HL2 Fans: Why?

Could fans of HL2 explain why then love it so much please? I'm not saying it's shit or anything, but I really don't see why people think it's one of the best games ever.

I played it for the first time in 2009, so maybe that's a factor. But the only shooters I played before that were RE4, Halo 3, BioShock, and Metroid Prime 1. HL2 just didn't feel that great. I think it's largely the graphics/art style. All the previous games I mentioned seemed to properly capture the aesthetic they were going for. HL2 just feels weirdly sterile and angular considering if has such a range of atmospheres and environments. I can go back and play older games with weak graphics, but they still look cool. I simple don't think Half Life 2 looks very good, which means I can't get into the idea of Combine oppression and a scrappy resistance. It looks sort of amateurish.

Could you guys explain if it felt different in 2004?

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I first played it in 2012 and loved it. Don't know what to tell you. Everything looks worn down in Half Life 2 (Very much the opposite of Half Life 1, where everything looks cool and pristine or alien) because it's a post-Combine Earth.

>Could fans of HL2 explain
No, you underages are forever cursed to never being able to appreciate older games and what they did

Because fuking love it HL1 and expansions and when HL2 came out in 2004 i loved it just as much. The immersion and atmosphere were pretty GOAT. IMO

It might be the same problem as with Seinfeld - because the series pioneered so many things for videogames, things it innovated in at release aren't seen as revolutionary nowadays and it takes away from some of the charm that Half-Life always held for the fans. That is not to say that the things it does aren't done well, the facial animation and lip-synch, the physics engine and the first-person narrative are all still strong and on par of what came after.

what the issue at present is however, is that what seemed like a masterful project was abandoned by its creator - not lost to a crappy sale and negative reviews, not impeded by a terrible bug or weak execution, but literally thrown to the side after a cliffhanger, where the series itself was at its high-point.

>I played it for the first time in 2009, so maybe that's a factor
I played it for the first time in 2011, when I finally bit the bullet, ordered my first custom-made PC, and became a mustard-racer, and I love the entire HL series to bits. I've not replayed HL2 alone some 4 times.

It looks great and sharp, plays great, has lots of freedom and dynamic-y compared to modern corridor-shooters, atmosphere is top-notch, character animations still BTFO of anything made by Bethesda, and the modding community is gigantic.

Learn to write and learn English. Fucking retard.

>Couldn't get into the atmosphere
You're either baiting or have very unique taste, don't bother trying to understand.

I'm not one of those people who think it's the best game ever, but the gravity gun was pretty cool.

Source was a great physics engine for it's time. Too bad all we have seen from Source 2 is DOTA 2 which doesn't have physics.

>*I've noW replayed HL2 alone some 4 times.

no, fuck off

>thinly veiled shitposting

Won't work, nigga. Fuck off.

That's Valve's problem - they have squandered their own resources, and even if next Half-Life game were to showcase Source 2, that would be enough.

Gabe has lied to everyone by saying "we don't want to do an old-school project", they simply don't want to expend the effort to finish the series and to innovate. They have become a software corporation, a virtual shop and not a game developer. Innovation means risk and risk means potential loss of profit, whereas Steam is a fat cow they can milk till the end of time.

It is modern AAA trash from design standpoint.

it's way past "modern" by TRULY modern ""standards"" that started in 2007 with CoD4.

I first played it on the PS3 port in 2013 and I loved it. The atmosphere was awesome and the gunplay felt pretty damn good, though I had a few minor gripes. A lot of people say the MP7 feels weak as shit on PC, I think they compensated for this on the PS3 port by making it really fucking loud. I can't tell you how many times I booted up a save and ended up shattering my eardrums because I forgot that the MP7 is louder than a goddamn jackhammer. Supposedly it can break your wrists from controller vibration on the XBOX port.

it was the crysis of its day but actually a good game

It is a linear story driven shooter with plot delivered through semi-interactive cutscenes. CoD has different health system and more explosions, but that's it.

Half-Life 2 is fucking great. The atmosphere is unforgettable, and the level design is impeccable. I just wish the combine troopers were not hitscan enemies. The game kinda forces you to take damage a lot of times, which is my only major gripe with the game.

