I demand to know what THE cancer killing vidya is

I demand to know what THE cancer killing vidya is



unironically corporate greed

Everything that microsoft implemented over the years. In other words this


Visuals. Too much of the budget goes into making the game look pretty for the marketing departement and too little into the actually important parts. We can't go back too since most normies will complain that the games now look bad and therefor ARE bad.

Video games are flat out fucked from now on.

bad DLC and the people who fall for it

people interested in vidya who only want to make money off of it. that includes devs that think "you can make money off of making video games, right? thats what i want to do!"

Depressed people that use video games as an "escape" from their lives and think everyone else is like them.

The ever increasing capabilities of technology.

The development process hasn't caught up. There needs to be a renaissance, where the current consoles stay for a bit.

Came here to say this. This is THE only answer.


>"""""""""""""sjw boogeymen"""""""""""""

E-sports and games like League of Legends.

Nothing is killing gaming, its bigger than ever

Don't blame corporations, blame consumers who bent over to get fucked by them at the start until everyone got fucked. They're the ones who gave them the inch that became a mile.

Selling an incomplete game as the full product with day 1 DLC, season passes, micro transactions and pay walls. Worst part is the sheep lap it up so it becomes the industry standard

People like you saying "vidya", "comfy", "kino" and many more.

Early Access is up on that list. Top 5 reasons maybe.

The overabundance FPS and fantasy games

But you fags just eat this shit up. So go on, accelerate the inevitable 2nd crash of the videogame industry

Dude, the last gen was around for like a decade or some shit like that.

Hell people still play the 360/ps3.


>Calling it "vidya" is bad
Hi how has your first week on this site been?

yo, we've got an actual autist for once

Paying customers who support shitty business practices.

I'd say consumer ignorance is worse. Don't hate the player, hate the game as they say, and the game says making money off of retards is a good idea.

It used to be that:
>indie dev tries out something cool
>loads of other devs, both minor and major, build on it

But now:
>indie dev tries something cool
>gets buried under thousands of games that are heavily advertised, or latched onto by streamers

It bothers me how Ring Runner and Star Ruler 2 both did things that would have been previously regarded as impossible (RR had PvP with complex loadout customisation yet no meta, Star Ruler 2 allows fully-rendered fights with tens of thousands of units), and yet almost no one knows those games exist.

The very existence of those games makes all new games seem like downgrades, because the new way games work mean that indie devs who make major advancements struggle to have the existence of their games acknowledged.


>I demand to know what THE cancer killing vidya is
women. should've already been said by now


video games were a fad toy that was relevant from 1992-2009

Microtransactions and DLC

Fuck off, newfag.

>Popularity --->Casualization/Accesibility
That leads to the inevitable greedy schemes by corporations.
they funnell more money into publicity and drm
but less and less to the development of the game.
Making shitty games with loot boxes, DLC and microtransactions.

And blaming the users/community if something goes wrong.

NEETs who think everything they don't like is cancer


this fucking horse armor shit will forever be the most enraging video game related thing in existence



Jews, copy cats, people who have no love for video games and maybe casual gamers

Nobody has said leftists yet?

It's leftists by far polluting games companies with their disgusting agendas

I said SJWs. Does that count? :P




Sup Forums was originally titled Sup Forums - the vidya

stupid fucking newfag

i am the cancer and you can thank me later

Anita Sarkeesian and her whole army of zombies


Society became shit and games went with it


The thing you must remember is they are just brainwashed masses. They're just a symptom of the disease. The jewish disease.

Non-gamers taking over the industry that started in late 2000s. All those hipsters wearing vidya game clothes and channels like G4 were the small snowflakes that would snowball into video games being mainstream and handled by people that barely or don't even play games.
Now the industry is filled with nu-males and land-whales that never touched a game beyond the most popular games and no more than 5 hours a week. And this shot only gets worse by the day.


Now that I think about it, the internet and also patches.


People posting about playing video games instead of playing video games.

Sup Forums

Most of Sup Forums doesn't play more than 5 hours a week

Literally every problem in this thread can be traced to the chosen people so I'm gonna say jews.

paytowin systems, paytoadvance systems, GAMING JOURNALISTS, sjws



Exactly. Sup Forums is definitely part of the problem.

I'll let you in on the secret
There is no cancer killing gaming. Gaming is expanding all the time and becoming more and more accepted. The problem is games aren't targeted towards you anymore so you think the problem lies with the industry instead of the problem being that you don't matter to the industry. Your wants and desires mean nothing. No one cares what you want out of a game because you are no longer the key demographic.
Grow up and get more hobbies.

Too much of a cost risk for new IP's or original ideas, one failure can sink a company, so AAA shit is pretty cookie cutter.

Indie shit is mostly either pixel crap to save on cost and is an easy way to appear retro, or are games in name only that seem to try and have some sort of pretentious point. Sometimes they're both.

Good shit comes out on both sides, and sometimes even inbetween, but it's far less than it used to be and I do think it comes to how much needs to be invested in a game these days.

