>Wander around wasteland
>See this
What do you do?
Wander around wasteland
Let it rape me and then have its eggs grow in my swollen belly.
That is one ugly Jew
You do know that Tarantula Hawks young explode out of the stomach, and eat their host right?
Unsheathe my Katana and activate my GRX implant.
Oh, c'mon. They weren't that hard to kill. Git gud.
Freak the fuck out because I hate these things. Like holy shit I'm not particularly bad at FPSs, but I can't hit these fast fuckers unless I use VATS
These are cazadors right?
*blocks your path*
>OWB has a bunch of perks that increase cazador damage by 50%
>Bug stomper achievement gives 10% more damage
>Etymologist perk gives 50% crit damage
I can shoot those bugs with a 9mm pistol and they instantly explode.
Oh fuck no
>walking around giant desert of nothingness
>get gangbanged by giant walking sperm cells
why are these fucking bugs as strong as deathclaws?
if im going down, theyre all going with me
*pssh aaaah*
Leave this mutie scum to me.
Shoot a 12 Gauge Shell at it's fucking head.
Switch to hollow point
I chuck a spear at it!
Set around 10 mines in front of me, get its attention and run the fuck away and cross my fingers I hear a boom.
>I played the entirety of New Vegas without knowing I can change ammo types
>Only realised I could at the Dam battle
>hear the boom
>buzzing keeps getting louder
>New Vegas
>Godawful Fallout 3 shotgun
>Somehow holding it with just a finger in the trigger guard
Fucking why?
>Wandering around Wasteland
What do?
then VTEC kicks in
Not the way I use em.
>swarm of them are blocking my path
>pull out c-finder
*blocks your path*
rape him and his posse to death with me, Cassidy, Vic and Lenny
>pull out c-finder
>doesn't work
>reload game
>laser kills me immediately
>having 6 charisma
>wasting a perk point on extra companions
Replace Vic with Marcus and you're golden
Well it is early on so haven't reached Broken Hills yet.
Ah, I would've chosen Sulik over Vic then, unless you need him for repairs.
What kinda build you going for?
>always get Living Anatomy
>yet only now do I know Cazadors have no armor
ive finished vegas 6 times (yes six) and i didnt know that either
AGI/INT with energy weapons, unarmed and speech. I make sure to remember each location of the implant chips before heading to San Francisco.
>Use Psycho
>Use Med-X
>Use Steady
>Use Slasher
>Use Jet
>Load HP rounds into my Lucky
>"Left Wing, Right Wing, Head"
Too easy.
Only six?
We need more nukes.
The cargo ship in San Francisco full of them, centaurs and wanigmos freaked me out
>not shooting the wings
>get animal friend
>cazabros sting me anyway
fuck you game
I thought those were tapeworms.
>using VATS
>not just aiming for those manually
Why didn't this nigga ever make it into the final game?
>playing an RPG like an FPS
kill yourself
Fallout 4's creature names are so lazy in compared to the previous installments, every new mutated animal is called a Rad something or a "Deathclaw ripofff."
try it with no perks, you casual!
I'd wager he was never intended to, just a joke the developers never removed completely.
A lot of the best stuff usually never makes it to the final release of any Fallout game
Throw a like 5 spears at him and miss because throwing weapons in this game suck ass and they're barely enough perks to make them remotely decent while Shotguns get like 5 perks god fucking dammit.
>Young gecko
>Young gecko hunter
>gecko hunter
>Young golden gecko
>Golden gecko
>Young Golden hunter
>Golden gecko hunter
>Young fire gecko
>Fire gecko
>Legendary Fire gecko
>Green gecko
>Young green gecko
>Giant green gecko
Do we need another gecko?
And even with perks shotguns still fucking suck without slugs thanks to the way New Vegas calculates DT on every pellet that hits.
>comparing common enemies to boss enemies
>Basically another gecko
I dunno even if it was a joke I thinking having a superboss after killing all the toughest Legendary creatures would be a neat reward.
Well yeah you can't have a common mascot enemy with multiple varieties without having a boss version.
You reminded me I have to go back to OWB and kill that fucker some time. It one-shotted me the first couple attempts I made.
>Do High Endurance/Strength Unarmed run
>Can kill high level enemies with a couple of punches
>Literally can't reach to hit this motherfucker
>Do low Endurance (2) but high Luck run
>Compliance Regulator is my main weapon since I try to run away and avoid combat most of the time
>Almost every single hit with it is a critical stunning him
>Take out LAER to dwindle his health while he's down
>Do this for 5 minutes straight
>It works
This oddly upsets me.
I have been playing new vegas for a couple of years and I didn't even know that existed
A, a fellow close quartersfag
I did a Melee weapons run, and it was OP
But I also mastered explosives, I rocket launched the bloatfly to death
Pay $5 for a mod that removes it.
blow it up
>Melee and unarmed are OP
Enough of this meme. They fucking suck and you use way more healing items than you would by just shooting everything.
Melee/Explosives is easily the greatest combat combo and can wreck shit hard since Explosives only weakness is close quarters, which Melee makes up for.