We need more Virgin x Chad memes for HL series.

>takes damage
>instead of auto-healing like a pussy you must go and find healthpacks or a heal station

Literally nothing wrong with this.

What can anyone really say to make you change your opinion?

Half-Life 2 was great because of a lot of things you obviously are not into.

I would work on Human v Combine if I wasn't lazy.

No no, I do not advocate auto-healing. Medpacks are infinitely better. I just wish the projectiles were avoidable, like in DOOM or Metroid Prime.

>CoD has different health system and more explosions, but that's it.
Modern CoD games require up to NO player feedback at worst, and rely on scripted "cinematic", first-person cutscene-events. There's no supply hunting, as your HP regenerates, all guns are practically the same, and so is ammo, that is thrown at you by bucketloads. Enemies also are always mere "dudes with guns", meaning very limited and tiny possibility space, made worse by the fact that majority of players' weapons are also skin-swapped bullethoses.

>different health system and more explosions, but that's it.
I seriously doubt you played either HL2 or HL1 if you actually think this.

I would if i hasn't such a brainlet for creativity.

>tfw read the script for HL3
>sounded like it would have been an awesome game


I don't know about you guys but the main thing I was rly impressed with when Half-Life 2 first came out were the great facial expressions and dialogue, along with excellent physics and lighting implementation.
All these years later and these are all completely standard aspects of most games, except facial expressions.

>It is a linear story driven shooter with plot delivered through semi-interactive cutscenes.

So it's like HL1?


>We won't get to experience that feeling of loneliness as it's just us and the void as the credits roll
>Even the writers have lost hope for it

Gaben was a mistake


If you haven't played HL1 at all.

I don't dare to even read it. It hasn't sunk in yet that this series is officially kill.

It's was made on GMOD senpai.

Gaben is just lost.

FFS, there's more to a shooter than linearity. If you can't tell the difference between HL2 and COD, then you are senseless.

Shooting in this game is beyond mediocre but the whole game just kinda comes together and every aspect of it works and immerses you in the game. Hard to explain really. It just... works.

>lots of roumours about valve wont make hl3 because it wont be able to live up to the hype
>read plot
>it can perfectly stand to the fucking hype


I'd say not to lose hope but what with Valves focus on side products like Artifact that Valve isn't even using their main staff for and the VR work it implies they really don't care at this point.

Like they've made a new engine altogether and have barely even used it when it had great potential.

>so maybe that's a factor.
Yes, that is definitely a factor. You had played this back in 2004, it would've blown your mind.

It's not Gaben, its us. We enabled his greed and it was greed that created Steam and killed Half-Life. Only the fans can resurrect it, if there is anyone ambitious out there to put that story script into a mod. Perhaps expand it a bit, spruce up the source itself, but if Black Mesa was done, why not this? The only bummer would be the voice acting but again, these guys did it so its feasible.

I wouldn't mind if Black Mesa folks were given the opportunity to make Ep3 in a format that Laidlaw wrote it, maybe ask him to flesh it out?
Its all fanciful ruminations, I know, but if people ask...

It was a time and place sort of thing.

It has aged like milk and has probably the worst pacing of any video game.


Only real issue I personally ever had with it is that its too easy even on hard.

HL fans are like Metroid fans. Old, mostly dead, and can only talk about their waifu / husbando.

The game is solid but better ones have come since.

How come more games don't use detail textures? I think they make the lower res textures look pretty good still at medium distance.

Stop being such a fag.

This is correct. The shooting in the game is functional, but not great, and yet the game is amazing. It's so much greater than the sum of its parts.

F.E.A.R. is the polar opposite. Amazing shooting mechanics, but samey level design. As a result, it's not greater than the sum of its parts.

The first person narrative is easily one of Half-Life 2's most notable flaws, because a much greater proportion of the game has people talking at you than in the first game.

When do you think they made the decision to not do 3?

Yeah tell me how are you able to see shit and read the small texts.

