Will there ever be another good MMO?
Will there ever be another good MMO?
No. It's impossible for there to be another when there was never a first one.
>implying Ragnarok wasn't fun as shit
MMOs aren't fun, people are fun. You just delude yourself into thinking that the MMO did anything.
First post truth post
The MMO got the people together you retard.
an mmo that facilitates fun interaction between people is by definition a good mmo
>It gets people together
yea but that doesn't equal socialization.
Ever since Wraith's dungeon finder, you don't need to ever interact with anyone to get max level or good loot.
It' just like how in the subway, a bunch of people are congregating but no one is talking and are just on their phones.
Yes but I didn't bring up shit involving Dungeon Finders or any of the other awful streamlined choices that gutted the magic of MMO interaction.
I specifically brought up Ragnarok because you had to socialize to a certain degree to reasonable progress, and the benefits from cooperating and adventuring with strangers who later became friends in order to achieve great things in the form of completion/loot/etc of content is one of the key things that make (made) the MMO genre so appealing.
Or maybe I just have nostalgia goggles on about it.
t. Never played mmos when they were popular
I try so hard to get people together in FFXIV but the game is just not designed for it. We all play alone in a group otherwise we have to stop everything and go against the game.
FFXIV needs to become a single player game in general. It's almost impossible to maintain an active guild in 2017. People stop by for the expansions/patches, then unsubscribe.
FFXIV is sadly not a very good social mmo. Zero dangers in the overworld, all dungeon/leveling content is streamlined and normally has no communication beyond "hi" at the start. Genuinely zero reason to socialize beyond that in most situations save for maybe making a static and gathering a few times a week.
it's possible to keep people engaged but it's a constant uphill battle when every game system try to separate us.
As i said to interact and just hang out with friends we all have to stop playing the game basically and people want to play the game, that's why they play.
Waiting for Pantheon.
Will probably suck, but whatever.
While dungeon finder doesn't help, this has more to do with people being more antisocial now than before.
People don't just talk to each other for the heck of it anymore. People avoid one another. Not just online, but in real life, too.
I think it has to do with the fact that people don't need one another anymore. People google any question they have, and people just consume their media by themselves, in silence, and are content with that. MMOs, in particular, are now fun enough that you can play them by yourself and not need anyone else.
Firewatch was a good game.
On the contrary these days people chat online more than ever before while back then interacting online with people around the globe was still somewhat of a novelty, it was exciting.
Blizzard announces a long held secret MMO and maybe that might be fun for a few years again, but meh I think the golden age of MMO's are over, sure you might log in just to raid or grind but nothing fun.
Would a classic style MMO even work today? Would lots of people play it?
The first 14 episodes of Sword Art Online are really good.
I think we only played MMOs because interacting with a bunch of other people around the world was new and exciting but now that honeymoon phase is over the MMO aspect of MMORPGs lost the majority of its appeal. Back then there were not as many MMOs as there are today so we played them even when the developers reamed our asses with painfully low EXP and drop rates but now the oversaturation of the MMO market drives developers to "casualize" their games to pull in an audience who would rather be playing games with a sustainable business model that doesn't involve massive time or money sinks.
dumb bratposter
t. mobashitter
you simply have no taste
I have a friend who keeps trying to get me into Runescape. I'm a fairly boring person, but this game is tedious as all fuck. You want a +2% success rate when you mine? Get to work mining for another 30 hours.
It's also pretty shameless with how much they keep pushing their subscription service. I'm not paying $90/year to have access to more chores.
If you really liked your friend you'd suck his cock
The community wasn't always so focused on skilling. Runescape was more of a chatroom with a game attached.
I can't imagine someone getting into RS now without nostalgia to fuel it. Even OSRS is mostly just a bunch of people autisming about xp rates and not interacting with anyone.
I was never able to play Runescape for long before going back to UO
Listen, friend. I was not stating an opinion. Episode 14 of SAO is what all isekai should strive for. Pure kino.
The main appeal of an MMO the massively multiplayer thing for all intents and purposes last innovation was Minecraft. The grindy RPG aspect of MMOs is no longer attractive, but the thought of a ton of people on the server at one time is not. PUBG is serving that market of 100 people on the same server.
The spirit of the MMO lives on through other games, but the mechanics are outdated.
It's just like how RTS is outdated and everything is done better in other types of games.
The idea of a sandbox MMO that plays like a medieval DayZ with Chivalry-like combat, base building and crafting seems like such a fucking shameless goldmine I'm surprised it hasn't popped up yet.
>"Episode 14 of SAO is what all isekai strive for."
RTSes got pushed aside for MOBAs for a reason. Really, MOBAs swallowed up RTSes and MMOs.