That said i'm doing Unarmed/Survival and let me tell you it's far from OP. While late game it becomes good early game it becomes a major pain and getting close to high damaging enemies like Deathclaws are always going to fuck you over and smart enemies that spread themselves are going to be a pain. If it weren't for the That's Good Eatin Perk the run would be absolute hell at certain points. Melee weapons are their absolute best as a secondary weapon that deals reliable damage.
minimise the game and make a very tired old shitty meme thread about it on Sup Forums
>you use way more healing items than you would by just shooting everything.
That's why you use Melee my man. Explosives are used for mid/long range and Melee is for close quarters as to not blow yourself up.
>shoot the wings
>don't shoot the legs
>fucking runs to you at light speed
I think you need to GET GOOD
Okay, my character was, initial, high Endurance, Strenght, agility
Mastered first Melee amd Medicine
Then I dumped on Survival and Speech
Followed by Repair, unarmed and others
GRA chainsaw is fucking great weapon and you will use it for the majority of the game, once you get the Thermic Lance, you will become Godlike
>While late game it becomes good early game it becomes a major pain and getting close to high damaging enemies like Deathclaws
As much as a Berserk that dives in combat without a second though, you need to pick your battles, the first time I saw a giant radscorpion on the wastelands, I knew I couldnt take on him and just try it another day
Since my run was more Medicine centered, keeping up with the Stimpack supply was hard, so I learned that there is nothing wrong on ambushing to conserve Stimpacks
Tell me, how good is Unarmed? in comparison with Melee, of course
Not as good as melee, but isn't dependent on ST for damage and has great weapons that can be gotten early.
I have read a few guides, I saw Unarmed builds are very luck and random crit heavy
Is this true?
>set doggo to kill
Initially you don't see much of a difference since they both share the same exact perks but what makes melee's special are the moves you can learn throughout the game. They're a limited number of them and most aren't that amazing but what really saves it is the Ranger Takedown Move?
Aren't a high enough level to get that perk to knock people down or simply want to make it more consistent? Just shove that motherfucker to the ground like a school bully and make them eat dirt. There's a delay to it and pressing S while trying to attack makes judging whether or not it'll hit the enemy a bit awkward but once you master it and know how to appropriately use it all high DT/Health enemies will eat dirt and timing it just in time to hit a Cazador is extremely satisfying.
Other then that, I find most Unarmed weapons to favor slow attacking low DPS but high initial damage while melee's have all sorts of different flavors and options, like as you mentioned the Chainsaw.
I don't know, my build was superheated saturnite fist and running up to things to chunk them with it.
A little. Like I mentioned here DPS in unarmed is far lower with less options so having criticals is far more favorable.
There is also one perk which allows for an enemy to be stunned for a whole 30 seconds if you get a crit, but it only works if you're completely unarmed (no Power Fists or the likes either) so I never bothered with it.
>tfw Slayer perk + Greased Lightning + Rushing water
>Not Clawzador
>Just shove that motherfucker to the ground like a school bully and make them eat dirt
Oh boy, I remenber having one of these episodes
>Be high strenght/melee character, but minimal unarmed
>Favour NCR, got to make the Legion cuck spill the beans on Camp McCarran I forgot the name of that cuck
>Decide to punch the answers out of him
>My punchs do 3 or 5 damage, but due my knock perk, he kept falling down
>Literally beat him to the ground everytime he stood up
>Do this for the next 7 minutes
It was hillarious
Dont remind me of these fuckers
I rather take on Deathclaws than Cazadores
I dont like to rely on random crits, but is good enough to give it a try?
>chug a turbo, jump from behind a rock and wipe out four legion assassins in three seconds
Love and Hate was a mistake.
What do you think a tarantula hawk's young smells like when it explodes out of a stomach? Just curious haha
It works with any unarmed weapon.
Do you think a tarantula hawk's young ever gets embarrassed to explode out of a stomach?
>want to play New Vegas
>remember all the mods I have to install
Like I said, I've been managing with Unarmed despite the downsides and certain perks/abilities can be used to help with Unarmed DPS. I got that trait that made crit damage be less but overall damage be higher and I've been surviving. So sure you can try but some parts are inherently going to be a hassle.
>I rather take on Deathclaws than Cazadores
This is one of those hassles. Cazadors you can usually wait for them at the right moment and hit them, but Deathclaws got freakishly long arms and can hit you before you can hit them.
I played it Vanilla
It was okay
>want to play New Vegas
>PC's age finally got to it and lost everything
No shit really? The description of "you must be completely unarmed" threw me of.
Well I guess I know what me next perk will be.
Given my tankier nature, high close quarters damage and fuckloads of Stimpacks, I could take on Deathclaws, provide I can fight them 1 by 1.
Yes, I burned a lot of Stimpacks in the process, but hey, it was fun.
Cazadores were a fucking pain in the ass
They are very fast and zigzag, making them very hard to hit
They come in swarms of 4-6 cazadores
Their venom dropped my HP faster than Deathclaws
I fucking hated these fuckers
Only when I visited the Old Blues DLC and gain poision inmunity, I could easily handle Cazadores