The video is good, but that fucking resolution, the video should have been 1440p at least

It just made me feel badass playing it. The atmosphere, the sound design, the gunplay. Such a great aesthetic to it.

On replays (of which I have done MANY), the flaws are more than apparent. The game is easy as fuck even on 'Hard', its full of obnoxious unskippable cutscenes, the enemy AI isn't even as good as its 1998 predecessor which is plain said, and the enemy variety in general is less than it should be.

But even with those issues, I still consider it to be a fantastic game.

Picture completely unrelated.

>can't read the texts

Are you blind or phoneposting? Or both?

Probably with a gradual fall-off of interest and manpower within company devoted to the project, I guess sometime in 2012-13, when anyone did any last thing on it at all. There were rumors of it being on and off started and restarted by interested groups within Valve, but they all eventually petered out under the pressure to work on other things and lack of support from the top brass.

Given that the company is privately held by Gabe, I think people don't realize what a pitfall it is to think of it as an "open workplace" - it only goes as far as the will of the owner, and Gabe is the king of that place. I wouldn't be surprised if he strangled the project slowly over the years as Steam and DoTA became more profitable.

>3 new vr games
>one of them isn't half-life 3

>Could you guys explain if it felt different in 2004?
It did, in 2004 the graphics and physics in Half-Life 2 were pretty revolutionary. It's not my favorite game, and I can see why someone playing it today wouldn't be blown away, but the same could be said about someone playing Ocarina of Time for the first time 10+ years after it released.

It has good voice actors


I sincerely hope so my man, but you gotta grow up sometime and face the music. The end is more likely than any future games.

I played it for the first time in fucking 2014, and loved it.

Yes, but not that innovative at the time.

> Modern CoD games require up to NO player feedback at worst, and rely on scripted "cinematic", first-person cutscene-events
Just like Half-Life 2 did. Yes, you can move around while Barney, Alyx and Klener are talking - big fucking deal, the doors will not open until they finish anyway. How's that different from a cinematic? You can "interact" with them by throwing the pieces of scenery arond, but since they cannot react, that hardly counts.
>There's no supply hunting, as your HP regenerates, all guns are practically the same, and so is ammo, that is thrown at you by bucketloads. Enemies also are always mere "dudes with guns", meaning very limited and tiny possibility space, made worse by the fact that majority of players' weapons are also skin-swapped bullethoses.
This is all true, but this is also a result of applying the formula of MoH:AA - the game that was essentially Half-Life in WWII setting.

They've been baiting for a long time. Randomly putting 3s into everything. Conferences being held 3.3, little 3kb patch for HL2 that fixes 3 things, it's always just a little kick in the nuts before the big announcement that they're adding new cosmetics to Dota2 or new knives to CSGO. Really the only money they're making off of their actual games at this point is just re-selling CSGO to hackers on twink accounts.

do you have sauce on said image?

He's not referring to that kind of first-person cutscene-event, he's talking about the kind where they give you some kind of military toy like a drone or a gunship or an RC-car-with-a-taser-attached and then has "gameplay" which is actually closer to an interactive cutscene


There was news recently that there were maps for episode 3 for testing purposes last edited i think ~2013. Same year Dota 2 came out of beta and was officially released.

I don't find it hard to say that there were intentions to work on the game, but after they realized how much money Dota 2 would make them from hats and TI they shifted gears. Its the same thing that happened to Blizzard after WoW was released. Then came experimenting with VR and developing Source 2. After Source 2 its most likely that they had to scrap anything that people may have been working on beforehand and start from scratch.

At this point, there's no one there that wants to work on it at this point. Valve is set up very differently where you can work on whatever you want at anytime. At any point you can move your desk to any project going on. There is no structure. The money right now is in Dota 2, and to a lesser extent CSGO so its the safe thing to do for anyone aspiring to work there. Their is probably pressure not only from the outside, but internally as well. It's a lot of weight to try to take on HL3 at this point for anyone there, and its not a game that can be worked on by 5-10 people in their spare time like the Gameinformer source said was the case.

