Addicting game

If you play this game for one whole minute you'll become addicted. See why everyone is playing it, come join us Sup Forums

I haven't done anything BUT play this game. What else do you want from me?

Sorry but I'm not over 25.

I stopped playing pic related and moved to the third new game. Yes the new one doesn't even fix the broken mechanics and half of the game is locked behind a paywall but I still have hope for this series. I do miss the classic game the picture you posted though, brings back such fond memories. It was so innovative for the time I wish they would return to their roots and make a game that pleases fans again.

Lost my PC the other day, sorry guys, looks like you'll have to carry on without me.

my gf left me because I couldn't stop playing

I never even had a gf, which is why I started playing in the firstplace.

I lost my job because of that game, I wish all I lost was a relationship. I'm posting on my laptop at starbucks. At least the water and wifi is free.

I'm about to lose my fucking kids over this game but I would be lying if I didn't tell you it's a must play.

Pic related is the best ending.

I don't get this meme.

Under 25 detected
Seek addicting games elsewhere, you aren't old enough yet

Found the youngfag.
Come back when you're 25.

I don't get this meme.

can i play? i'm 24

Use your fucking brains asshole.

Go ahead and try.
The patented age detection technology will prevent you from starting the game.

Post-script: I made a tree post once and the mods banned me for it. So now,
I just reply to these threads instead of making them.

that girl is a qt

>being a degenerate race mixer

Agelets are not welcome in this thread.

That it is user, that it is. Besides clunky mechanics it still is one of the best games to come out in recent memory.

i'd mix with her any day of the week senpai

Have you seen the VR they have been working on?

>implying it's not just a tech demo

Don't get me wrong I want a good VR game but most of them are just tech demos. Maybe the crazy bastards can pull it off, if they can we might see a revolution in VR games.


I'm not 25 yet so I can't play it.

wat game?

Is this one any good?

Which ending you chose Sup Forums ?