Now that the dust has settled, is it worth playing?
Now that the dust has settled, is it worth playing?
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I like all the Dark Souls games, but even with all its obvious flaws I ended up liking 2 the most, if only because I feel like I can play through it a dozen times and use a a different set of weapons each time.
Haters are objectively wrong.
It's the best game in the series. DS3 was too watered down and ended as a shallow game. I admittedly haven't played bloodborne but come to PC shitgame!
No, it was crappy and I absolutely hated the last boss.
It feels like a fan game. Like a mod.
If you really like Dark Souls it's worth it. I'd say it's the last one you should ever play though.
>doesn't know that all souls games are about the journey and not the destination
It's the best game in the series with the most replayability so yes you should.
Darks Souls 3 was the best of the series though especially with DLC. Bloodbourne rivals it closely but it was a damn good send off.
I guess you can have an opinion, even if it's wrong...
Scholar of the first sin blows anything current DS3 has out of the water.
Everything blows DaS3 out of the water, it was the first Souls game to have trash tier DLC and the base game was suffocatingly linear and had even less build variety than the first 2 Souls games.
>Poison Swamp
>Cathedral with tar swamp
>Matte brown catacombs
>Blue Not-BB with Sewers and Swampmoat
>Profane Citadel with Toxic Swamp
>Consumed King's "Garden" (Toxic Swamp)
>Irithyll Assets DLC edition
>Ringed City: Featuring the only swamp from DaS2, and the Ringed City "Streets" (Swamp)
DaS3 was lazy and uninspired.
Still the best of the Dark Souls series.
Dark Souls 2 was way worse. Dark Souls 1 ended at Biggie Smalls in terms of everything good.
>Still the best of the Dark Souls series.
DaS 1 and 2 didn't reuse assets and enemies everywhere and wasn't stacked with swamps, so no.
Duke's Archives and New Londo are good though.
>Dark Souls 3
>the best of the series
Holy shit, no.
But Darks Souls 2 maintained being piss easy during the main chapter and then became over the top during the DLCs that everyone loves to suck it's dick over. Dark Souls 3 overall was far more balanced and fun to play than Dark Souls 2.
I'm playing it right now. It's pretty good, but it feels a bit unfair at times. After I finish it, I'm going to get Bloodborne.
>Washing out the shit taste Dark Souls II will leave in your mouth with Bloodborne
Good call.
>Dark Souls 3 overall was far more balanced
Is that why Bleed and Frost damage just destroys the entire fucking game? Or why half the bosses in the game are garbage and/or have terrible gimmicks?
But then he'll have the even shittier taste of Dark Souls 3 in his mouth after BB
I have DS 1 and 2 from steam sales below $10, and have never played them. I'm waiting for 3 to drop below 10 bucks and I will then withdraw and play them all and tell you.
Dark Souls 2's bosses were literal bottom barrel shit. DIdn't even need gimmicks.
I'm not purely defending Dark Souls 3 or their teams and balance. I'm just saying Dark Souls 3 as a whole and in DLC flowed and worked way better than any other entry other than say Bloodborne.
Its better than the first one. Since its slower it has tells that are actually readable, without the need of other hints which in turn makes the combat against mutliple enemies manageable which in turn allows for diverse gameplay. Overall far more balanced experience the first and third ones are all kino without any substance whatsoever, really disappointing since everything besides gameplay was really dope.
There's always another play through of the first one. Reminder you can fight Four Kings as the second boss.
Its the best in the series and a solid 7/10
>Or why half the bosses in the game are garbage and/or have terrible gimmicks?
Where the fuck did you pull "half" from? There's the wyvern and yhorm, the latter of which is a serviceable fight if you don't use the storm ruler.
DaS2 easily had more garbage bosses.
>DaS 2 didn't reuse assets and enemies everywhere
>I'm just saying Dark Souls 3 as a whole and in DLC flowed and worked way better than any other entry other than say Bloodborne.
And I'm just saying that what you're saying is wrong because DaS3 was trash through out.
Ds3 was trash. I haven't even finished it because I hate it so much
For PvP is the best game. Has anyone gotten dark circles around their vision and almost blacked out while playing vs in any other game?
No, it's a disaster. Slow and clunky as fuck not to mention the ugliest of the series. They seriously fucked up with this one.
>Reminder you can fight Four Kings as the second boss.
no you fucking cant there is a golden fog gate you need the lordvessel which requires minimum 4 bosses
Low effort bait.