North Korea launches all their nukes at the United States mainland and you only have time to grab 5 vidya to bring with...

North Korea launches all their nukes at the United States mainland and you only have time to grab 5 vidya to bring with you to the bunker. What do you choose?

None because I live in Canada.

I'm Canadian and glad the Americucks got nuked. I'll chill and watch the carnage.

Damn. That's like half of a nuke :(

if only china didnt side with NK

NK could be wiped

Surprised no one has said Fallout yet.

>Implying America getting nuked wouldn't gigafuck our economy.
Say goodbye to kraft dinner.

What if my gaming room is already located in a bunker?

none because i don't live in america
i weep for humanity's folly and then i go play dishonored 2

take my mobile and charger. plenty of free games to waste time on

none, I'm just outside seattle which is their easiest target on the mainland and still feel no threat because their missiles can't travel this far

I like this idea.

Worth it.

Pls hit LA

>take PC full of emulators


Fallout 1, 2, 3, 4 & New Vegas

>North Korea launches all their nukes at the United States mainland
People should be horribly scared. Once he salvages his arsenal from the bottom of the ocean, it's on, all over again.

He's added new technology, and the Gameboy Color that is operating the triangulation software guarantees that it will travel an entire football field more than the last one.

Hello Todd

Todd wouldn't list New Vegas.

Fallout: New Vegas
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
Deus Ex
Sims 3 with all DLC and sex mods

You can't bring DLC. Sorry. :^)

None because North Korea's ability to have a successful launch is about as potent as them producing a single man above 167 cm

Monster Hunter 4U
Quake 3 with the vein hope that there's one other guy with the same idea
Ninja Gaiden Black
Fallout NV although I like 1 more. NV is just more replayable
Halo 3

I think I'm good.

Don't forget your Mountain Dew