Its a shame really. In a perfect world we wouldve gotten Episode 3, and the 2 unannounced episodes that were going to be developed by a separate studio, and a hatless TF2, CSGO, and DOTA 2.

> He's not referring to that kind of first-person cutscene-event, he's talking about the kind where they give you some kind of military toy like a drone or a gunship or an RC-car-with-a-taser-attached and then has "gameplay" which is actually closer to an interactive cutscene
Those are merely the descendants of the turret sections - influenced by HL's storytelling. In some ways, they can be considered as improvement of them.

>The end is more likely than any future games.
No proper news about it other than few implications from Valve for almost 10 years now, yea definitely but not all hope is lost for me desu.

That's another thing. If they wanted people to completely forget about HL3 and leave them alone nobody at Valve would even remotely mention/tease it.

>How's that different from a cinematic?
for me it feels like you're actually in the world of the game rather than controlling a character from that world. Story feels like it progresses as you play through it and less like you play through a pre-written script.

This is why this area of Episode 2 was so fucking good, since you could visualize the whole structure before going through it, just like that video, except in real time. You were also constantly aware of where exactly you were, and it felt like a cohesive puzzle as a result.

Not that poster, but there were several spots in the video where more fidelity would've been nice.

Isn't it crazy that the HL2 dev team was a measly 84 people?

>dat Gman chillin in the bridge

I agree, but c'mon, the texts can be seen clearly.

what did it pioneer anyway?

Was it really the physics engine? Anything else?

And I think this is first game's whole dev team.

I know my issue with HL2 is that while I know about when it came out, I don't have any context with what other pc games that were out alongside it were like so I'm not sure how it stood out. I was a consolekiddy from 1991-2011

>ywn chill with HL dev team and fish with them


>the enemy AI isn't even as good as its 1998 predecessor which is plain said
To be honest, it's on par with HL1. It's just that it's released 6 years later and not much changed since then. Why is it so hard to do proper enemy AI anyway? It's not hard, have squads cover each other as they try rush from cover to cover as they encircle you. FEAR, STALKER, OF:Rising Storm all had amazing AIs and those games run on Pentium 4. Why can't we have dynamic AI in games nowadays when devs have access to 7 cores on consoles. Fucking 7. What do they waste that shit on, drawcalls on sexy sidekicks's butt? HL1 has more competent AI than anything released in the past 5 years and that game ran on Pentium III, in software renderer aswell, and they still had free cycles for that shit.

What is with Valve and them being able to get the very best writers, developers and actors?
Everytime it's 10/10 quality

Shame about it's management though

The enemy AI in HL2 is not as bad as everyone says it is, it's just exploitable at certain sections, like Lighthouse Point. It really shines in the firefight at White Forest Inn.


what the fuck do you even need to earn more money for that you can't do with 4.1 billion dollars

fuck gay ben

anyone else think this is the best LP?


>ywn drown gabe in the fucking ocean before it's too late


Probably because 90% of making good AI is just excellent level design which allows the AI to shine.
That's basically what you see with FEAR where the cost of good AI is the entire game having to be the same kind of environments over and over because that's where the AI works best

You have to be 25 and own a PC to post here.


With HL2 came more mods with a new engine

Soldier of Fortune was better.




So I was away from Sup Forums when the news broke that Half life 3 is never coming out.

How did Sup Forums take it?


I'm waiting for the movie. Every else lost faith in HL3 since 2011. This is nothing new but for some of us at least is some kind of closure.

I played it in 2005 or 2006 when I was a retard and didn't know how to play vidya properly because I was young, fuck I even remember trying to play HL1 and didn't know how to progress because an action button was a weird concept to me. I mostly played RTS and shit. I played and beat them properly around 2012-2013 I think? Despite their age, I really enjoyed the games. I did beat them before that time but I used cheats because I was just shit at vidya. Good games overall in my opinion. Sure you can nitpick but people are just prone to liking certain things. I've played fuck tons of different fps, both console and PC.


I really doubt it's coming out. It's been proposed since half life 2 has been released and nothing has happened. Let go user.

>that pre-morbid obesity gaben