ITT: Crimes against humanity

ITT: Crimes against humanity

>Garish red backdrop
>White 12 point Times New Roman font
>Case might as well not exist seeing as its too thin to even support a decent manual, let alone have readable text at distance
>An entire wall of these things is going to eb the most annoying thing to ever go through when searching for games.

Don't get me wrong, PS4 has Equally bad GD in the Box-art department: (Man standing on cover with blue/orange tone backdrop) But at least their spines retain the actual fucking logos. Hell, even the Wii did this and their spines were pure fucking white.

You're a fucking retard

in the not too distant future, nintendo switch games will no longer have cases. you just walk into gamestop and they have a card on the wall you buy a digital code for.

>expecting this to get more than 15-20 games

Nice, got anything constructive to contribute to my thread there buddy, or are you just going to insult me with petty buzzwords you learned on your first day here on Sup Forums?

This is scary, but a real possibility.

>Times New Roman
Confirmed for blind.

>when the switch is so successful you just have to find something to shitpost about it

>the most annoying thing to ever go through when searching for games.

You put Switch games back in the case? Are you unironically autistic? They're not fucking discs.

nicalis releases have these nice gameboy style full color manuals, it's quite a nice touch.

>Times New Roman

>ps4 has equally bad
No. These are the companies that create this artwork. If Nintendo Switch got those games it would be the same cover. This is a bad thread but I do like spine artwork.

The spine text isn't a requirement. It's something the devs are choosing to do. Some game cases have actual font on the spines.

>Not liking Burgundy

Later, homo.

That's a sans serif font you twat

I like the switch dude, but i'm not going to blatantly defend lazy graphic design work. And newer generations have been showing a SEVERE decline in that department all around.

You look me straight in the eye and tell me games with cover art like DMC are pleasing to the eye. Look at PRey. Look At DOOm. Look at Dishonored. What do they have in common? 3/4 face startinc at a static camera view facing forward. Its lazy, its stupid, and its annoying.

There isnt a single switch game that has its basic logo. All of them are required to be the white font. Its not like the wii where they had creative control

Next gen, you can kiss game cases goodbye. We are next to the digital only future, so enjoy these last shitty cases until they last.

If anything, they should have mandated white & red logos for third party companies. Ubisoft icon there stands out like a sore thumb.

>>An entire wall of these things is going to eb the most annoying thing to ever go through when searching for games.
Put them away alphabetical order like you would any other console?

I'm sorry to ruin it for you but EU is fucked, US still can have nice spin graphics

>clearly sans-serif font
>Times New Roman

>If Nintendo Switch got those games it would be the same cover

Disgaea 5 is on Switch and the spine is the same boring nothingness as the rest of them.

You first, I don't wanna read your shitty blog post

EU has some logos on the spines.
What pisses me off is the EU spine text is centred whereas JP and NA is aligned to the left. I imported a game from the US and it bugs me seeing one single title not being centred.

>Man standing on cover with blue/orange tone backdrop

what games are you buying for PS4?

A lot of my box arts are aesthetic.

After the backlash the Xbone got in its unveiling?

Pretty much anything I can think of.
>Call of dutys
>Assasins creeds
>Mirrors edge
>Dark souls
>Nier Automata

The only ones I can think of that DONT do this are werird JRPG one offs like Persona which have group shots of characters, and collections like Bioshock which just have an iconic image, or backdrop instead of a person

>Case might as well not exist
Welcome to the digital age.

Haha nice try marketerfag switch has nogaems

You think Switch had it bad? PS3 had it worse

You're missing my point entirely. I'm not marketing the fucking switch. I have 3 games total for the thing and i'm seriously considering all my future purchases as downloads because of these ugly-ass cases. I can't even imagine if they try to pull the PS4/Xbox crap of limited run steelbooks.

>Nier autoundertale

Why do you have so many karaoke games?

Why the fuck do you have all those singing games?

The fuck is wrong with you, Catherine?

>times new roman

write a document once in your life, please




>Sup Forums -- Reading Comprehension

That's not Times New Roman. Times is a serif font you fucking pleb.

I'm well aware. but without a blatantly incorrect statement destined to be corrected, this thread wouldn't have lived. So thank you user, for letting your autism fuel my thread.

>Wanting cuhrazy comic sans font on your case
>Not wanting a nice trim font with similar background so your collection is aesthetically harmonious

Shit fucking taste

>Established Videogame logos are all comic-sans

Way to completely stuff words into my mouth sir. And theres absolutely nothing "Aesthetic" about substanceless minimalist uniformity if the original template is unappealing and gaudy

Yeah because the PS2 was totally "Harmonious"



>Times new roman

not even serifed moron

>being this much of a nerd

It already has more than that.

Cry about how multiplats and whatever aren't games, don't count, etc, but they are still games

Oh my mistake, then yes it has about 30.

Ahd more on the eshop, doofus. Though you can't stack them on a shelf, they are still games

And, not ahn

>White 12 point Times New Roman font
It's visibly sans serif.

its fucking piss, yes.

that minimal front cover label, mmph

Hol the fuck up

Is that touhou I see?

>getting upset over a video game case

ITT: people whine about game case spines

>People are whining over a legitimate concern instead of consolewarring and dick waving
>This is somehow a problem

You are everything wrong with this community.

>An entire wall of these things is going to eb the most annoying thing to ever go through when searching for games.

Not if you can sort your shit like a non-retard.

>And more on the eshop

The picture is every phyiscal third party release genius. Eshop titles dont have cases.

What was the last good Nintendo case? Gamecube?

>Go to gamestop
>Want to find game
>Its thrown about in a pile of other red cases because kids don't ever properly put things back in the right place.
>Never find anything

Gamecube cases, and special wii cases like the MPT Steelbook.

Last I checked, gamers were mostly worried about the games and not the spines on the cases.
This is not a legitimate concern

Nintendo DS cases are amazing, perfect size, easily stackable, had great manuals worth of content, great spines, and awesome cover art work, they were also airtight lockable. 3DS is pure garbage compared to them.


PS3 had games?

Apparently idiots like you only look at the spines of the games and not the actual cover

You have to find the spine to find the cover first idiot. They're always shelved before you pick out a game. How are you magically going to find the front cover without finding the co-responding spine first? Jesus use your brain a little.

>it's thrown about in a pile of other red cases
Sorry I thought by pile, he meant pile. apparently he meant in the shelf

I love the switch boxes actually. Their size makes me want to go full physical again.

ps1 and dreamcast cases are worse if you arent a yuropoor

>Jewel cases are forse than fisher price plastic

Leave. Now.

idk about them being forse but they are definitely worse

>Times New Roman font
Does it hurt to be this stupid?

>I'm intentionally being an idiot.
You know what we call those people user?

how does this make you feel?

I actually kinda like the white on red design
Although it is a shame it doesn't come with a manual and that the box itself is almost as skinny as OP's cock


Why the fuck did they do that

I don't know but considering how awful the game was it fits perfectly.

Switch boxes arent an issue, The new 3DS titles however....

Stop it.

IT needed to be the opposite, White boxes with Red text would look SOOOO much better and actually go with 3DS boxes.

