What games do you and your discord friends play?

What games do you and your discord friends play?

discord is for teenagers

Real friends text each other.

I only have one Discord friend and he only plays MMOs
A genre I am tired of.

video games are for teenagers

skullgirls/guilty gear
and lewd


We just talk about fetishes and the content we produce for those fetishes.

Why does Sup Forums hate discord? Is it because it's popular? Is it because angsty teens use it?

its spyware

Game of Pretend

So is every other piece of communication software. Your provider/the government look at all of your texts and listen to all of your calls too.
The "hivemind's" problem with Discord is that they banned or otherwise removed a group that was talking about shooting up some kind of public area because they obviously don't want anything to do with that. The program itself is fine.

Yes, because \v\ is that one friend that has to hate on everything for stupid reasons or for some conspiracy.


not even being ironic

Because Sup Forums is full retarded faggots who can't switch from Skype or Teamspeak or what ever obsolete program they use. "M-M-M-MUH SPYWARE"

>tfw the discord server you created is infested with normies

Video games are for


i spend way too much time on discord

People think it's botnet or something, I got in an arguement with a couple anons a while ago and it basically went like this
>they're clearly stealing your data
>show me proof
>it's in the EULA retard
>but the EULA says they only collect data put into the program itself
>well they wouldn't say that they're collecting your info in the EULA retard!
And then they stopped replying to me

>having arguments with Sup Forumstards
You were the one that lost

how do you find good servers to join?