You preordered my Dynasty Warriors spinoff, the Special Edition, didn't you, user?

You preordered my Dynasty Warriors spinoff, the Special Edition, didn't you, user?


I don't have a switch yet.

There's a new 3DS version too

Some people think this is a glitch but its actually not. Xu Huang does this in Dynasty Warriors so its sort of a reference to that / their axe gameplay in general. It feels really satisfying the first time you do it on the soliders.

Looks retarded with the horse though.

D-don't you want my 5 x 7 ultra high-quality premium print Character Art Card, user?

Why did it have to be garbage, bros? Why couldn't it be as good as Hyrule Warriors was?

She's not as bad of an axebro as I thought she'd be, but I wish the axe were like twice as big. Still mad we got nothing in terms of non-joke axe infantry representation, not even a forgettable piece of trash like Vaike.

The game is not out yet.
The roster is still not finished being revealed.

Calm down.

I might buy Lissa and Takumi's game when the 3DS version ends up on clearance racks. Or if Target does a B2G1 in October.

You're supposed to call me onichang.

>Frederick stuck to the axe the whole time

Absolutely brutal for a cutie like Lissa.

>Fire Emblem Awakening and Fates Warriors
No, absolutely not.


Should I dick in FE?

No. 11/19 characters are Fates. Thats all the reason in the world to avoid it.

assblasted Lynfags detected

No Elise is for Silas hand-holding only.

I realized why this game is so shit. To put it simply, it's a KT game with no tits. There's exactly one character with a large chest, with everyone else being flatties and a couple of moderately sized females.

So congrats lolicons/flatfags, you ruined the game.

fuck off silas

no she is for Lobster mans electric dick

>playing a game just because tits

So congrats straightfags, you ruined the entire industry for the past 30 years.

I believe the word you're looking for is "excitable 12y/o"

No, he had the right word, as straightfags like tits and gayfags don't.

I highly doubt this game will run properly on a n3ds.

Straightfags like tits of various sizes
Gayfags don't
Excitable 12y/os stick to one extreme

Why dont you buy a Switch user?

No Felicia, no buy

only if your shitty game has character creation

Cute. If she was this by default in Awakening she might have been a contender for best girl. Too bad about her shitty STR modifiers.

Who's the lubu of this game

Hyrule Warriors Legends on New 3DS ran better than Wii U in some ways, but yeah I doubt it'll run that well here.

Black Knight if the game wasn't Fateswakening shit.


>one of Robin's tomes is called a steel book
Suddenly the staff wanting to walk out makes total sense

If Volga from Hyrule Warriors is any clue, they're going to make some dumbass humanization of the Shadow Dragon into a Lu Bu clone.

It's probably not going to run very well on the Switch either

roster, amiibo and gameplay

this guy trigger me in every aspect

>You preorder--
>W-wait! Let me fini--
Go kill yourself.

If I see this fucking retarded-ass webm one more fucking time....

Y'all post this in every fucking thread trying to make the game look like shit but its just the player thats fucking retarded wasting their musou on a fucking bridge with not a single enemy on screen.

But like 200 of y'all saved this shitty ass webm to be smarmy about how the game sucks.

>gayfags don't like tits
Most gays love tits. This may not make sense, but trust me, it's true. Some of us don't but they're in the minority.

Amazon removed their two week window for the Prime membership discount on new games. In an attempt to push more pre-orders/higher prices.

thanks you mister shill, now i will repost all the webm in this thread

Elise > Lissa

Elise best imouto

Lissa isnt even comparable.

Any threesome doujins with Elise and Sakura yet?

Sounds dumb, since the 20% discount was only for list price anyways.

Modern Fire Emblem is nothing but shallow waifufaggotry and you should feel bad for enjoying it

But I don't because waifu games like Fire Emblem and Persona fill the void in my life

I don't actually know much about the game.
Is pic related playable?

Yeah, I miss when we didn't have waifus like Lyn and Mia.

Fire emblem was always waifufaggotry, lets not lie to ourselves.

Not him, and I agree with you, but ever since they really put a ton more emphasis on created characters and marriage, the stuff has really exploded in comparison.

And yet the gameplay is still the same if not better its just half the fandom is shrouded by nostalgiafagging.

>And yet the gameplay is still the same if not better
wew lad

I've played almost every FE game.
It hasn't changed.

This fandom is just retarded.
You can choose not to play on casual mode and other shitter settings. Conquest and Revelations on highest settings were fine difficulty wise.

Like I said, just a bunch of nostalgiafags.

No. Tellius isn't in the game at all. Fuck you.

>liking a deviantart OC-tier character that was horrible in the gameplay of her own game

Reminder that Nintendo published a game where you can marry and impregnate a prepubescent girl

Reminder that Nintendo published a game where a mother disowns her two children after being left by her husband over some beans

She is technically an adult and everyone in the army is okay with it

He could be talking about Midori.

>No, only Shadow Dragon, Awakening and Fates! W-we no want too many swords!
>Blondie(Male): Sword User
>Marth: Sword User
>Lucina: Sword User
>Robins: Have a sword and may or may not use it
>Frederick: Sword User
>Corrin: Sword User But Also Shitty Water Dragon
>Ryomeme: Sword Memer
>Karl Marx: Seize the means of sworduction
>Grand total: 7 or 8 Sword Users

that reminds me, since they're a water dragon, do you think they'd eat Dagon filet from a Dagon, which is a different species of water dragon?
just curious heh. would be weird for a water dragon to eat a different water dragon right? Huh?

>Game is all about one on one tactical combat and outflanking your enemies
>lol lets make them able to kill thousands of soliders with one swing of an axe

fates sucked

>lets make that axe user Chrom's cleric sister Lissa, the one who everyone and their mother made a sage

It's a spin-off. A Musou spin-off.

