Games Sup Forums likes to claim are super easy but actually arent

games Sup Forums likes to claim are super easy but actually arent
if this game is so easy, why arent the top 500 on all systems Sup Forums systems Sup Forums posters?

yep no one here is top 500, they're just shit talkers

anyone that plays overwatch is top 500 because there's less than 500 players

hard to be top 500 on a game you refuse to play

This meme is retarded. I'm not going to play thousands of hours of Bad Rats 2 and become an expert in it just to make the simple observation that the game is shit

it's super easy but you can still gain a really small 1% advantage by making all the shit more familiar to you over time.
Plus, you have to be capable of focusing on really boring shit for extended periods of time. Really, in higher ranks it's just a test of who gets bored first.

just because you can get good at eating shit or sucking cock doesn't mean you should.

thing is, what makes it easier than tf2?

This is the only analogy in the thread that makes sense.

who said anything about tf2? tf2 is to quake what overwatch is to tf2.

Why do people hate Overwatch again?

>good art style
>mechanically fun and interesting
>good cast of heroes besides a couple

Seriously? Why do people hate on it so hard?

>what makes it easier than tf2?

Multiple classes and roles that don't require much if anything in the way of mechanical skill.

Because its one of the shallowest games ever made and is in danger of destroying the whole FPS genre if too many people try and copy it

How retarded you have to be to ask why people don't play a game they don't like to attain a rank they don't care about?

Because Sup Forums knows better than to play Overwatch.

This, also perfectly valid counterargument to Dotadrones.


>mechanically fun and interesting
It's kind of not though. Lets take tf2 for example: rocket jumping in that game has enough depth that there are entire maps and mods centered around doing nothing but that. OW took the interesting mechanics from many other games and dramatically lowered the skill and potential ceiling on them by nerfing them and then assigning them a "press A to activate" mechanic AND giving them a cooldown. Blizz was very clearly going after the console audience.


It's not that it's EASY. It's that it's fucking DUMB.


It already did. Have you played Quake Champions? The arena shooter is officially dead.


Fuck off wannabe animeposter.
>Good art style
Ripoff pixar shit. It's the games primary strength.
>Mechanically fun
but shallow
>and interesting
not at all
>good cast of heroes besides a couple
Horrible balance, overlapping hero abilities/roles, no depth to them at all, just "press button do skill"

Quake Champions is actually great though. It's incredibly solid movement and Quake gameplay, just with hero bullshit layered on top of it.
Overwatch is barely an FPS, just hero rock-paper-scissors in the very design

I could explain everything but the entire game is easier in every way. Not in a good way either.
The essence of it is these three things though. Map design and gamemodes, too much healing and too many barriers and highly limited low-commitment movement.

its a shitty game that expects you to carry and reach masters with 2 leavers (leaving you with 4 players) , a troll, a pro genji, and a pro hanzo.
Team games are annoying, I can't believe I got memed by blizzard and YouTube into buying this shit. any good games where you can get by and WIN or LOSE purely on your own skill and not have 5 people that you don't know affect your destiny in the game?

won't that be considered mostly annoying? I find the constant shields, healing and non aim guns annoying

Because only 500 people can be top 500 you fucking neanderthal.

but why isn't ANYONE on Sup Forums top 500? riddle me that

no because you literally can't shoot through regenerating shit fast enough to actually kill anyone.
you just don't have enough DPS.
Because if this, it makes the entire game slow and more about exploiting the powerful ultimate abilities. It turns it into a bizarre ult farming fest where everyone just uses their ults when they notice that everyone has them and is in position.

Get at me, OP

>mechanically fun and interesting
not really, lot of it boils down to a first person dota, just waiting for someone to use their abilities at the right time, if that's what you like go for it, i don't though

db for me was more fun since it was way more reliant on mechanical skill, movement and speed, and all the characters were loads more fun and powerful, not to mention they weren't bland and pc as can be so the voice clips are actually funny

>mercy one trick

made me chuckle

I went like 30-4 in almost all of the last 18 matches or so I played.
I lost 7 of my 10 placements.
Everyone else fucking throws.
Several games we had no healer.
Several games we had no tank.
A few games we fought 1-2 snipers with no shield tank.
It doesnt matter that Id get 2-3 picks because I cant 3v1 the rest of the team every single time and my team just fucking dies to snipers because we have no tank or some dumb shit.
One game we didnt have a healer or tank or defense character and we went 6 attacks.
3 of my games were autolosses from my teammates dcing.
1 my teammate had some sort of autistic meltdown and refused to play or help and just jumped around because someone politely asked him to switch off widowmaker since he had a 23% accuracy and 12% winrate.

yes the game is super easy but the other people playing it have downsyndrome and cannot accomplish even the simplest of tasks

Because as anti-social as they are even Sup Forums isn't going to play that boring game every day for hours. Once you get to master it's basically a matter of how often you play the game.


pffffffft hahahahahaha. i bet you think mercy actually takes skill

but user, why didn't YOU play reinhardt, lucio and ana at the same time???

