Why don't MMO games make tanks do as much damage as DPS?
Why don't MMO games make tanks do as much damage as DPS?
Because DPS needs to have some responsibility other than getting the fuck out of the bad stuff and spam posting meters.
Because how will brainlets figure out how to play if their class can't literally only do one thing?
>why not make the holy trinity the holy duo
a party would then consist of 4 tanks and 1 healer, or a raid of 8 tanks 2 healers, etc.
because then what would the point of dps classes be?
The DPSes would have no point of existing
More importantly why don't they do away with hybrids and make everyone fucking amazing at their role. Also Tanks, Healer, DPS, Controller/Support is better when done correctly.
>Warrior tanks in MoP doing over 1million DPS on Garrosh
It didn't work, but it was so fun.
They have no point in existing already.
what is enrage timer
what is burn phases
what is showing all the other dps how big your cock is
what is the most skillful role in mmo's
>tank casts threat
>healer casts heal
Why not make tanks heal as much as healers can and dps as much as dpsers can?
Why not have tanks solo raids?
While Wildstar was too shit of a game to last, I DID like how each class had 2 or the 3 roles. Medic being the best DPS in the game will never not be hilarious to me
WoW did it for a while
it caused braindead princess tanks to have aneurysms because they were expected to actually use their abilities correctly in a verifiable way
The shit ones do. TERA experienced this when a new tank class dropped.
why not have a game where you can switch class on the fly?that way if you pull agro you can tank the fucker and the tank can damage it.
Expand on this. What did they do to the new tank,a nd did the older ones become oboslete?
The "Trinity" is tripe garbage for bottom of the bell curve retards.
Switch over to the Four Roles and deprecate Healers already.
No, it caused unintended abuse. Tanks standing in bad stuff intentionally to get more damage or getting more boss "generic tank swap debuff" stacks more than they are supposed to, just to top the meters.
They do. They're called Bricks.
Why not?
Make it more about bringing what you want to play rather than being forced to fill a role.
The new tank class made the game even easier than it already was. Skilled tanks did more damage than any dps player and the class had skills with a built-in block ability, so you could continue damaging the boss while being attacked and suffering no damage. In a very general sense at endgame, some players of the old tanking class felt irrelevant because raid groups preferred the new class for faster clears. It was also pretty devastating in pvp because they could shit on everyone with minimal effort. Many months and many complaints later though, it's been rebalanced to make the old tanking class (referring to lancer) as good if not better again.
Makes me think of Blade n Soul, where the tank is going to hold aggro by doing strong damage. Maybe not almighty burst but still good.
Just wish the game wasn't so janky.
>calling that "abuse" instead of gameplay
Thanks heaps for ruining mmos.
>what is the most skillful role in mmo's
Why have a trinity at all? Why not make every class self sufficient.
You pull aggro, it's your job to stay alive. You're about to die, heal yourself. Everyone does DPS.
Because Guild Wars 2 did that and it was dogshit.
>I don't like games that violate my comfort zone
I've heard FF14 Warriors do a lot of dps and they're a tank class.
Removing the trinity makes dungeons dogshit though, and people who enjoy playing tanks/healers tend not to play those games or stop.
So you get a community full of dps players who are 80% cancer subhumans, who then drive of the few actual human dps players.
>people who enjoy playing tanks/healers tend not to play those games or stop.
What, all 5 of them? Seriously, it's a problem when you have to wait in a queue for 20-30 mins because no one wants to play tank or healer.
This is a design flaw. The fact that it's still implemented means the genre will continue to stagnate until something better is formulated.
But that's the state of MMO's today.
The big problem here is that it makes all the classes have to be boring samey shit instead of having specialists. That said just having 'tank' and 'dps' and 'heals' leads to three times the same problem because those are also way too broad and boring.
Which would be solved if all the tanks could do as much damage as the dps. What's truly worthless is MELEE dps. Ranged dps have a reason to exist.
The one third of the Trinity that makes the Trinity "work" (ie the game has to be designed around their presence which in turn demands their presence at almost all times) is the Healer. The game that adopts the trinity has to design the exchange of damage to be very high both ways, with few ways for the individual to avoid or defend against direct damage. Because of all of this guaranteed damage, the Healer is necessary to win the battle of attrition that is every fight.
Instead of a dedicated healer pumping out a shitload of health recovery, give players the ability to manage their own health. Ways for everyone to actively avoid damage with good timing and use of defensive skills. Have each player take their share and divide the enemy's attention between the lot (instead of one Tank drawing everything). Make Healing something you'd have to retreat to the backline to do, not something you can do in the thick of the fight.
After you cut out the big beam of constant healing and make each player responsible for their own survival (oh shit that will never work), you can drop the Trinity and diversify the Tank and DPS roles into varying kinds of support and control roles. D&D's four roles are far more dynamic and fun to use, they're categorized into four but they vary based on different kinds/degrees of crowd control, methods of area denial, range of attack and the sort of buffs they can give to others.
Guild Wars 2 did it and it actually works (it was shit on release and took about three years before they unfucked the balance to make everything actually worthwhile and combat a lot more engaging). There's a reason why GW2 is still among the most popular MMOs after five years, it's a hell of a lot more fun than the same old Trinity bullshit where each person does their job routine. The only people who hate it are the Trinityfags who need a Tank/Healer to make all the pain go away.
>Bikini Warriors
>MFW I have an DVD/Blu-Ray unopened copy of BW which the cover has signatures of the English VAs that voiced the characters
Might leave it unopened because it might be worth something down the road. Already have the episodes downloaded(which has both English and JP voices) so yeah.
Will never understand bitching about "the trinity" which is an autistic oversimplification of game mechanics. Wow, turns out in games you take damage, receive damage, and heal damage and in a multiplayer game you divide up which characters are best at these roles. How the fuck is this an issue?
They should split dps into damage and debuffs and healing into heal and buffs.
>doing nothing but stacking might, the game
woah dude great game
i fucking hate when they just color the lower lip.
stop that shit already
its just dumbasses getting upset while offering no rebuttal. it's literally impossible to change the trinity because video games are their core are just number games.
Because WoW has created a permanent image of MMOs only being about combat with noncombat being relegated to boring moneymaking and crafting items that are worse than boss drops.
GW2 tried that, apparently it didn't work.
>WoW is responsible for the trinity
This is some next level retarded.
>what is the most akillfull role in mmo's
Ok, the others I can agree, but this is bull, the only time dps needed skill was during vanilla wow when they had to lower the damage they would do as to not aggro the boss, but other than that, dps is the single most easiest role.
Because then DPS roles would be obsolete compared to a party full of tanks.
>the only time dps needed skill was during vanilla wow when they had to lower the damage they would do as to not aggro the boss
No it wasn't, throttling your dps wasn't hard. Remember "no damage until 3 sunder stacks?", that's because if your tank was half decent you would have a hard time pulling aggro off them after they got 3 sunder stacks in unless you were being a retard using mortal strike or some shit.
It's extremely easy to change the trinity. You just have to be willing to deviate from the traditional WoW game design mentality and do something like introduce actual strategic combat instead of relying on "hit point sponges" and "standing there is bad" stupidity that plagues modern game design.
Quite the opposite. No one should be able to tank. If you want to be as close to real life as possible, then all attacks will tear through any kind of armor.
There should only be aggro - dps - heals as the trinity.
Generalizing Tank and Healer roles isn't such a good idea honestly.
There can be boss phases where you'll have to burn heal or guide the boss into particular locations to expose them for DPS to get any hits in.
There is also timed debuffs you may have to worry about that comes into play.
It's not just about threat, damage mitigation and healing.