealing. So the point he's making is that nobody gives a shit about actual gameplay, they'll buy something because the trailers for it have pretty colors and flashing lights.

Josh Thomas needs a thread on KF already, he's as batshit insane as Brianna Wu sometimes.

Why would he pick ARMS for this argument? There are loads of far worse games that sell a lot more.

What a fucking idiot, trying to be ahead of his time with a groundbreaking controversial new idea.
I just played Jak and Daxter, it was a very fun GAME. I didn't watch commercials before it.

Josh is a fucking delusional asshole and I legitimately hope he drops dead. I can't get into detail but like a decade ago he screwed me over and then he came to me asking for a fucking favor just weeks later? Fucking cunt.

How can video games be real if our consoles aren't real?

>SFV and Tekken are just try hard competitive games with a die hard fan base that fails to attract new players because they prefer to cater to the old ones.
>reaching this hard to find an excuse for why a new fighting game IP outsold two IPs that are over 20 years old

Why is it so hard for Sup Forums to accept that ARMS has sold well?

I was starting to draft one, but I couldn't find old tweets that really highlight his insanity.

If someone can dig up older tweets and post them here, I'll make it.

He's right, that PUBG shit hired marketing to viral the shit out of it and some LPers to shill for it and it's succeeded. Not only has the scam worked, it worked so well it's now the biggest seller on steam even while the developers are pulling support for their unfinished EARLY ACCESS unoptimized turd and trying to start a fucking e-sport league for it.

That was said quite frequently about BotW.

>Mention any positive about sales and attach rates

BotW has over 100% attach rate because I own one Switch console and at least four copies of the game...

All you need is this picture.

Oh, and the one where he's jacking it off on cam.

Because you're confusing with "Selling well" with Being a a good game. No mans Sky sold very well, therefore by your logic, its a good game

See why thats retarded?

I have that one. I don't know, there's ten years worth of shit I want to cover.

>outsold two IPs that are over 20 years old
>old == good

What part of "niche competitive games only liked by core fanbase" do you not understand?

if you think about it life is one big video game...`


Can we get /v17-/ already so we can move all this eceleb garbage there?

holy fuck, and I thought this guy was just some faggot

Never have I seen a guy this jaded about games... well, besides most people here on Sup Forums.


uh oh, what did ol joshy say now

The point he's trying to make has some degree of cynical merit but the way it's said is just dumb.

The idea that companies are often selling an image or concept moreso than the product's functions itself is not a poignant observation. It's blatantly obvious in gaming this point. A game like Watchdogs garnered 100's of awards pre-release, pushed as "1st true next gen game" and garnered millions of pre-orders. Then it released and got like 7/10's, thus a mediocre GTA clone basically overshadowed much more deserving titles at E3 and reaped millions of sales for its concept rather than its execution.

He's an retard for thinking he needed to point that out and he's an even bigger retard for being incapable of articulating something everyone already knows.

dude is a weirdo and this has been known for a long time

Why? Beats shitty consolewar threads, "le here is my le epic drawing" threads and people talking about shitty meme games like Player Memeknown's Memegrounds.

The idea the marketing sells games no matter how bad they are is an idea thats been around for forever, but that there are "no such things as video games" is fucking retarded.

jesus christ

There is no such thing as a gf. It's all just about image and marketing. Put your energy on that and you'll succeed big time.

babyplay is the fucking creepiest fetish, holy shit

>ARMS sold well because
So you do agere that it's a success right? Because that was the original argument.

pretty sure this is the gayest thing on the internet

Well when you have a Switch, you don't have many options. That's why a lot of Switch and Wii U games like Splatoon got away with having such miniscule content on launch.

>hes right! (insert game I don't like here) is a perfect example!

Just post a thread and the autismo Kiwis will do the rest of the digging.

>Mr. "Fire Emblem and Xenoblade aren't REAL Nintendo games"
>Now claiming that there's no such thing as a REAL video game

Imagine being this much of a faggot.

Because his only frame of reference is a select few Nintendo franchises that he plays. He probably played ARMS and didn't consider a "true Nintendo game" and got butthurt over it.

As stated here , he does this any Nintendo game that doesn't fit with his idealized view of what a game should be.

It hasn't been a valid argument for a while now once a console passes the five game minimum requirement then that's it.

Amen bro.

>Actually and unironically listing NeoGAF
What did Sony mean by this?

Marketers piss me the fuck off. I've seen so many brilliant games get absolute DOGSHIT sequels because of marketers convincing the devs that they need to appeal to a wider audience and dumb everything down and remove anything unique.

Wow really twisted my testicles. Did this guy make the fun is a buzzword post?

>on a monitor
>uses frames
>not real
>for fun or enjoyment primarily
Now shut the hell up.