Anyway this game is fun about 10% of the time but also total trash. It's let down by always being 6v6 too

Because people on Sup Forums aren't paid to play that game unlike the well over 500 streamers. We have to freedom to play a game, get bored then stop playing it. The difference between a grandmaster and top 500 is simply people in top 500 play the game more often.

Most people are just selfish pieces of shit the same way they are in real life.


so how high is Sup Forums then, because I don't trust Sup Forums's skill in games anymore, it's just shitty trash talk

>I'm smart but lazy

>overwatch thread
people shit on it consistently
>paladins thread
still shit talking it's Sup Forums after all but blizzdrones get blasted over there

The fall continues, you can clearly see what Sup Forums is siding with

>I am a retard

because they didn't play as well as they hoped so now they have to spend all their free time justifying why they suck

i got masters in lucioball

Yeah that sucks but you can't really complain if you refused to play a healer or tank as well. High ranking players at the very least are well-versed in at least one tank/healer/DPS hero. Throwers are just cunts except for the few who legit disconnect. Honestly you shouldn't receive a loss penalty if someone throws (winning team can still rank up though).

that's pretty cool, but it'd a completely different game from regular ocerwatch. considering you did make a good accomplishment, on what I think is a more harder game skill wise, enjoy this rare smug pepe.
yes, lucioball takes more skill than regular overwatch

Diamond Genji here. Fuck this shit comp and fuck quickplay. At least Deathmatch allow me to go full weeb on people without getting meme'd and lose because of some nigger on my team taking Sombra.

I want to stop play this shit game but i want to play genji.

Switch to assassin's Creed desu. Good time waster and p satisfying to waste several hours on

It did not live up to expectations of a blizzard game, at least for me
>be me
>love sc2
>here blizzard making new game
>moba fps
>holy shit this is gonna be awesome
>fast forward
>buy it
>play roadhog exclusively for 2 weeks
>shit was cash
>try out each other character
>realize that besides road hog their abilities did nothing to interact with one another
>get to level 100
>quit few days later because got back into leauge
>fast forward
>only play leauge for 8 months
>faggot friend tries to convince me overwatch takes more skill
>get on overwatch so he'll shut the fuck up
>realize how little substance it has as a mobs or fps
>occasionally get on to go into ranked, pick attack torb, then go afk after one round to try to make other people quit
It has takes away the best of both sides: removes customization from fps and removes skill from Moba, not to Mention barely making new characters that are NOT ABSOULTE SHIT. Blizzard should've sticked with project titan

I got master in lucioball too and I was shit. I don't think many people played ranked lucioball.

are you sure you're a pro genji

Yes, one of the most popular games on Twitch has less than 500 players.

>Really, in higher ranks it's just a test of who gets bored first.
This is so not true. In higher ranks you can actually play the game as a team like you're supposed to. Even if they have the best Mccree or Tracer or whatever in the other team, you can still win.
I have a plat smurf to play with my silver / gold friends, playing the game at this elo is pure hell, people just do whatever the fuck they want.
At higher elo you get people that actually want to play the game like it's meant to be played.

Why don't normal people just compete in the paralympics?

it'd be too hard for a normal person to compete in the paralympics

Im workin on it OP, I even formed my own amateur OW team and we won our first scrim today, had enough players to scrim ourselves afterwards and will play in lots of future stuff.


>any good games where you can get by and WIN or LOSE purely on your own skill and not have 5 people that you don't know affect your destiny in the game?
They're all either dead or will be soon so there's no point in mentioning them.


All are gone, all but one
No contest, nowhere to run
No more left, only one
This is it
This is the countdown to extinction

I made it to 3800


cause I dont like playing shitty console shooters where one guy jerking off in the corner causes you to lose
TF2 is way better but I dont expect Blizzardkids to stop sucking their dick and play different games

you do have a point

because nobody want to play overmeme anyway

I'd rather wait for a free weekend or sale to give my own opinion on it than read all of that shit.