Let's have a Mortal Kombat thread
>favorite kharacters
>favorite game
>hopes & fears for MK11
Let's have a Mortal Kombat thread
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They should allow for full nudity in a Mortal Kombat game.
Post more sheeva
I would fuck Sheeva until I had a stroke.
you wanna make a lobby on PS4 OP? i havent played this in a long time and SFV fuckign sucks
Make a lobby for PC, because paying for online is for idiots
yet the PC version was left for dead until WB had enough of PCock bitching
Can't wait for next E3 when they show off MK11.
What do you want it to be about? I want more pissed Raiden fucking things up.
Sub-Zero, Kung Lao
Mortal Kombat (2011)
Hoping that Jade comes back, fatalities are better and if there are new characters, they don't turn out to be forgettable shit. Fears? New characters are all lame, game feeling even more like everyone plays the same than in MKX (which was only guilty to a minor degree, but still)
I'm impressed MKX is still holding strong.
I'm surprised 17 people bothered to fix SFxT for themselves.
I hope they keep goro as a fighter in the next instalment. Ferra/Tor was meh and kotal khan was a pure 50/50 fighter which is boring
i want them to bring back Hara Kiri and friendships
Jade was my favorite ninja chick.
I only picked her because She was the green ninja in the UMK3 days and "Hurr my favorite color is green"
For some reason I never picked up Reptile, though...
Too bad she's deader than most dead characters are. As for future a game I unironically want Meat to come back. He was literally just a skinless dude!
That's why I picked her too. I think she'll be back. There was enough people bitching to Boon on twitter that I doubt he wants to go through that again.
i think she will be back in the next one
>Hara Kiri's and Friendships
My nigga. Hara Kiri was pretty much your last "fuck you" to your opponent. And Friendships were a nice silly little thing.
>Babalities in MK9
>Brutalities in MKX
What archetype do you want in a new character?
I just want some more demons. Or A demon. Revenants don't really count. I want some ugly hellbeast that serves as like Liu Kang's enforcer.
she will make it in
forgot pic
That's not Jade.
i think she has a good chance at getting in her ending in mk9 and kitanas she is going to do something
Sheeva is underrated as fuck.
Stomping on my cousin's shitty smoke was tons of fun Hope she returns, considering she's the shokan queen now.
>implying storymaster Vogel is going to acknowledge the lore of some two-bit comic nerd
Watch him kill her off off-screen like they did with Sektor, those sons of bitches.
NRS is too pc nowadays they would never do something like this ever again
>teased in Noob's MK9 ending
>teased in the comics
>didn't make his glorious return in MKX
my fear for MK11 is that we just have more basic bitch vanilla human characters and unneeded cameos instead of bringing back cool characters from the past
bring back Sheeva too
They still have sexy characters in Injustice 2. Sheeva will probably just wear more armor and stuff now than a string bikini.
erron black and kenshi are my favorite characters. so cool
You are correct. Kenshi is the best.
I'll be pissed if he gets benched in favor of his whiny emo excuse for a son.
I wouldn't mind if she looked like this.
>favorite characters
>favorite game
>hopes & fears for MK11
NO GORO also that they'll try to "do something new" and/or bring back shitty elements from the old games when all anyone wants at this point is a more refined version of X with an updated engine and more characters, seriously I'm worried that 11 is going to suck
post mains
Didn't scorpion kill havik in the comics? I was sad they cheesed him out that way instead of putting him in the game
Technically Quan Chi crushed his head into a trillion tiny pieces.
But he's fuckin Havik, he'll be back.
Johnny Cage
any ninja
Johnny Cage
Johnny Cage
I want to believe
Maybe someday when Boon has retired and WB has been bought out by Disney they will give this guy another chance.
I couldn't stick with MK once they started using 3D graphics. It just wasn't the same.
Goddamn I wish this would come to PC
>photorealistic textures on low poly models
There was a point in the development of CG graphics where things got really unintentionally creepy.
the newer games are actually awesome
>fav character
Mileena. (A sheeva is fine too)
All I hope for MK11 is a better cast. The roster in MKX was pretty lackluster.
I know they are better than SFV at the very least.
I'm more likely to go MK than SFV, if I had to choose.
>49 people still playing KOF XIII
>Less people play the older KOF games on fightcade but I can still find more reliable matches there than on Steam.
Is this Steam's fault or KOF XIII's shitty netcode/matchmaking system? I just want to play fighting games.
>favorite kharacters
Reptile, Stryker, Rain, Jax, Shang Tsung, Sheeva
>favorite game
Shaolin Monks. For the fighting games, MKX for the gameplay, MK9 for everything else overall. MKX's music was underwhelming to me aside from one or two exceptions, the stages didn't jump out at me as much as I had hoped they would outside of some exceptions, the color palette seemed darker overall and less varied between the stages and characters, the plot felt less like a self-contained story and more like it was all one big setup for the next game, and some other odds and ends bothered me a little bit.
>hopes & fears for MK11
That they put the new status quo to good use and have Liu Kang and company be antagonists for at least a while. And for Reptile to be playable again. Would be nice to see Shang Tsung return with how much he was teased and hinted at throughout MKX.
I fucking loved the older games but weren't they really unbalanced? At what point do the games get balanced enough for actual competitive play? I wouldn't mind replaying older ones on emulator but not if I'm just going to get infinite combo'd to death by some online shitter.
