How can one man be so delusional?

Other urls found in this thread:


so make a fucking game that's fun then, literally nobody cares about graphics. see minecraft, nintendo games, etc.

>art style determines success

Yeah that's totally it.

This fucking studio needs a new lead. Jesus fucking Christ.

>Implying Minecraft wouldn't be more successful with better graphics

>pulled of the artstyle because they were in deep shit to be able to release B1
>it became successful thanks to that
>try another game with a different artstyle
>the blunder of the century
>"art style is the problem!"
there is no end to this

You mean the artsyle they ripped off from Codehunters?

>Going back and shitting on the first game, i.e. the only good game in the series
I fucking hate this guy so goddamn much.

>Comic book artstyle
>Fits the setting of a dystopian planet
>Although not the best at first eventually grows on you
>A good game

>Tries to go in a different direction as to not just be borderlands tf2
>fails horribly, the artstyle is disgusting
>Dead fucking game
Why is this guy a CEO of anything what the fuck.

Didn't Randy once say that Overwatch was technically a failure because it failed to sell a billion units or something?

except it wouldn't. the main appeal of minecraft is that it runs on anything including phones. make it graphically intensive and you lost a major market.

What? That's not it. THAT'S NOT IT AT ALL RANDY.

Randy Pitchfork strikes again.

>tfw no hope left for BL3


He should make HL3

Minecraft is so successful it's getting kids hooked on retarded block porn

Better graphics couldn't do that



ive never seen one man so fucking delusional, like yea we've some winners like Phil and maybe some liars like Todd but jesus christ Randy.

I loved the art style from the get go.
Not sure what this nigger is on about.
Also, did people not like BL2?

Does he mean the art style that he blatantly ripped off?

How is Gearbox still in business?

BL2 was written by a literal cuck, and it shows.

>the main appeal of minecraft is that it runs on anything
You are mentally challenged.

These games have put me to sleep faster than handjob from my mother.

They had a fucking chance before BL1 came out, I remember the original article for BL1 in game informer had it looking much more realistic before they decided "lol cel-shaded"

How so?

BL2 was objectively inferior to BL1 due to horrendous script direction and weapon changes which made BL1 a diamond in the rough.

I still have beta screenshots.

user, is this your first day on Sup Forums?

I much prefer the stylistic approach. It would have just blended in with all of the other brown shooters at the time.

Well not screenshots but images rather.

>tfw Roland used to be white

That was their reasoning behind stealing the codehunters artstyle anyway, because everything at the time looked exactly the same. The cel shaded look set it aside from the rest.

At least.
I'm not.
Anthony Burch.

I have faith it would've stood out regardless because it was an idea that wasn't done before

The whole diablo-esque thing as an FPS anyway

maybe you shouldn't have stole it then

Seems like dumb reason not to like Borderlands.

>yfw you're not Anthony Burch
post dem faces

BL1 has no content at all.

until this post I thought he was talking about battleborn

if that's not the main appeal then what is?

Now we're doing this?

Tried hitting off a thread earlier but if this is how it's going to happen - let's get this going.

Borderlands 1 is fine and some of 2's DLC is ok.

It's just a fact that Anthony Burch is laughable.

Wut? Borderlands does have issues, but one of the few things Gearbox did right was the visual style of those games.

Hell, battleborn looked way worse because it did not have any real unifying art style, and just looked like a hodgepodge of different things.

thank god im not Anthony Burch

>an ageless, good looking, low hardware demand art style is limiting Borderlands
>not the continuing downward spiral of the quality of its optimization, gameplay, mechanics, story, characters, and reputation of Gearbox itself for being such faggots with other IP

Really doodles muh noodle.

I've always enjoyed handjobs from your mother


I love Borderlands 1. I hate Borderlands 2 because of the absolutely horrible fucking writing, along with the terrible weapon balance. TPS isn't AS obnoxious as BL2 was, but it's pretty fucking close.

She can top us both off at the same time if you're interested. Just ask her.

i was gonna make a big gay blogpost about borderlands but yeah, Randy is dumb.

what's with his face? his puffy red face looks like your average alcoholic

What was so bad about Borderlands 2 story?
I found TPS 'story' to be totally shallow and hard to get invested in. Subjective, though. Also too Australian.

What a literal retard.

>hey guys Battleborn has porn t-too!
>fat cow of a wife
>fedora wearing bastard child
>Duke Nukem Forever was shit
>Colonial Marines was shit
>repackaged Bulletstorm which was actually a good game but People Can Fly didn't make a sequel so Randy and his retards have rights
>Borderlands only good thing is a bad thing in this retards opinion

I prefer 2's gameplay and could put up with the shit memes/story with friends.


