Have you ever learned something from a video game? History, Mathematics, literature, random trivia etc...

Have you ever learned something from a video game? History, Mathematics, literature, random trivia etc. What game did you learn it in?

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same, but with fightcade

I learned a bunch of stuff about Christianity from Symphony of the night, Japanese history from Persona and how to read a map of Tokyo from SMT. Still terrible at the last one though.

>How would I know Europe? I live in North America!
Yeah, I'm sure he would have done just as good with American state flags.

Only reason I remember anything about European geography is because of piracy and ship merchant games.

>be in elementary school
>vocab time
>teacher asks class if anyone knows what "muddle" means
>nobody raises hand
>raise hand and say confused
>teacher says absolutely correct
Thanks Final Fantasy

Ancient Chinese history

Mythology and some other things about history, WW1/2 era Guns, tanks, and all the other weapons used. Stuff like that


English : my first words were from Mario on the SNES & Street Fighter 2 Turbo...

Age of empires got me through some history tests growing up.

Basic orbital mechanics.

Parasite Eve, learned and got interested in cell structure and mitochondria. Impressed my teachers already knowing basic stuff.

I learned how helicopters work from trying to make one in Besiege.

As a kid I always thought helicopters went up and down by spinning the rotors faster or slower. How they actually do it is they rotate all of the individual blades at once so they generate more or less lift.

And all helicopters have at least 2 rotors. If you only have one then the spinning of the blades causes the body of the helicopter to rotate in the opposite direction to conserve angular momentum. So you have to have a small side rotor to counteract the spin or a second primary rotor rotating the opposite direction.

>just knowing countries
lmao brainlet

Paradox games have given me a near encyclopedic knowledge of geography and history

just fall forward faster than you fall down :)

My brother learned how to read by playing video games. He's dyslexic and had trouble spelling and reading, but he learned how playing games like Warcraft 3 so that he could communicate in team games and the like.

>Paradox games
You must really like buying DLC.

broken english

>paradox games
The OP of /gsg/ tells you how to pirate all the games and their DLC. It used to have downloads for the games+DLC until faggots reported the archive to mega


Anything I know about Hinduism is thanks to this duology.

I learned what famished and parched meant from Nintendogs, I was in elementary at the time and had a question asking about that on a test. Felt pretty good senpai


kind of related, i always thought las vegas was in california because people kept on saying that gta sa was set in california and since las venturas is based off of las vegas i put the two together not realizing i was dead fucking wrong