>Nintendo McDonald's partnership
>Literal McDonald's themed events in your video games
We wanted Nintendo to copy the good graphics and online service of their competitors, not copy their anti-consumer DLC policies and cancerous marketing deals.
>Nintendo McDonald's partnership
>Literal McDonald's themed events in your video games
We wanted Nintendo to copy the good graphics and online service of their competitors, not copy their anti-consumer DLC policies and cancerous marketing deals.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Good graphics and online service of their competitors
Who, PC?
Damn now I want mcdonalds fries.
Fuck you and your shitty thread.
>ching chong yamazaki ding tienshenhan desuu!
I can't read this shit. This is America you retarded subhuman.
>Choosing fries when they're literally given for free
Fries fags are invisifags of the ketchup faggotry
Anyone in Japan on team fries?
>This is America
>posting on a world-wide imageboard
Last time I checked, I was German, not American
>unironically caring about graphics and online services
what level of underage are we talking here?
You're speaking American, Hans.
>people still spout the graphics are unimportant meme
I write English
They literally are. Do they help a game? Sure.
>You're speaking American, Ahmed.
not very well
Yeah you're a fucking child if you want your babytoy squid game to use actual servers which run an actual tickrate instead of being P2P at 16hz
>this thread again
Why make it again? Do you enjoy being BTFO? Shit has been done longer than you've been alive, fucking underage.
Bravo Nintendo, beating Sony at their own game yet again.
What's that even supposed to mean, kiddo? Underage shitters have been falling for the "muh grafix" meme for over two decades, fast-forward to 2017 and retro styled games are still the most popular.
sorry lad. No such thing as German identity anymore.
>This is the absolute state of EU's grasp of sarcasm.
Reported for hate speech.
Enjoy your jail time :)
who else eats the skin off of the McNuggets before eating the meat?
everything helps a game, the whole package is important, faggot autist.
Sup Forums was created by an American, hosted on American-made and American-managed servers, located in America. How the fuck you think this is a worldwide website is beyond me.
This is going to be so successful its crazy. Kids love both this shit.
This is a U.S website, you dumb nigger.
>he thinks there is still a Germany
Aw he doesn't know.
>Pearl represents fries
>Marina represents tendies
Which one do you choose?
As-salamu alaykum
Notice how Nintendofags always talk about business before anyone else. Nintendofags are literal marketers.
How is this a problem?
I didn't see this sort of shitstorm with the transfomers
Disregard that, I suck dicks.
Choose you faggots
I heard the McNuggets have eyeball parts in them
This is nothing new. Splatoon 1 literally had spongebob vs patrick
I used to love them but they've gotten worse lately. I don't know if it's just my area but god damn what I wouldn't do for some 90s or 00s nugs
Milk Tea? What the fuck?
>We wanted Nintendo to copy the good graphics
Come on now, time to stop joking
>and online service of their competitors
Like I said...
>not copy their anti-consumer DLC policies
Nigger Amiibos are the absolute worst form of DLC ever conceived, and they've been a thing for 3 years. How are you surprised NOW?
>and cancerous marketing deals.
*dabs on twitter*