Behold the trinity of the only western RPGs that matter this decade
Behold the trinity of the only western RPGs that matter this decade
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Inaccurate. Here's the true list.
PS: Open world trash is so shit it's not even worth listing.
This meme needs to end
I would hardly put W3 in the same category as Underrail and DOS, despite liking it as well.
>PoE in great
>DOS in ok
>Tyranny in shit
The Witcher 3 is eastern european you retard
>cd projekt
>obsidian finally gets the chance to make their own fantasy IP
>it's the most boring, rancid piece of shit ever
Your top 3 are good, but Legend of Grimrock being better than Tyranny or Torment? Nah.
>pillars of eternity
Garbage movement controls
i enjoyed Tyranny more that POE
They played it way too safe.
not with that awful combt
Redpill me on Underrail.
I have been looking for an RPG to get into.
Does it have good writing? Meaningful choices? Good character building?
I liked Divinity: OS, but it is easy to get fatigued playing it; there is just way too much.
Pillars of Eternity should be my favorite game ever on paper, but I dropped it around 12 hours in and it left such a bad taste in my mouth I never went back. Is Tyranny really as shit as they say? An evil themed RPG sounds amazing.
I've tried getting into Tyranny, I really have. But there is something that just isnt there for me, I can't get interested in the game or the lore or builds.
PoE is a bit of a mixed bag for me. I enjoy a lot of the quest, most of the characters,. But I don't care much for the world lore, While I have a thing for psyionics, I just don't think Chipers fit,. And bards, a staple and fun class, gets transformed into boring chanters, I miss the old bards.
PoE is so much better looking than Tyranny. I didn't realise how much I missed those old pre-rendered backgrounds. I absolutely love stuff like that.
Thread song.
From what I hear, it has a great charcter creation, a lot of choice of how you want to do stuff, two different ways of getting xp (exploring or killing mods, which is fantastic)
The writing is the bare minimun, it's not great, from what Ive heard, but ok. But nothing to play the game for.
>witcher 3
>Good rpg
Fuck off, its an allright action adventure game, but as an rpg its a disaster. Two Worlds 2 is a better rpg than W3.
>Does it have good writing?
It's alright, but Underrail is not a game with heavy focus on story.
>Meaningful choices?
Above average. Some only for ending slides, but there are several that impact the game itself too.
>Good character building?
Very much yes. Character building along with combat are two of the game's cornerstones. And since you only control one character your build choice has a huge impact on what you'll be able to do.
Thanks lads.
I can handle the game having a bare minimum style story as long as the gameplay holds up.
Then there's a good chance you are going to love it.
Of all the games pictured ITT one studio may still be around in 10 years.
That is from Govt subsidies and GoG money propping them up.
Shit lists for shit tastes.
>ever having good combat
how new r u
Never made it past the character create screen in UnderRail, I could never settle on what build I wanted. Watched so many videoes about builds, but never settled on what I wanted to play.
Underrail has shit pacing story and gameplay wise. I couldn't give a shit about the story too.
I like it actually
Larian is doing fine and Obsidian is recovering, what's your point?
I usually recommend magic to anyone who can't decide on a build for themselves. It's less restrictive than going with a weapon type, and very forgiving when it comes to character building, no matter what type of wizard you are building. Very new player-friendly but still extremely satsifying to play.
Both had to KS the sequel to their flagship IP.
Let that sink in then re read whet you posted.
The only real option open to you is to try and claim it is a good thing they are begging for money yet again.
It isn't a good one but it is the best you have.
I usually go for sneaky lockpick/charisma/hacking builds with combat as secondary, I remember a trapping build that apparently worked great, but I enver had much fun with setting traps and stuff in games like Baldurs Gate etc.
I might try to start up the game anew soon.
Thanks for the info, none the less.
>Both had to KS the sequel to their flagship IP.
would these games get made without a KS campaign? Both were in full development already.
Trapper + Crossbow is a fun combo
Keep in mind that it is a combat focused game, so a build completely focused on stealth/hacking/lockpicking/charisma can really struggle, you should atleast have one strong combat focus.
Stealth in this game is really good and definitely something you can build around, just keep in mind that there will be situations where stealth alone won't be enough, and also that traps is a support skill instead of a primary combat skill, even though you can be a pure trapper for most of the game. Just have a back up plan for those situations where it won't be enough.
There was an user who did a pacifist (excluding the few mandatory fights) stealth run, so it's definitely doable. But for a new player I expect it would be a very frustrating experience.
Thanks for all the input. So, let's say I roll stealth and some non-combat stuff, which weapon would work best? Unless melee is really good with stealth, Id prefer something ranged.
I'm not him but I agree with him:
>PoE in great
In spite of its flaws and fairly dull main plot it feels way better to play than anything else on that list.
>Tyranny in shit
It was pretty terrible in terms of story and characters. And the bastardized elder scrolls leveling system was worse than PoE's totally-not-DnD system.
>DOS in okay
navigating environments feels so clunky and awful it isn't funny. There's no speeding up movement either so it takes forever to get from one place to another. The combat animations take too long and the jokes fall flat.
>new vegas
>under rail
fucking kek the delusion.
Basically anything goes with stealth, but nothing goes as well with it as sniper rifles.