Of all the things you could complain about, this might be the most petty.

To be fair, it matches the Awakening cast pretty well with how any of them are a one man army at max stats.

While I don't disagree with the too many sword users. Frederick is restricted to axes, while the Robin's are restricted to tomes, aside for one of their specials where they use a Levin Sword

>He didn't go War Cleric for Renewal

I still plan on doing it. Is there any word on the game getting DLC by any chance? The only characters I really want to use so far is just Elise and Robin.

Only waifufags are shilling this game.

And by the time the entire roster will be revealed it will almost be equal amounts sword lance axe and tome users.

Kill yourself.
This level of autismofaggotry is what is derailing all these threads.

They revealed all the swordies at once and promised people they weren't going to make the whole game swords bc they knew that would be the reaction.

Go figure average gamer IQ is abysmal and just kept shouting SWORD USERS!!!!!?!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!? REEEEEEEEEEEE

After you put her through dark flier, right?


And btw Robin's moveset has already been shown in videos and he uses the Sword not once but in his Musou attack.

So quit spreading false information and shouting stupid shit when you have no idea what you're talking about.

I highly doubt there will be an equal number of axe users. Complaining about threads derailing is completely pointless.

I haven't played a Fire Emblem game since the Gamecube but I said fuck it and preordered on Amazon with the 20% discount, and have a Gamestop preorder as backup as well.

Seems kind of meh
Of course

I'll wait until dlc to see if it gets better or not, hyrule warriors needed the same thing. And just like HW, that sucker will get patched day 1

>And by the time the entire roster will be revealed it will almost be equal amounts sword lance axe and tome users.

And if you're talking all of them combined you're still retarded because that means that swords outweigh every other weapon by ratio

So, anyway,


I wonder if they're going to announce any characters who aren't deeply predictable and boring.

- Rowan (Sword)
- Lianna (Sword)
- Chrom (Sword)
- Lissa (Axe)
- Frederick (Axe)
- Lucina (Sword)
- Robin (Tome)
- Cordelia (Spear)
- Female Corrin (Sword)
- Ryoma (Sword)
- Xander (Sword)
- Takumi (Bow)
- Hinoka (Spear)
- Leo (Tome)
- Camilla (Axe)
- Elise (Tome)
- Marth (Sword)

Confirmed for next Famitsu:
- Sakura (Bow)
- Azura (Spear)

8 Sword
3 Spear
3 Axe
3 Tome
2 Bow
so far

And there are 25 playable characters in the starting roster and then DLC characters to follow. Thats 6 characters left to reveal including at least 2 more from Shadow Dragon.

There are a lot of sword users but the weapon differentiation is much different than most are making it out to be.

Plus there has already been confirmed weapon compatibility stats between all characters meaning weapon switching is almost guaranteed in the game. Yet I see NO ONE talking about that in these threads.

I don't give a flying fuck, it let me marry a trap. And his confession was one of the best in the series.

They also said the two MCs can only use swords, so I don't see how weapon switching is almost guaranteed.

There's still way too many sword users and the dev team is retarded for using that shit excuse to not include characters from other games.

>nuFE onry
>Royals onry
>FemCorrin onry

>the two mcs who have signature weapons to the story
>cant switch their weapon
>this must mean that no other characters can switch weapon
>even tho there are screenshots specifically showing sword users with spear skill ratings

what did he mean by this?

buttblasted hectorfag detected.
its almost like they pulled the characters from the fire emblem games that ACTUALLY SOLD COPIES and not just smashfag pandered out lyn ike and roy because this game is meant for current fire emblem fans and not smashbabies who dont even buy fire emblem games.

Assmad Lucinafag that got shittershattered when Lyn won the Heroes CYL detected

>even tho there are screenshots specifically showing sword users with spear skill ratings
not him but what? please explain further
pic anywhere?

I like Lyn more than Lucina.
But Lucina is more current to the franchise and more relevant to it than Lyn will ever be.

Only retarded westerners care about Lyn though because she was the main character of the first half of the first fire emblem game that came out in english. (and those lynfags never played to the second half of the game)

I know Sakura was hinted, but when was anything ever said about Azura?
Post these screenshots please. It wouldn't surprise me if Sup Forums overlooked crucial information in their shitposting, but I also can't rule out the possibility of you being a retard and misinterpreting something.

Feel free to post proof. I'd like to be wrong.

I'm buying it for Female Robin. I hate the graphics, but I'm going to conclude they made this for 3ds and Switch while Hyrule Warriors was made for Wii U and got ported to 3ds so it looks much better in comparison.

largest gameplay issue with Hyrule Warriors and most Mosu games was that there were few to no magic offensive skill characters. Now that's that's been addressed I'll play it just to play a magical girl running across the battefield blowing things up with my magic.

Pic related shows weapon skill rating requirements to equip it.

>Unit Classes:
>Class Changes are also confirmed; Character appearances will change when they change class

Maybe if /ourguy/ from Awakening gets in

Definetely not. Will get the regular version and never play it until DLC or the actual version with actual characters of the franchise is released.

In retrospect, I should honestly not buy it.

So where does it show one character having ratings in multiple weapon types or class changes granting different weapons?

Lynfag here, lyn tracks the black fang in the second half, stop being retarded and assuming so much shit. Characters are important because they are pushed and times are different now that amiibos and other factors can help a character not fade into obscurity, they could let them stay with their game but instead push them for posterboy status. lucina has no importance nor relevance in fates and will not have any importance in future titles. If it wasn't for IS, koei wouldn't have included her.
