I miss him Sup Forums
you miss his armor and hairstyle
A true king. But now his son the cuck will ruin Stormwind for al time.
>Blizzard kills all the cool characters
>Sylvanas more powerful than ever
Why hasn't this game died yet?
Ego Raptor?
Why hasn't Sylvanas died yet*
She will die. As a corrupted™ raid boss.
Lore went to the shithouse when BC was released, who cares.
she's gonna die, but come back more powerful than ever and with more clothes on
Sylvanas becomes Lich Queen
>'You will be known as the king who died for nothing'
>'...For the Alliance'
I nut
Ah, yes. King Varian Vrykula, a great family man, possessing the power of talking to himself. The mighty counterpart of the FurDaHurd faction's Jesus. A hero who died offscreen.
he has the best intro of any card in hearthstone, if you disagree, you are simply just wrong
I want this man to ride me bare and nut inside of me
Just bring a smattering of coke to blizzcon I'm sure he'll have time for you
When he took on that Fel Reaver by himself and took out 3-4 doomguards as well
sounds like a win/win
>Ion Handypants says that the writing team doesn't write equal amounts of story
>Meanwhile the only reason that Vol'jin died was because Varian died
>The Horde are forced to help Tyrande bring back her BELOVED MALFURION, as well as help Velen retake the Exodar; An Alliance capital
>Baine "Big Guy" Bloodhoof gets cut out of Highmountain
what if he had died instead/
Then nothing of value would have been lost that day
He died?
t. Quit playing halfway through Cataclysm
Yeah he died so the alliance airship could get away in the opening legion scenario.
Lame, they just moved him from that one prison on that island back to Stormwind in Wrath. Is Thrall even still alive?
He died at the end of WC3 tbph.
I miss pre-cata wow.
The dungeon finder killed the game dead, yes I know it came in the last WotLK patch but that expansion was fantastic before that.
nigga I will cut you
Yeah, WotLK era was GOAT WoW.
Thrall.. he's just the shaman story guy now. He's not even that good of a shaman anymore tbqh
You couldn't cut a bowl of cream cheese, bitch.
I'm lactose intolerant, s-shut up
I play as an undead, as much as I like Sylvanas I also want to see what will happen to the forsaken if she dies.
Best Windrunner has returned, and she's not happy with her little sister. Punishment will commence in 8.0.
>The dungeon finder killed the game dead
In reality it has only thrived because of it. Multiple expansions later and the group finder has been expanded and everyone is happy with it.
Enjoy your salt.
>You jelly of my anime hair and ADD brah?
>played horde my entire wow career
>literally did not know who this guy was in the cutscene, or why i should care when he died
>still don't
feels lok'tar ogar man