>Reddit spacing
>thinks PoE is a good game while shitting on D:OS
Neo-Sup Forums.
Is Shadowrun Returns really that bad? I bought the trilogy but haven't got around to playing them.
>implying it has good rpg.
They are the only good ones
How autistic are you?
autistic enough to get a new fuckdate on tinder every month, you :)?
name one good western RPG thats not in the trinity above
Returns is bad. But, DF and HK are both good, no clear consensus on the best one, but HK is more refined.
I prefer HK for sisequests, music, combat and companions. In any case, they're both worth playing. I'd skip returns unless they did some major changes to it since I last played it, which was around launch. Still got a sour taste in my mouth
>reddit spacing
>not a nu-Sup Forumseddit forced meme
>Muh dick
He's a nigger too
Baldurs gate 2, planescape torment, Deus Ex, vampire tm bl, kotor2
>trying this hard to be contrarian
Neck yourself lad
Pillars of eternity
doesn't count when its your sister
The point of this thread is this decade, not 200 classics user, so let me rephrase
name one good western RPG thats not in the trinity above released this decade
Name one good western rpg
halo 3
Wasteland 2 is a great game, Pillars of Eternity and Tyranny are good.
DIV:OS 2 soon fuckers.
I can't believe they actually made skeletons more than just a race skin and gave them exclusive gameplay mechanics.
Obsidian has never made a good game so I don't know why you're surprised.
Fallout 3
>any Bethesda RPG
kill yourself retard
But it's the best in the series.
>TFW too brainlet to get into crpgs
Have a wallpaper.
Fallout 3 actually won an award for writing when it came out, what the fuck was wrong with people back then?
If the Japanese can play it, so can you.
>fallout 1 that high
I mean it is the best in the series but I didn't realize normies even played it.
Those scores are mostly how well the game runs more than anything, new vegas was a buggy mess and it crashed a lot when it was first released.
Actually 3 is better.
I thought it was overall agreed that dragonfall was better written while HK had better combat?
Keep telling yourself that.
Maybe the NV hive mind just doesn't know what they are talking about.
it was exactly the sort of story critics loved back then, easy enough they didn't actually need to play a lot of the game to get it but pseudo-intellectual enough they didn't look like retards for endorsing it
entertainment awards are virtually never given to deserving entries, just look at the academy awards
>RTWP party management simulators anywhere but shit tier
In fallout 3 you can convince the villain to kill himself with a single speech check that tells him to kill himself for some reason.
To compare in Fallout 1 you do so by having evidence to even get the option where you pretty much tell the guy his plan will never work (which is true)
he is fishing for replies don't bother
So? Fallout 1 is a great game.
poor brainlet
So when you post do you hope that people won't reply? Weird.
what did he mean by this
Grimrock isn't much of an RPG though. Also I really like Grimoire.
It's a bit of a shame that anyone with a good enough speech or barter skill can get the Legate to withdraw in NV
should have at least included having to get a few documents or so proving that the conquest of the NCR would be unsustainable, there were enough quests in the game that could have logically contained such items.
That said, at least "you're overextending to far for your infrastructure and society to handle, even if you win the war you'd lose the peace" is a significantly more valid argument than "you're a computer, you should just kill yourself"
>t. that guy who wants to tell everyone at the table how to play and build optimally
Also the fact that you need 100 speech or barter do so.
>There's no speeding up movement either so it takes forever to get from one place to another. The combat animations take too long
These are both 100% true and D:OS is one of my favorite games. I'd kill for an emulator-like turbo button because of just how much time it takes to get around.
RPGs are literally about character building, if you don't build an optimal character you are playing the game wrong
>RPGs are literally about character building
RPGs are about playing a role, you dunce.
honestly Underrail's narrative isn't all that bad, story is fairly basic sure but there's a good number of interesting moments
but the way the game is built up makes it very much possible to miss half the story and characters if you don't take your time to explore, because the mandatory characters tend to be quite obtuse when it comes to handing out information.
Character known as Six is fairly notorious for giving you 10 questions for every answer, and being a cryptic fuck about said answers.
Isn't it that DF and HK were so much better?
Shadowrun returns was cool, unless you played the latter two.
once a month.
nigga you fucking suck at tinder
you can roleplay in any game though, rolling your THAC0 against the enemy's AC is playing an RPG
IIRC the barter check is only 90, because the barter check is about spelling the cold hard truth out to him, which in turn Lanius respects a lot more than the speech check version
which is a neat little touch
Barter check is also 100.
Optimization implies knowing in advance what will actually be useful in the first place. You're just being a munchkin faggot.
I just don't live in a big city m8
also if it was anymore I'd be afraid of STDs.
don't you mean grognard Mr Sawyer?
The Witcher 3 doesn't fit there at all.
imagine having an opinion this bad
western= not asian
Superior list.
I wanted to give underrail a try but is afraid of fucking up. I liked FO1, PoE, and Might and Magic 10 and it looked like a game I might enjoy.
A list on Sup Forums I can 100% stand behind? This has to be a first.
Pillars is the worst game on this list. It's colorless, tasteless, samey, and mediocre. There's absolutely nothing about it worth recommending.
I actually agree with this list.