I dont know how to feel
for some reason EU loves MK
Is Mortal Kombat's story as convoluted and stupid as every other fighting game? I remember they killed their main character, Lui Kang in one of the games, then he showed up as a zombie, and now he's the bad guy or something?
Can I get a quick rundown on what the hell's happened in the MK universe so far? Is it still about a fighting tournament?
>Build a universe just as complex as Planescape with over a thousand dimensions stemming from different planes of realities, from the prime material, the planes of alignments and the astral planes.
>Realms completely fleshed out with their own worlds, planets, and miniuniverses. All with their unique environments, bestiaries, cultures and races that migrate to and from these dimensions.
>Complicated rivalries between hundreds of different factions everywhere that partake not only between dimensions but happens between factions of the same realm.
>Every faction is unique from each other with different ideologies that have their own roles and purposes that play a part in either shaping the MK universe or just living within MK. Each faction have their own powers and abilities that make them unique from each other, from manipulation of spirits to controlling the elements.
>Stagnate the franchise into fightans where nobody gives a flying shit about any of that crap and are only in it for the blood and fighting.
When is MK finally going to get an RPG with fightan mechanics? A genre that appreciates all of the ideas they've dumped into this franchise from the lore and races?
MK1 has Sonya's Leg-Grabbing you forever
MK2 has Mileena and Kitana Shenanigans
UMK3 has Kabal/Smoke/KungLao destroying you with one combo.
MK4 has Tanya/Scorp/Sub/Fujin happy comboing, then doing resets.
The most competitive one is UMK3 and MKII, and is mostly a spic scene. I think they're only playable online with Kaillera since Kollection is dead.
>an RPG with fightan mechanics
I don't think anyone has ever done that. The audiences have very little crossover so you'd be making something enjoyed by a small fraction of the whole gaming public.
Well there is Jade Empire who did mess around with the idea.
>MKX for the gameplay, MK9 for everything else overall. MKX's music was underwhelming to me aside from one or two exceptions, the stages didn't jump out at me as much as I had hoped they would outside of some exceptions, the color palette seemed darker overall and less varied between the stages and characters, the plot felt less like a self-contained story and more like it was all one big setup for the next game, and some other odds and ends bothered me a little bit.
Agree 100%
Are we soul mates?
They rebooted the series in 2011. Now there are only two canon games you have to worry about so the story is very simple to follow.
The old ones were hard to follow because there was no story mode, you just had a couple paragraphs of each character's goal/history during the intro splash screens, and usually their ending wasn't even canon so it was hard to tell what "really" happened until you waited for the next game and hopefully the intro may explain it. If you really want to learn all the lore the Wiki is great but it's really not needed since just play MK9 and X and you'll be caught up. The comic that came out with X may or may not end up being canon, we'll see.
Its your fault for playing fightings on the fucking PC, fighting games have always been consoles thing.
Or in MKX's case, "fuck all that lore, just put in a roster of 95% Earthrealmers, almost all of which are somehow employed by the military"
That said I really liked the concept arts that showed all the new Outworld beasts. That was great.
forgot pic
Smoke, Rain FUCK YOU NRS!
Drop the different styles or whatever from MKX, although they won't. Even worse PC optimization, even more microtransactions. Still no Human Smoke and Rain :(
they need to do something about the music
I hope they make a non-shit PC port for MK11.
that thing is freaky
>MK thread
>Make a 90's Mortal Kombat comic
>manage to completely drop the ball
>64 current players
fucking damn it all to hell
I don't want to see SNK die again
>Reptile, Baraka, Havik, F/T, Goro
>MK2 (MK3 Soundtrack is GOAT however)
>Fears: more shitty guests, Reptile gets turned into his MK5 Lizardman design and/or dies in story mode
>Hopes: Baraka comes back as Liu Kang's Henchman, Havik comes back...I want all my favorite characters in the playable roster
archiveofourown org/works/9800783
Yeah it's pretty cool. Here's a hell bat.
Glad its still going since I play every now and again.
I know this game gets a lot of flak, but I loved the conquest mode in this game just for being able to explore all the realms. I even liked shujinko's character, though it's a shame he's just discount shang tsung.
>favorite kharacters
Cyrax, Mileena, Noob
>favorite game
MK9 was a golden treasure and is the most genuine MK game to date
>hopes & fears for MK11
I fear the female faces take a step back from Injustice 2
I hope they don't
man the netherrealm must be a freaky place
>I know this game gets a lot of flak
From idiots? Deception was one of the three fighters I spent full retail price on and didn't feel ripped off
The others being: Tekken 5 and Soul Calibur 2
I bought MK9 for $20 because it didn't have any decent extra side content
I just want Cassie to stop monopolizing the MK porn scene.
Stop it, you cunt.
Where the fuck is my boi, CHAMELEON ED Boon you fuck?
Dead and gone forever
The only one who has even a slight chance of returning is Khameleon
Chess Kombat and Konquest were fun
The stages were cool
The music was good (MKDA was better imo)
Didn't care much for the new characters aside from Ashrah and Havik
My nigga
Genuinely a fantastic game.
Conquest mode was pretty great, best in the series.
Even the new characters were pretty cool.
Khameleon was already in MK9