Instead of going to prom I stayed home and played video games. Eleven years have passed and I don't regret it

Instead of going to prom I stayed home and played video games. Eleven years have passed and I don't regret it.

Me too.
>implying I had anyone wanting to go to prom with me

missed prom. went 2 years l8er cuz gfs prom. i dont remember shit from it cuz it was such a shit time

This happened to me and I blew that shit off.

>Eleven years have passed and I don't regret it.
Well I do, I regret ever being the shy loser with no friends who spent all his time playing videogames instead of socializing.

I wish I joined the cliques I was invited to.
I wish I took my classes seriously
and most of all

I wish I took that cute girl that liked me out on a date.

Same, had a comfy night playing mh3u and eating pizza.
Unironically one of my best memories of high school.

>got invited in cliques
>had a girl that liked him

like the fact that i missed it the first time literally doesnt affect me cuz i went the "second" time and it was exactly what i thought it would be and why i didnt go the first time. it was just a jocks/pretty sluts biggest night of their lives and it was just not something i care about man

Sounds like you still may be a shy loser. Chin up.

It's in the past now. Unless you work towards fixing yourself today how are you going to be someone tomorrow?

Same here actually.

went to 6 proms. enjoyed them all since im a chad

why be a someone tomorrow when I can be a nobody now

Agreed. I could have gone with my gf for hers and probably scored in bed that evening but honestly it wasn't a big deal. I couldn't give any less of a shit.

I went to FNM with my friends, fuck prom only normies would ever want to go to it.
You can't even drink alcohol at that point in america right?
That makes it even worse, it's like a kindergarten party for kids in formal dress.

Wait, don't tell me you guys ACTUALLY ditched a chance to drink and get laid just for video games...

Well, I wasn't implying being someone is for anyone else but yourself. This is getting confusing now. Basically take care of yourself buddy.

>Sounds like you still may be a shy loser.
I am exercising and losing weight now, also recently started going back to school after being a neet.

you're not my dad
you can't tell me what to do

>implying any of us were invited to after parties

I stopped going to school 2 years before the prom even happened. Don't regret it at all.

Thank God. I'm sure your Dad could call your name right now from down the hall and you'd crawl outta your cave to answer to him.


This is good news. Keep up the hard work!

i wouldn't be able to hear him because the cave I'm in is ur're moms vaginey

I want allowed to go to prom when I was in High School. In fact, I want allowed to do anything as a kid because my single mom was a fucking crazy cultist.

My mom never let me interact with the kids outside of my church and the kids in the church didn't want anything to do with some kid with only a mom and no father. And she would physically attack me if I didn't devote myself to the religious activities I wanted nothing to do with. When she knew she couldn't actually hurt me physically it turned into verbal abuse, but she eventually went into a rehab clinic and put on a ton of meds to keep her from going off the rails. The last time I saw her she thinks she did nothing wrong raising me and wonders why I never bother to talk to her or visit.

>Instead of going to prom I stayed home and played video games. Eleven years have passed and I don't regret it.
If you don't regret it, why are you making a thread about it?

>played video games instead of going to prom
>never got married
>never had kids
>work a shitty job
>no outrageous expenses

J-just as I planned right guys. Just me and my dog that's all we need.

I went to my prom. I already had a girlfriend at the time who was non stop begging to suck my dick, so the benefit of getting laid afterwards was pretty pointless. It was boring, so me and my friends left after a while.

This is a great question.

Happened to find this picture in my Sup Forums folder. I'm sure you can figure out the rest.

>moot is now married with a woman who has a kid already

how time flies

I was at home playing Morrowind.
I also skipped my university graduation, can't remember what I was playing.

god is that fucking snacks in the mask

i'm glad moot moved on and is successful. He led a revolutionary website that is now just reddit without usernames