>>What was so bad about Borderlands 2 story?
Are you a Redditor by any chance?

thats the face of a greasy untrustworthy scumbag

Hated borderlands 2, took everything about 1 and just vomited it back.
>The writing
>Throwing a fucking joke on everything when it wasn't necessary
>Putting in pop-culture references every minute
>The retarded scaling on enemies
>How the new vault hunters were similar to the last ones
Oh boy another siren, soldier, and assassin with a strong meat shieldish character. It wasn't until the DLC that they made new vault hunters
The only thing they changed was how edgy shit is, from the start you learn that the villain kills a bunch of people from voice logs and this continues on for the rest of the game.
The villain is also one of the worst things in this game, you are CONSTANTLY reminded of him every second "haha i'm a dick" "hey remember that i'm the bad guy xd" "BUTTSTALLION LOL" "I'M AN ASSHOLE" Every. Fucking. Minute. Being a repetitive annoyance doesn't make you an interesting character.

>tfw stuck in a dead end job but at least Im not Anthony burch

Didn't Randy steal the art style from some freelance artist?

Jack was literally the only good thing because he was a prick doing things wrong things for the right reasons and the humor was full on retarded.

Everything bad about Jack is the doings of Anthony Burch. Everything good about Jack is the improv of his voice actor.

>The villain is also one of the worst things in this game
The villain is one of the best things about the game, and the first game doesn't even have one.

I unironically prefer the world of BL1 to BL2

Fuck you Randy.

Almost like the first game didn't need a villain because you were just some dipshit vault hunter that wanted loot. The villains and stories didn't get going until the DLCs, which they were great.

You aren't alone.

Haha he just likes attention and says whatever to try and not look like an idiot but it doesn't work lol

He's stress eating guys :/

Today I woke up and felt pretty crummy, but then I noticed that I still wasn't Anthony Burch.
Thank God.

I never liked Borderlands. I didn't like the teen humor and the cell shading that I usually love actually prevented me from playing it and I'm not really sure why.

That's the good thing about the 1st one though, you don't need a main villain because the entire planet is trying to kill you. Everyone's a massive threat and you're just a merc looking for weapons, money, and fame.


How the fuck does this guy still have his job?

>Everyone's a massive threat
Uhhh no, it's Borderlands we're talking about.

>so make a fucking game that's fun then
He did. You assholes memed it to death.

story wise not gameplay wise, I mean you've got bandits, wildlife, hungry corporations and ancient angry guardians stopping you from your goal.
You get help from some of the people who aren't completely insane (or are atleast friendly) but everythings put against you.

He's the boss, so he'll have a job as long as the company doesn't completely die.

There's a lot of enemies in the early game that'll fuck up your day. Like those monsters in that cave where you have to get those lightning crystals.

What Randy is saying is they fucked up and borderlands 3 should be a total let down.


>blatantly shilling porn because nobody plays this shit and the only reason anyone plays Overwatch is because of porn

TF2 didn't deserve this shit.

>memed it
It got unlucky because overwatch was around the corner and the game looked awful, there's nothing memey about it.

Burch retconed Hyperion's in-setting respawn service.
For the purposes of Tragic Character Death, it doesn't exist.
Also BL1 was bleak and had darkly humorous bits, generally serious throughout.
BL2, like Saints' Row 3, was too damn wacky but relied even more heavily on reference humour.

yeah an playmobil is more successful than lego. dream on tard.

It was almost there but there was Too much wrong with it to be a good game.
>terrain and minion collision everywhere
>cards just being annoying to use
>mostly bad character designs
>Not enough variation in multiplayer
I think a lot of the mechanics and gameplay were fun but it was far from a great game.

Everyone was complaining about the artstyle. I'm pretty sure if it was standard soldiers it would have sold more and if it was anime girls Sup Forums would have shilled it.

This isnt 1990 anymore, people are more shallow. They don't care about gameplay, they care about looks. This is why people jerk off Persona and Overwatch and why you have people here dedicated to whining about any game that features dark skin

>directly competing with Blizzard
>directly calling out Blizzard
Death by suicide dude.

That's only because when you get to that cave you're like level 7 and they are level 11, and BL1 has a pretty dumb system where enemies that are higher in level than you are both deal much more damage to you and receive much less.

I can see that being true, today's drooling FPS kids want realism in their graphics, not a unique artstyle

>Also BL1 was bleak
No it wasn't, are you crazy? It was always silly.

Nigga, when was the last time you heard a corporate admit to financial failure? Their bonuses and stock shares ride on perception of success.


>I will never be Anthony Burch
>I will never work with Anthony Burch


I'm glad to know other people feel this way.


do you not realize that majority of people in here would prefer bl1 over 2?

>can't figure out how to code or design properly
>blame the computer
>Meanwhile Rockstar and Nintendo consistently pull off processing magic

This is the dumbest thing ever, their visual art style should allow them to put more effort into dynamic effects, which they already kinda did in bl2 with physx shit. Why not do stuff like full volumetric lighting, more cartoony effects etc. that make the game look more stunning if he cares about graphics.

Its actually Dr. Zed

The reused his character like that original Mordecai there reused as Reaver

>10k+ players drop it like a brick after trying it out in a week of open beta
Face it Randolph. Battleborked was a stale, bleached turd.