>befriend a player playing as female character
>it's a dude
Why do you do this, faggots?
Befriend a player playing as female character
They do it because they didn't get their own bathrooms.
i dont attempt to befriend people in online games though.
At least they keep their gender dysphoria contained on the internet instead of expressing it in a sociopolitical context.
What made you so sure it was a girl?
>hoping to romance someone you met in online game
why do you losers do it?
Your fault for being a attention whore.
>play a female character
>have males lining up to fuck your ass
You're supposed to assume everyone on the internet is male you stupid fuck. No matter how much you want to fuck the catgirl they're playing in-game.
I like to play female goblins and gnomes
>play a male character
>female(male) character begs for your dick
Because only a queer would identify as female.
>kemono head and ears.
To be honest half the women in that game are dudes, males avies are treated as second class citizens.
Girls don't go on the internet, user.
where'd you pull this out from? Explain where anyone identifying with anything was introduced here
More like, why are you looking for a fucking date in some online game in the first place? There's no reason to make a distinction when you aren't getting laid anyway. Go out and talk to a woman if that's your aim.
If someone creates an internet persona that is female then clearly that person identifies as a female and therefore is a fag.
It's the closest I'll get to having a normal, non-nervous conversation with a woman under the age of 50.
Remember the days in Runescape where you would play as a girl and you would get a boyfriend to give you a full Rune set before dumping him?
Good times...
>play as a female
>not a homo faggot cunt bitch
>If someone creates an internet persona
oh so you are one of those autists
>posts furry shit
>thinks he is above fags that play female character
Fucking furries, just kill yourself.
You're a furry, so you must identify with garbage and ass slime.
Cause I like to see the different armor variations on females and I like looking women
>wants to orbit a girl in a shit MMO
>gets upset it's a dude
The players playing as male characters were unlikable sweaty neckbeards.