Gamedevs simplifying their games to cater to newfags. Plain and simple.


Before microsoft


After microsoft


So from what I gathered from this thread, the cancer killing the industry is:

>Corporate greed
>Political propaganda
>Drastic and sudden changes of the key demographic

There you go OP, time to change hobbies before this shit drives you insane.

social justice wankers

Console wars might also be part of it

>derping around and browsing youtube for gaming stuff
>end up running across a habitual liar, shit-pot stirrer and corporate butt slave called 'crapgamer reviews'
>half the comments are all about 'THE BEAST IS COMING' with little to no regard that there still aren't a lot of games for it, people are just 'ACCEPTING' that they'll get 'THE BEST LOOKING' games, of-existing games-...and hardly anything new aside from -multiplats- not exclusives -multiplats-

No real offense to people with people who own xbox but that kind of sheep behavior makes you literally look retarded

Mobile Games

Please enlighten us to better genres then


Vidya is a great tool, as is all forms of entertainment to contain ideals you want to spread. People with money want certain ideals to spread because it keeps making them money in the long term or immediate future. This is why we SOMETIMES see sjw bs in games (every black or minority character isn't sjw bs).

It could also be flat out greed and companies knowing that people that really appreciate vidya to it's fullest extent are far and few between thus they cater more to the mainstream gamer which leads to dumbing down of the medium by trying to reach the broadest possible demographic (like gimmicky cod bs) to make the most sales instead of focus on things that actually make games good like story progression, gameplay, etc.

It's all about money and when it's about money, it's not about you or anyone else. This is also why most governments suck also

>originally titled Sup Forums - the vidya

Yeah, kill yourself. You couldn't be more dead fucking wrong.

>Be a fan of a book series
>Have been religious reading the authors books since day one
>Reading becomes popular
>Newfags complain about your Author, and how shitty their books are
>Author starts writing shitty watered down books to appeal to them, and stop all their bitching
>You complain and say that the series has taken a wrong turn, and you don't like it
Fuck you, I don't want to do something else I want to play good video games. Your nihilistic apathy is what's killing the industry.

Weeb shit has been the downfall of video.


Literally any other genre. I'm not saying FPS and Fantasy games inherently suck. The market is just extremely over saturated with those 2 genres

Both of these, because they feed into each other.

Games that cost so much to develop they literally can never make back those costs, bandwagoning in the extreme because original ideas are risky now, studios being bought and dissolved, IP hoarding, increasingly aggressive DRM that means we're going to be seeing a lot more games go the way of Darkspore in future (shit game though it may have been), AAA games coming out in early access, early access in GENERAL leading to devs making all their money up front and then losing interest, FULL RETAIL PRICE IS NEVER ENOUGH (microtransactions+DLC+season passes+preorder bonuses+lootboxes), the entirety of the professional review sector being a complete vacuum of integrity, what the fuck is optimization (holy shit, FF15), and Valve and Sony allowing every shitheel on planet Earth to completely suffocate store listings with shovelware less functional than the shit you'd find on 800 in 1 shareware CD's 15 years ago.

All of this shit just keeps getting worse and worse, and people keep fucking buying into it.

Development costs, associated with higher end development it pretty much the root of all problems, everything else is just specifics.

good post


Not sure I understand. Could you rephrase that into a food analogy?

Are you sure it isn't just you being nostalgic or having a "the grass is always greener" syndrome?

There were plenty of turds being made in the past too. There might be more of them today, but I'm not convinced the ratio necessarily has changed.

People that think that they are "on the secret" are the more delusional of them all.

Nothing. Games are not being 'killed' any more or less then they were before. They're changing, as all things do. Some of it is good, some of it is bad.

>You are the pizza


fuck off

wimmin and trannyformers

Games have pretty much cost the same since the NES era. And sure the buying power of a dollar aside. The cost to make these bigger and more complicated projects went up with the game price staying essentially the same.

People likely don't want to spend 80+ dollars for the new AAA title so they're kinda forced to do the season pass and paid DLC route. It's a rock and a hard place situation honestly.

They make a costume? well they have to do all the administrative work getting it approved, getting it approved by the people who make sure it's good to go for the various platforms who all get their salary, the people coding it to get it to work in the game and their pay and the general costs for the art as well.

Sure we only pay less than 5 bucks but I imagine it cost a lot of money to get all the pieces in place for that content at that honestly pretty low price.

Shitty situation but there's not a lot that can be done.

I always felt the industry had a piece of it's heart cut out ever since arcades died.

Sup Forums and corporate greed.

Companies need to make money but what EA did to Origin was just wrong.

Also this
But then again some people don't know any better


Increasing production values that cause larger companies to play it safe, ensure smaller companies can't keep up without shortcuts like pixel art graphics (which people will make fun of even though graphics matter 0%), and magnify every mistake 100x (a mediocre NES game is usually playable, but a mediocre current gen game has put so many resources into technically qualifying as a game, that there was no room for gameplay).

Saying that FPS and Fantasy games suck is inherently stupid because their both so fucking broad in their variety.